Selecting a Kernel to Run a Notebook

Console kernels are selected in JupyterLab.

After a conda environment is installed in the notebook session, the corresponding notebook and Console kernels are created in the JupyterLab Launcher tab. Each kernel label is the slug of the conda environment, which is a combination of the name and version of the conda environment. You can create a notebook that runs in a particular conda environment by clicking a kernel button.


Hover over a conda environment card to see its slug.

Otherwise, you can start a new notebook:
  • Click File.
  • Select New.
  • From the Select Kernel screen, choose a kernel for the notebook from the list.
  • Click Select.
You can also change the conda environment selection after opening the notebook:
  • In the upper right-hand corner click the name of the kernel that's running the notebook.
  • Choose a new conda environment (kernel).
  • Click Select.
  • Click Kernel.
  • Select Change Kernel... to change to a different kernel.

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