Using the Notebook Explorer to Access Notebook Examples

The notebook session environment includes various interactive example notebooks. You can use them to learn how to use the Data Science service. These examples are designed to help you understand its various features and solve business problems.

Notebook examples are associated with Data Science conda environments. Not all notebook examples run in all conda environments because of differences in the installed packages. Run notebook examples in the appropriate conda environment. All of the example notebooks are stored in Github.

Use Opening a Notebook Session to open the JupyterLab environment. The Launcher tab is opened by default. You can access the library of notebook examples in two ways:

  • Click the File menu, select New, and then select Notebook Explorer.

  • In the Launcher tab, under Extensions click Notebook Explorer.

Use Notebook Explorer search and filter features to locate the example notebook that you are interested in. When you open your selected notebook, it is downloaded into your notebook session and opens in a new tab.


You can open a new Launcher tab by clicking the plus sign (+) in the File Browser.

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