Configuration Parameters

You can customize the OMA installation process using the JMS_configuration.rsp file obtained using the Download Agent Installer.

The file includes the following parameters:

  • ManagementAgentInstallKey: unique key obtained from Oracle Cloud for installing the agent
  • jms.fleet-ocid: OCID of the JMS fleet that you want to connect to
  • jms.key-ocid: OCID of the Management Agent Install Key that is uploaded
  • jms.key-name: name of the Management Agent Install Key (optional)
  • jms.region-realm: the Oracle Cloud region where your JMS fleet is located
  • jms.fleet-name: the name of the JMS fleet that you want to connect to
  • jms.plugin-name: the name of the plug-in to be installed with the agent (defaults to jm)

Proxy Configuration (Optional)

The file includes commented lines for proxy configuration. Remove the '#' symbol to uncomment the lines, and provide your proxy details if your network requires a proxy server for internet access.

  • jms.proxy-user: username of the proxy server
  • jms.proxy-password: password of the proxy server
  • jms.proxy-host: hostname or IP address of the proxy server
  • jms.proxy-realm: proxy server realm (if applicable)
  • jms.proxy-port: port number of the proxy server (defaults to 80)

Configuration Options (Optional)

The following are the configuration parameters:

All platforms:
  • jms.diagnostic: determines if prerequisite conditions are met on the host machine to allow for successful agent installation and plug-in deployment
  • jms.force: uninstalls the plug-ins, deletes the configuration files or restores the originals from backups, and continues with installation
  • jms.override-jdk-symlink: replaces the existing JDK symlink that is created by the user with a new symlink pointing to the JDK installed in the agent's directory
  • jms.use-agent-display-name: customize the agent display name
  • jms.force-32bit-installer: force installation of the 32-bit agent even on a 64-bit system
  • jms.low-metrics-frequency: installs the agent with low frequency telemetry configuration instead of MACS default frequency
  • jms.custom-installation-directory: path to custom installation directory for agent installation. If not set, it defaults to System HOMEDRIVE environment variable.
macOS and Linux:
  • jms.enable-fips-mode: enable FIPS mode for plug-ins in USGov realms.
  • jms.install-mgmt-agent: force Management Agent installation on an OCI Linux instance.