
class oci.capacity_management.models.OccCapacityRequestBaseDetails(**kwargs)

Bases: object

The details of the create capacity request. This model serves as a base for different namespaces.


__init__(**kwargs) Initializes a new OccCapacityRequestBaseDetails object with values from keyword arguments.


actual_handover_quantity Gets the actual_handover_quantity of this OccCapacityRequestBaseDetails.
associated_occ_handover_resource_block_list Gets the associated_occ_handover_resource_block_list of this OccCapacityRequestBaseDetails.
availability_domain Gets the availability_domain of this OccCapacityRequestBaseDetails.
date_actual_handover Gets the date_actual_handover of this OccCapacityRequestBaseDetails.
date_expected_handover Gets the date_expected_handover of this OccCapacityRequestBaseDetails.
demand_quantity [Required] Gets the demand_quantity of this OccCapacityRequestBaseDetails.
expected_handover_quantity Gets the expected_handover_quantity of this OccCapacityRequestBaseDetails.
resource_name [Required] Gets the resource_name of this OccCapacityRequestBaseDetails.
resource_type [Required] Gets the resource_type of this OccCapacityRequestBaseDetails.
source_workload_type Gets the source_workload_type of this OccCapacityRequestBaseDetails.
workload_type [Required] Gets the workload_type of this OccCapacityRequestBaseDetails.

Initializes a new OccCapacityRequestBaseDetails object with values from keyword arguments. The following keyword arguments are supported (corresponding to the getters/setters of this class):

  • resource_type (str) – The value to assign to the resource_type property of this OccCapacityRequestBaseDetails.
  • workload_type (str) – The value to assign to the workload_type property of this OccCapacityRequestBaseDetails.
  • source_workload_type (str) – The value to assign to the source_workload_type property of this OccCapacityRequestBaseDetails.
  • expected_handover_quantity (int) – The value to assign to the expected_handover_quantity property of this OccCapacityRequestBaseDetails.
  • date_expected_handover (datetime) – The value to assign to the date_expected_handover property of this OccCapacityRequestBaseDetails.
  • actual_handover_quantity (int) – The value to assign to the actual_handover_quantity property of this OccCapacityRequestBaseDetails.
  • date_actual_handover (datetime) – The value to assign to the date_actual_handover property of this OccCapacityRequestBaseDetails.
  • availability_domain (str) – The value to assign to the availability_domain property of this OccCapacityRequestBaseDetails.
  • associated_occ_handover_resource_block_list (list[oci.capacity_management.models.AssociatedOccHandoverResourceBlock]) – The value to assign to the associated_occ_handover_resource_block_list property of this OccCapacityRequestBaseDetails.
  • resource_name (str) – The value to assign to the resource_name property of this OccCapacityRequestBaseDetails.
  • demand_quantity (int) – The value to assign to the demand_quantity property of this OccCapacityRequestBaseDetails.

Gets the actual_handover_quantity of this OccCapacityRequestBaseDetails. The actual handed over quantity of resources at the time of request resolution.

Returns:The actual_handover_quantity of this OccCapacityRequestBaseDetails.
Return type:int

Gets the associated_occ_handover_resource_block_list of this OccCapacityRequestBaseDetails. A list containing details about occHandoverResourceBlocks which were handed over for the corresponding resource name.

Returns:The associated_occ_handover_resource_block_list of this OccCapacityRequestBaseDetails.
Return type:list[oci.capacity_management.models.AssociatedOccHandoverResourceBlock]

Gets the availability_domain of this OccCapacityRequestBaseDetails. The availability domain of the resource which is to be transferred. Note that this is only required for Capacity Request Transfer requests.

Returns:The availability_domain of this OccCapacityRequestBaseDetails.
Return type:str

Gets the date_actual_handover of this OccCapacityRequestBaseDetails. The date on which the actual handover quantity of resources is delivered.

Returns:The date_actual_handover of this OccCapacityRequestBaseDetails.
Return type:datetime

Gets the date_expected_handover of this OccCapacityRequestBaseDetails. The date on which the latest increment to supplied quantity of resources was delivered.

Returns:The date_expected_handover of this OccCapacityRequestBaseDetails.
Return type:datetime

[Required] Gets the demand_quantity of this OccCapacityRequestBaseDetails. The number of compute server’s with name <resourceName> required by the user.

Returns:The demand_quantity of this OccCapacityRequestBaseDetails.
Return type:int

Gets the expected_handover_quantity of this OccCapacityRequestBaseDetails. The incremental quantity of resources supplied as the provisioning is underway.

Returns:The expected_handover_quantity of this OccCapacityRequestBaseDetails.
Return type:int

[Required] Gets the resource_name of this OccCapacityRequestBaseDetails. The name of the COMPUTE server shape for which the request is made. Do not use CAPACITY_CONSTRAINT as the resource name.

Returns:The resource_name of this OccCapacityRequestBaseDetails.
Return type:str

[Required] Gets the resource_type of this OccCapacityRequestBaseDetails. The type of the resource against which the user wants to place a capacity request.

Returns:The resource_type of this OccCapacityRequestBaseDetails.
Return type:str

Gets the source_workload_type of this OccCapacityRequestBaseDetails. The WorkloadType from where capacity request are to be transferred.

Returns:The source_workload_type of this OccCapacityRequestBaseDetails.
Return type:str

[Required] Gets the workload_type of this OccCapacityRequestBaseDetails. The type of the workload (Generic/ROW).

Returns:The workload_type of this OccCapacityRequestBaseDetails.
Return type:str