
class oci.database_management.models.PerformanceMetrics(**kwargs)

Bases: object

The Data Guard performance metric details.


__init__(**kwargs) Initializes a new PerformanceMetrics object with values from keyword arguments.


datapoints Gets the datapoints of this PerformanceMetrics.
dimensions Gets the dimensions of this PerformanceMetrics.
metadata Gets the metadata of this PerformanceMetrics.
name Gets the name of this PerformanceMetrics.

Initializes a new PerformanceMetrics object with values from keyword arguments. The following keyword arguments are supported (corresponding to the getters/setters of this class):

  • name (str) – The value to assign to the name property of this PerformanceMetrics.
  • dimensions (object) – The value to assign to the dimensions property of this PerformanceMetrics.
  • metadata (object) – The value to assign to the metadata property of this PerformanceMetrics.
  • datapoints (list[oci.database_management.models.DataPoints]) – The value to assign to the datapoints property of this PerformanceMetrics.

Gets the datapoints of this PerformanceMetrics. The aggregated datapoints of the metric.

Returns:The datapoints of this PerformanceMetrics.
Return type:list[oci.database_management.models.DataPoints]

Gets the dimensions of this PerformanceMetrics. The dimensions of the Data Guard performance metrics, such as primary database ID, primary database unique name.

Returns:The dimensions of this PerformanceMetrics.
Return type:object

Gets the metadata of this PerformanceMetrics. The metadata of the metric, such as Unit.

Returns:The metadata of this PerformanceMetrics.
Return type:object

Gets the name of this PerformanceMetrics. The name of the metric.

Returns:The name of this PerformanceMetrics.
Return type:str