
class oci.data_science.models.PipelineOcirContainerConfigurationDetails(**kwargs)

Bases: oci.data_science.models.pipeline_container_configuration_details.PipelineContainerConfigurationDetails

Container configuration based on image stored in OCI Container Registry.


cmd Gets the cmd of this PipelineOcirContainerConfigurationDetails.
container_type [Required] Gets the container_type of this PipelineContainerConfigurationDetails.
entrypoint Gets the entrypoint of this PipelineOcirContainerConfigurationDetails.
image [Required] Gets the image of this PipelineOcirContainerConfigurationDetails.
image_digest Gets the image_digest of this PipelineOcirContainerConfigurationDetails.
image_signature_id Gets the image_signature_id of this PipelineOcirContainerConfigurationDetails.


__init__(**kwargs) Initializes a new PipelineOcirContainerConfigurationDetails object with values from keyword arguments.
get_subtype(object_dictionary) Given the hash representation of a subtype of this class, use the info in the hash to return the class of the subtype.

Initializes a new PipelineOcirContainerConfigurationDetails object with values from keyword arguments. The default value of the container_type attribute of this class is OCIR_CONTAINER and it should not be changed. The following keyword arguments are supported (corresponding to the getters/setters of this class):

  • container_type (str) – The value to assign to the container_type property of this PipelineOcirContainerConfigurationDetails. Allowed values for this property are: “OCIR_CONTAINER”
  • image (str) – The value to assign to the image property of this PipelineOcirContainerConfigurationDetails.
  • cmd (list[str]) – The value to assign to the cmd property of this PipelineOcirContainerConfigurationDetails.
  • entrypoint (list[str]) – The value to assign to the entrypoint property of this PipelineOcirContainerConfigurationDetails.
  • image_digest (str) – The value to assign to the image_digest property of this PipelineOcirContainerConfigurationDetails.
  • image_signature_id (str) – The value to assign to the image_signature_id property of this PipelineOcirContainerConfigurationDetails.

Gets the cmd of this PipelineOcirContainerConfigurationDetails. The container image run CMD as a list of strings. Use CMD as arguments to the ENTRYPOINT or the only command to run in the absence of an ENTRYPOINT. The combined size of CMD and ENTRYPOINT must be less than 2048 bytes.

Returns:The cmd of this PipelineOcirContainerConfigurationDetails.
Return type:list[str]

[Required] Gets the container_type of this PipelineContainerConfigurationDetails. The type of container.

Allowed values for this property are: “OCIR_CONTAINER”, ‘UNKNOWN_ENUM_VALUE’. Any unrecognized values returned by a service will be mapped to ‘UNKNOWN_ENUM_VALUE’.

Returns:The container_type of this PipelineContainerConfigurationDetails.
Return type:str

Gets the entrypoint of this PipelineOcirContainerConfigurationDetails. The container image run ENTRYPOINT as a list of strings. Accept the CMD as extra arguments. The combined size of CMD and ENTRYPOINT must be less than 2048 bytes. More information on how CMD and ENTRYPOINT interact are here.

Returns:The entrypoint of this PipelineOcirContainerConfigurationDetails.
Return type:list[str]
static get_subtype(object_dictionary)

Given the hash representation of a subtype of this class, use the info in the hash to return the class of the subtype.


[Required] Gets the image of this PipelineOcirContainerConfigurationDetails. The full path to the Oracle Container Repository (OCIR) registry, image, and tag in a canonical format.

Returns:The image of this PipelineOcirContainerConfigurationDetails.
Return type:str

Gets the image_digest of this PipelineOcirContainerConfigurationDetails. The digest of the container image. For example, sha256:881303a6b2738834d795a32b4a98eb0e5e3d1cad590a712d1e04f9b2fa90a030

Returns:The image_digest of this PipelineOcirContainerConfigurationDetails.
Return type:str

Gets the image_signature_id of this PipelineOcirContainerConfigurationDetails. OCID of the container image signature

Returns:The image_signature_id of this PipelineOcirContainerConfigurationDetails.
Return type:str