JMS Fleet Low Frequency Metrics

The Management Agent service emits metrics to oci_managementagent metric namespace in Monitoring service. See Management Agent Metrics for detailed information.

JMS Fleets provide you a lower metrics emitting frequency in the following platforms:

  • Windows 64 bit when the agent is installed using the installation script with parameter low-telemetry-interval set to true
  • Windows 32 bit
  • macOS

  • Linux agents are installed with MACS default frequency.
  • The option to switch between MACS default frequency and JMS lower metrics frequency parameter is available only on Windows 64 bit instances. On all other platforms, the agent is installed with default frequency parameters, which cannot be changed.

    To modify the telemetry parameter for Windows 64-bit instances during installation:

    • In the installation script, set the value of the parameter low-telemetry-interval to false (default value is true).


    • Follow the steps provided for changing the telemetry parameter when manually installing the agent.

The lower metrics emitting frequency will reduce the networking and computing resources used by the agents.

The following table compares the MACS default frequency against the JMS low metrics frequency for various Management Agent service metrics:

Table A-1 JMS Fleet Low Metric Frequency versus MACS Default Metric Frequency

Metric Name Metric Display Name Unit MACS Default Metric Frequency JMS Fleet Low Metric Frequency Description
agentHealthStatus Agent Health Status Not Applicable 1 minute 30 minutes This metric is an indication that the agent is alive and is communicating with OCI Monitoring. Absence of data points in OCI Monitoring implies that the agent cannot communicate with OCI Monitoring. However, it does not imply that the agent is down.
serviceHealthStatus Service Health Status Not Applicable 1 minute 30 minutes Indicates the health of the agent in terms of its ability to reach the endpoint.
diskUsageUsed Agent Disk Usage Megabytes 1 hour 24 hours Total amount of disk used under agent_inst.
diskUsageFree Agent Disk Space Available Megabytes 1 hour 24 hours Amount of disk space available on the volume.
diskUsageInstallSize Disk Usage for Install Megabytes 1 hour 24 hours Total amount of disk used under agentBaseDir.
uploadBufferPctusedofmaxbuffer Percentage of Temporary Storage Used Percent 15 minutes 30 minutes Amount of disk space used by the agent to temporarily store content while waiting for Monitoring service to be available. This number is expressed as a percentage of the maximum limit of the agent (Default limit: 100 MB).
usageCpu Agent CPU Utilization Percent 1 minute 30 minutes Percentage CPU usage of the agent.
usageRss Agent Memory Usage Megabytes 1 minute 30 minutes Amount of memory consumed by the agent's JVM. This number represents the resident set size in main memory.