Learn about identity domain types and the features and limits associated with each.
identity domain is deployed with one of five identity domain types. Each identity domain type is associated with a different set of features and object limits. Use this information to decide which domain type is appropriate for what you want to do.
This section has information about identity domains and the various features and limits associated with each identity domain type. For information about IAM tenancy level limits, see IAM With Identity Domains Limits.
Understand Identity Domain Types
IAM has five different identity domain types to address different organizational needs. Start here to understand which suits your requirements best, and which type to choose when you create an identity domain.
Here's a summary of the identity domain types. Decide which provides the best fit for your requirements and check the features and limits below to that you get with that identity domain type to select the identity domain type that's right for you.
When you create an OCI tenancy, you are automatically provisioned with a Free identity domain. This domain type allows you to use the IAM service to manage access to OCI Infrastructure and Platform resources. Use this domain type to learn about the IAM service, and to manage access to OCI IaaS and PaaS resources. This domain type should include everything you need to manage OCI. But if you require higher limits or additional features, you can change to a different identity domain type.
Example Use case: Your organization uses Oracle Cloud and your cloud administrators need secure access to manage subscribed OCI services.
Oracle Apps
Some Oracle PaaS services and SaaS applications offer their customers an Oracle Apps identity domain which allows you to use the IAM service to manage access to the subscribed service. In most cases, the identity domain is either provided by the service at provisioning time or a pre existing domain will automatically become an Oracle Apps domain when a registered service is attached to it. This domain type should include everything you need to manage access to your subscribed Oracle service. But if you require higher limits or additional features, you can change to a different identity domain type.
Example Use Case: Your organization subscribes to an Oracle PaaS or SaaS service that provides an Oracle Apps identity domain with their service. You can use this domain type to manage access to Oracle PaaS and SaaS services. You might also have one or two third-party applications for which you'd like users to seamlessly sign-in without having to reauthenticate.
Oracle Apps Premium
Oracle Apps Premium identity domains add support for hybrid IAM scenarios which extend the IAM service to manage access for on-premises or OCI hosted Oracle applications such as Oracle E-Business Suite, PeopleSoft, and Oracle Database. While this identity domain type is intended primarily for use with Oracle applications, it also allows you to manage access for a limited number of third-party or custom applications.
Example Use Case: Your organization would like to enable authentication and single sign-on for your workforce users to access Oracle SaaS applications as well as on-premises or cloud-hosted Oracle applications such as E-Business Suite, JD Edwards, PeopleSoft, Siebel, and/or Oracle Database. You might also want bidirectional synchronization with Microsoft Active Directory or other on-premises systems and you might have a few third-party or custom applications for which you'd like users to seamlessly sign-in without having to reauthenticate.
Premium identity domains provide the full IAM feature set and highest limits for employee and workforce use cases giving you enterprise-ready access management across hybrid IT environments. It includes all supported integration types and unlimited third-party applications. This is the ideal domain type if you are standardizing on OCI
IAM as your enterprise identity and access management provider.
Example Use Case: You want an Identity-as-a-Service (IDaaS) solution to manage workforce authentication and access to all of your Oracle and third-party applications whether they're SaaS apps, on-premises enterprise apps, or apps that are hosted in the cloud. You want to use modern authentication and authorization features such as passwordless authentication, FIDO2 hardware tokens, and adaptive security. You might also want automated provisioning and deprovisioning of accounts across these systems.
External User
External identity domains provide a robust IAM feature set for non employee use cases, consumer-facing apps, and custom app development. This domain type provides relevant features for these scenarios such as user self-service, social sign in, and consent management.
External identity domains are only licensed for non employee user accounts. If your business needs require that you have employee user accounts stored within an External identity domain (for example, if an app only supports one identity provider), that is allowed only if those user accounts also exist in another identity domain of type Free, Oracle Apps, Oracle Apps Premium, or Premium.
Example Use Case: You want a full-featured Identity-as-a-Service (IDaaS) solution that helps you manage authentication and access to custom or consumer-facing applications. The solution should support social sign in, user self-service password and profile management, and terms of use consent. And you might need the solution to scale to support millions of users.
Feature Availability for Identity Domain Types 🔗
Understand the features available for the different identity domain types.
This table shows the features available to each domain type.
Oracle Apps
Oracle Apps Premium
External User
Core IAM features
User and group management
End-user self-registration
Self-service profile management
Account recovery (self-service password reset by way of email, SMS, security questions)
RADIUS proxy (all - Oracle DB, VPNs, network devices, and so forth)
Oracle DB only
All - Oracle DB, VPNs, Network Devices, and so on
Linux PAM
1 External or third-party apps are defined as either commercial applications offered by a provider other than Oracle or as custom-developed applications (including, for example, applications built on OCI using APEX). Note that custom applications built using Visual Builder Cloud Service do not count against the limit on external apps.
2 SaaS Extensions are custom-developed applications that are only used as extensions to subscribed Oracle SaaS applications such as HCM, ERP, SCM, and so on. The sole purpose of these applications is to augment Oracle SaaS apps. These do not count against the limit on external apps.
3 The right to use Oracle E-Business Suite Asserter also includes the right to use WebLogic Server Enterprise Edition solely for the purposes of running the asserter application in accordance with all terms and conditions as described in the Oracle Fusion Middleware Licensing Information User Manual.
IAM Identity Domain Object Limits 🔗
Understand the number of different types of object allowed in each identity domain type.
You can create different identity domain types subject to the limit allowed by your subscription type. To find out the identity domain limits for each subscription type, see IAM With Identity Domains Limits.
This table shows the limits of the number of each type of object for each identity domain type.
1 Non Oracle or third-party apps are defined as either commercial applications offered by a provider other than Oracle or as custom-developed applications (including, for example, applications built on OCI using APEX). Note that custom applications built using Visual Builder Cloud Service do not count against the limit on external apps.
2 The limits for the number of non Oracle or third-party apps for the domain types Oracle Apps and Oracle Apps Premium are temporarily not enforced. They will be enforced in future.
Data Types for Custom Attributes 🔗
See the supported data types for custom attributes and their limits. These apply to all identity domain types.
Data Type
4K char String Indexed (searchable)
40 char String Indexed (searchable)
4K char String Unindexed
40 char String Unindexed
API Rate Limits 🔗
Understand the rate limiting for APIs for different identity domain types.
Oracle APIs are subject to rate limiting to protect the API service usage for all Oracle's customers. If you reach the API limit for the identity domain type, then IAM returns a 429 error code.
Rate Limits for all Identity Domain Types 🔗
API Group
Oracle Apps
Oracle Apps Premium
External User
Token Mgmt
Token Mgmt
Import and export
APIs in API Groups 🔗
API limits apply to the total of all APIs within a group.
Any API not in one of the other API Groups is included in the Other API Group
Other Restrictions 🔗
These restrictions are for Bulk, Import, and Export for all tiers:
Payload size: 1 MB
Bulk API: 50 operations limit per call
Only one of these can be run at a time:
Import: For Users, Groups & App Role Memberships
Full sync from apps
Bulk APIs
Export: For Users, Groups & App Role Memberships
CSV Import: 100 K rows limit per CSV & Max file size: 10 MB
CSV Export: 100 K rows limit
Meters for Identity Domain Types 🔗
Understand the meters used for different identity domain types.
Free and Oracle Apps identity domain types do not use meters.
Oracle Apps Premium, Premium, and External User identity domain types use these meters:
Users per Month: The number of active and inactive users in the system, reported per hour. These meters are aggregated at the end of the billing cycle.
SMS: The number of SMS messages sent from the system, reported every hour. These meters are aggregated at the end of the billing cycle.
Tokens: The number of tokens issued by the system, reported every hour.
Replicated Users per Month: If you configure replication to more regions, this meter applies to the number of active and inactive users in each replicated region, reported per hour. These meters are aggregated at the end of the billing cycle.
After you have provisioned your service, Oracle Cloud Infrastructure has tools to help you analyze and understand the costs associated with your account. See Checking Your Expenses and Usage.
Changing your Identity Domain Type 🔗
When you change the identity domain type, IAM validates the change you are making.
You cannot change the default domain to External User identity domain type.
Your subscription type controls the number of identity domains of each type. If the change would exceed the number of identity domains of that type for your subscription type, you cannot change to the new identity domain type. See IAM With Identity Domains Limits.
If the number of objects of any type in your identity domain is higher than is allowed in the target identity domain type, you cannot change to the new identity domain type. See IAM Identity Domain Object Limits.
The features available in your current identity domain type are checked. See Feature Availability for Identity Domain Types. A warning message appears reminding you to exercise caution when changing from one identity domain type to another. You can proceed after the warning message, but some of your existing features might no longer work.
You cannot change a Free, Premium, or External User identity domain to an Oracle Apps identity domain.