
class oci.database.models.CloudAutomationUpdateDetails(**kwargs)

Bases: object

Specifies the properties necessary for cloud automation updates. This includes modifying the apply update time preference, enabling or disabling early adoption, and enabling, modifying, or disabling the update freeze period.


__init__(**kwargs) Initializes a new CloudAutomationUpdateDetails object with values from keyword arguments.


apply_update_time_preference Gets the apply_update_time_preference of this CloudAutomationUpdateDetails.
freeze_period Gets the freeze_period of this CloudAutomationUpdateDetails.
is_early_adoption_enabled Gets the is_early_adoption_enabled of this CloudAutomationUpdateDetails.
is_freeze_period_enabled Gets the is_freeze_period_enabled of this CloudAutomationUpdateDetails.

Initializes a new CloudAutomationUpdateDetails object with values from keyword arguments. The following keyword arguments are supported (corresponding to the getters/setters of this class):

  • is_early_adoption_enabled (bool) – The value to assign to the is_early_adoption_enabled property of this CloudAutomationUpdateDetails.
  • is_freeze_period_enabled (bool) – The value to assign to the is_freeze_period_enabled property of this CloudAutomationUpdateDetails.
  • apply_update_time_preference (oci.database.models.CloudAutomationApplyUpdateTimePreference) – The value to assign to the apply_update_time_preference property of this CloudAutomationUpdateDetails.
  • freeze_period (oci.database.models.CloudAutomationFreezePeriod) – The value to assign to the freeze_period property of this CloudAutomationUpdateDetails.

Gets the apply_update_time_preference of this CloudAutomationUpdateDetails.

Returns:The apply_update_time_preference of this CloudAutomationUpdateDetails.
Return type:oci.database.models.CloudAutomationApplyUpdateTimePreference

Gets the freeze_period of this CloudAutomationUpdateDetails.

Returns:The freeze_period of this CloudAutomationUpdateDetails.
Return type:oci.database.models.CloudAutomationFreezePeriod

Gets the is_early_adoption_enabled of this CloudAutomationUpdateDetails. Annotates whether the cluster should be part of early access to apply VM cloud automation software updates. Those clusters annotated as early access will download the software bits for cloud automation in the first week after the update is available, while other clusters will have to wait until the following week.

Returns:The is_early_adoption_enabled of this CloudAutomationUpdateDetails.
Return type:bool

Gets the is_freeze_period_enabled of this CloudAutomationUpdateDetails. Specifies if the freeze period is enabled for the VM cluster to prevent the VMs from receiving cloud automation software updates during critical business cycles. Freeze period starts at 12:00 AM UTC and ends at 11:59:59 PM UTC on the selected date. Ensure that the freezing period does not exceed 45 days.

Returns:The is_freeze_period_enabled of this CloudAutomationUpdateDetails.
Return type:bool