OCI and On-premises Windows

This section describes the steps to set up Oracle Management Agent and deploy plug-ins on an OCI or on-premises host running on Windows platform. JMS Fleets does not support Oracle Cloud Agent for OCI Windows. Hence, it is recommended to install Oracle Management Agent on all Windows platforms.
  • Download the agent software and response file as described in Download Management Agent Software and Manual Install sections.
  • For Windows 10 instances, the environment variable OVERRIDE_VERSION_CHECK is present and set to true to override Management Agent Service's version check. Management Agent Service supports only Java Management service on Windows 10 platform.


  1. Go to the folder where you saved the management agent software and the response file.
  2. Install and start the management agent as described in Install Management Agents. The Java Management Service plug-in will be deployed during the installation.

    • If the agent is already installed on the host, check if Java Management Service plug-in is deployed. If the JMS plug-in has not been deployed yet, deploy Java Management Service plug-in manually as described in the Deploy a Service Plug-in Using the Agents Page.
    • The agent is installed with JMS lower telemetry frequency.
      In Windows 64 bit systems, you can change the parameter to MACS default telemetry frequency. Follow these steps to change the parameter:
      1. In command prompt, type NET STOP mgmt_agent to stop the agent if it is running.
      2. Replace the agent.json file located at C:\Oracle\mgmt_agent\agent_inst\config\destinations\OCI\services\Agent\1\types\ with the agent_high_freq.json file from C:\Oracle\mgmt_agent\$installedVersion\temp_interval\. Ensure that the name of the replaced file is agent.json.
      3. In the command prompt, type NET START mgmt_agent to restart the agent.
  3. Verify the output from the setup script. If the console output indicates that the plug-in has failed to deploy, then ensure that the clock on your host is synchronized with the clock on the OCI platform. For more information, see Maximum Allowed Client Clock Skew.
  4. Verify the installation, as described in Verify Management Agents on Compute Instances. You can identify your agent using the hostname of the host. Find the OCID of the agent in the Agent Id value in Agent information tab of the Agent's details page.
  5. Register the agent to the JMS fleet by
    1. In OCI console, using the fleet's Add Managed Instance(s) action in the Managed Instances view. If the host shows up in the Unregistered Managed Instances list, you can select it and add it to the fleet. It may take some time for the host to show up in the Unregistered Managed Instances list after the plugins are enabled. Alternatively, add the host using the OCID of the agent in the Manual registration section.
    2. Using the OCI CLI command line:
      oci jms jms-plugin create --fleet-id <fleet_ocid> --agent-id <agent_ocid> --compartment-id <agent_compartment_ocid>
    3. Creating a registration.json file in the JMS plugin's configuration directory using the following:
      "version": 1, 
      "fleetId": "<fleetId>"  

      Replace "<fleetID>" with the OCID of the fleet to which you want to register the instance.

      Place the registration file under C:\ProgramData\Oracle\jms\auto-registration\registration.json


      The registration.json file is deleted when the registration succeeds.
The log files are located in the C:\Oracle\mgmt_agent\plugins\jm\stateDir\log directory.