Discover External Database Systems

Before you discover External Database Systems in Database Management, you must:

The External Database System discovery process includes the following main operations:

  1. Selecting a Management Agent installed on one of the nodes of the External Database to discover the associated components as part of one External Database System.
  2. Selecting the components that you want to register and adding connections to monitor and manage them using Database Management.
  3. Reviewing the selected components and creating the External Database System with the components.

To discover an External Database System in Database Management:

  1. Sign in to the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure console.
  2. At the top of the page, ensure that the region in which you want to discover the External Database System is selected.

    Cross-region monitoring and management of External Database Systems is not available.
  3. Open the navigation menu, click Observability & Management. Under Database Management, click Administration.
  4. On the left pane, select the compartment in which you want to discover the External Database System and select External in the Deployment type drop-down list.
    The registered External Databases in the compartment, if any, are listed on the Managed databases page.
  5. Click Discover system and then click External Database System.
  6. On the Select agent page of the Discover External Database System panel, select the Management Agent installed on one of the nodes of the External Database to establish a connection and discover the External Database System, and click Next.

    It may take some time for the selected Management Agent to discover the External Database System, and you can click View work request to monitor the work request and view the associated log and error messages. Once the operation is completed, the External Database System is discovered and its components are listed.

  7. On the Select components page of the Discover External Database System panel:
    1. In the Database system section, review the External Database System details, edit the name of the DB system, if required, and select the license type.

      The BYOL subscription does not apply to the Oracle Database Standard Edition. For information on the BYOL subscription, see About Bring Your Own License Subscriptions.
    2. Review the list of components in the External Database System and add connections to the components that you would like to register using Database Management. To establish a connection, click Add connection in the Connection column. For information, see Add Connections.

      To create the External Database System, a connection to at least one of the databases in the DB system must first be added.

      If a component is already being monitored by Database Management, for example, an External Database for which Diagnostics & Management is already enabled, then the status of the database is Existing and the option to add a connection is not available.

      If you do not want to monitor a component using Database Management, then deselect the component.

    3. Optionally, click the Edit icon (Edit icon) for a component to edit its name. For databases, you can edit the name and the compartment.
    4. Optionally, click Show advanced options to add free-form or defined tags to the External Database System. If you have the permissions required to discover an External Database System, then you also have permissions to add free-form tags. To add a defined tag, you must have permissions to use the tag namespace.

      It's recommended that you set values for the Oracle-Standard tags as these tags ensure consistency across your tenancy.

      For information on:

    5. Click Next.
  8. On the Review and create page of the Discover External Database System panel, review the External Database System details, the tags added to the External Database System, if any, and the components that will be monitored by Database Management, and click Create.

    A work request is submitted to create the External Database System resource with the selected components. Click View work request to view the OCID of the work request and the discovery resource, monitor the work request, and view the associated log and error messages. You can also monitor the completion status of the work request on the Review and create page, and as the selected components are registered, the corresponding status is changed to Done.

  9. Click Close to go back to the Managed databases page.
A link with the name of the External Database System is displayed in the Database System column for the External Database with which it's associated. Before you monitor the External Database System components, you must ensure that Database Management Diagnostics & Management is enabled for at least one database in the DB system. For information, see Enable Diagnostics & Management for External Databases.