Resource Discovery and Promotion

To monitor resources using Stack Monitoring, they must first be discovered or promoted. Promotion pre-populates information related to the resource. Be sure to validate this information and make sure that it is correct. The prerequisites and input parameters for promotion are the same as those for user-initiated discovery.

See Resource Prerequisites for direct access to prerequisites for a specific resource type.

The following table lists resource types and corresponding links to discovery/promotion instructions.


For detailed information about supported resource types and environments, see MOS Note: 2925632.1.
Resource Type Discovery/Promotion
E-Business Suite E-Business Suite
Host (Linux, Solaris, Windows)

OCI Compute Instances

On-premises Hosts

Oracle Database


  • Oracle Database System (ASM, database system, cluster, listener)
  • Oracle DataGuard
Oracle Database
Pluggable Database Pluggable Database
PeopleSoft PeopleSoft
Tomcat Apache Tomcat
Microsoft SQL Server Microsoft SQL Server
WebLogic Server Oracle WebLogic Domain
Oracle Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA) Oracle WebLogic Domain

SOA is automatically discovered as part of the WebLogic Domain discovery.


If your WebLogic domain has already been discovered, use the steps in Weblogic Domain Refresh to discover SOA. Both SOA and WebLogic must be monitored by the same agent.

For SOA discovery, the WebLogic user needs to have Administrator privileges.

Oracle HTTP Server (OHS) Oracle HTTP Server (OHS)

Collocated OHS is automatically discovered as part of the Oracle WebLogic Domain discovery, and must be installed in an existing Oracle home, collocated with a WebLogic Server domain.


If your WebLogic domain has already been discovered, use the steps in Weblogic Domain Refresh to discover OHS. Both OHS and WebLogic must be monitored by the same agent.

Oracle Identity Manager (OIM) Oracle WebLogic Domain

OIM is automatically discovered as part of the WebLogic Domain discovery.


If your WebLogic domain has already been discovered, use the steps in Weblogic Domain Refresh to discover OIM. Both OIM and WebLogic must be monitored by the same agent.

Oracle Access Manager (OAM) Oracle WebLogic Domain

OAM is automatically discovered as part of the WebLogic Domain discovery.


If your WebLogic domain has already been discovered, use the steps in Weblogic Domain Refresh to discover OAM. Both OAM and WebLogic must be monitored by the same agent.

Oracle Service Bus (OSB) Oracle WebLogic Domain

OSB is automatically discovered as part of the WebLogic Domain discovery.


If your WebLogic domain has already been discovered, use the steps in Weblogic Domain Refresh to discover OSB. Both OSB and WebLogic must be monitored by the same agent.

Oracle Managed File Transfer (Oracle MFT) Managed File Transfer (MFT)
Apache HTTP Server Apache HTTP Server
Oracle Unified Directory Oracle Unified Directory
GoldenGate Oracle GoldenGate

Resource Prerequisites

Before you add resources to monitoring in Stack Monitoring, you'll need to make sure any prerequisites are met. Prerequisites differ according to resource type.

The following table lists resource types supported by Stack Monitoring along with direct links to sections detailing any prerequisites for adding that resource type to Stack Monitoring.

Monitoring Host Servers


OCI Compute Instances

Promoting OCI compute instances enables richer monitoring of the compute instance and visibility into resources that are running on the compute instance. After promotion, the resource type of the compute instance is a host.

  • Promoting OCI compute instances enables richer monitoring of the compute instance and visibility into resources that are running on the compute instance. After promotion, the resource type of the compute instance is a host. For more information, see Deploy Management Agents on Compute Instances.

On-premises hosts

Discovery of an on-premises host enables monitoring and provides visibility into resources that are running on the host.


Hosts running within another cloud provider are monitored using the same process as an on-premises host.

  • The on-premises Management Agent monitoring the host must be deployed locally on the host and the necessary prerequisites completed. For more information see Perform Prerequisites for Deploying Management Agents.
  • To prevent the need for updating host-name post-discovery, it's advised to make sure the host name, as detected on the host itself, to be a fully qualified domain name. The value of the host name is pulled from local DNS.


    For Linux, the value of the host name is pulled from DNS and can be overridden using /etc/hosts. To check the host name use the following command on the host's command line:

    hostname -f


Host monitoring is enabled through a promotion job and configured to be performed either automatically or manually within a compartment.

Automatic Promotion

Once a Management Agent registers, in a compartment for which automatic promotion has been enabled, the host where the agent is locally installed will be automatically promoted to full monitoring.


The following policies are required to allow automatic promotion of Management Agents to full host monitoring:

Policy Description
ALLOW SERVICE appmgmt TO {MGMT_AGENT_DEPLOY_PLUGIN_CREATE, MGMT_AGENT_INSPECT, MGMT_AGENT_READ} IN COMPARTMENT <compartment_name> Allow Stack Monitoring to manage agents in compartment

Automatic Promotion using the UI:

To enable host auto promotion using the UI, navigate to the Promote to Full Monitoring page, click Enable host auto promotion, then click Confirm.

Promotion using the OCI-CLI:

Execute the following OCI-CLI command to enable automatic promotion for a compartment; where <compartment_OCID> is the OCID of the compartment:

oci stack-monitoring config create-auto-promote-config --resource-type HOST --is-enabled true --compartment-id <compartment_OCID>

Manual Promotion

Once the Management Agent has been installed, promotion can be performed by going to the Promote to full monitoring page, identifying the OCI compute instance or on-premises host in the list of promotable resources, and clicking the Promote button. All fields will be pre-populated. Review the values and click Promote Resource to start the promotion process.

Alternatively, you can go to the Resource discovery page and click Discover New Resource to enter the appropriate values manually.

Input Field Description
Resource Name FQDN of the OCI compute instance
Management Agent The management agent running on the OCI compute instance you wish to promote.

Disable automatic promotion

To disable automatic promotion for a compartment, execute the following CLI commands:

  1. Search for the configuration ID <config_id>:

    oci stack-monitoring config list --type AUTO_PROMOTE --lifecycle-state ACTIVE --compartment-id <compartment-id>
  2. Disable host auto promotion:

    oci stack-monitoring config update-auto-promote-config --config-id <config_id> --is-enabled false

Checking the Status of the Discovery Job

The job's status and logs can be viewed within Stack Monitoring under the Resource Discovery page. From the Resource Discovery page search for the submitted job with a Resource Name matching the name of the host, a Resource Type of “Host”, and with a job type of “Add”. Once the Job Status is “Succeeded” click the name of the host under Resource Name to navigate to the host’s homepage.

resource discovery page

Post-discovery Steps

Once the host has been promoted, verify the host name is the expected FQDN. If the host does not have the expected FQDN and is still listed as available to promote from the Promote to Full Monitoring page, the host name must be updated using the following CLI commands:

To view the name of the host execute the following CLI command:

oci stack-monitoring resource get --resource-id ocid1.stackmonitoringresource.<Host_Resource_OCID>

To correct the hostname execute the following CLI command:

oci stack-monitoring resource update --resource-id ocid1.stackmonitoringresource.<Host_Resource_OCID> --host-name

Once the host has been promoted, the next step is to discover the resources running on the host, such as WebLogic Server or Oracle Database.

After discovering the resources, you will need to create the associations between the host and these resources. Refer to Associating Resources with a Host under Updating Application Topology for details.

Promote to Full Monitoring of Auto-discovered Resources

Some resources types can be automatically discovered if you have enabled the Resource Discovery and Monitoring features of OS Management Service. After discovery, basic monitoring for these resources automatically starts. To enable full monitoring of these resources, you need to take it through the promote to full monitoring process.

Promotion to full monitoring involves specifying additional identifying parameters and monitoring credentials in order to compete the discovery and fully monitor the resource.

Promotion to full monitoring is supported for the following resource types:

  • Oracle Database
  • WebLogic Server
  • Host

Promotion to full monitoring is currently not supported for these other types:

  • Listener
  • Oracle HTTP Server
  • Apache Server
  • Tomcat

The prerequisites and input parameters for promotion are the same as the user initiated discovery.


Promotion, unlike discovery, pre-populates information related to the resource. Be sure to validate this information and make sure that it is correct.

User-initiated Discovery

You can initiate resource discovery from the Stack Monitoring UI. To access Stack Monitoring, sign in to the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Console and then access Stack Monitoring via the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Console main menu. Open the navigation menu, click Observability & Management. Under Application Performance Monitoring, click Stack Monitoring.

  1. From the left pane, under Resources, click Resource Discovery. The Resource Discovery page displays.
  2. Click Discover New Resource. The Resource Discovery region displays.
  3. Select a resource type from the Resource Type drop-down menu.

    You can select from the following resource types:

  4. Enter the resource type discovery details.
  5. Click Discover New Resource. A new resource discovery job is created and is shown in the table.

Oracle Database

You can discover external databases (outside OCI), both single-instance Oracle Databases and Oracle RAC instances, including the DB System using the Stack Monitoring service. The entire db system is discovered as part of an Oracle Database discovery.


  • DB System including its components (Listener, ASM, etc) is discovered as part of an Oracle Database discovery.
  • DB System discovery & monitoring is supported only in LINUX environments.


Hostname Prerequisites

Ensure the hostname -a command returns the correct shortname, as first alias. The shortname appears in the HOST_NAME column of the v$instances table of the database to discover. This can be done by updating the /etc/hosts file to return the correct alias as above to be the first alias.

Agent Prerequisites

The Management Agent user must be available on all the nodes in the cluster.

Each node of the Oracle Database cluster must include:

  • A locally installed Management Agent
  • Ensure that the mgmt_agent or oracle-cloud-agent user, based on type of agent installed, is included in the Oracle Inventory Group (typically, oinstall) taken from /etc/oraInst.loc, to be able to execute the lsnrctl, srvctl, and crsctl commands.

    Use the following instruction to grant oinstall privileges to the mgmt_agent or oracle-cloud-agent user , based on type of agent installed:

    • Host with Oracle Cloud Agent:
      usermod -aG oinstall oracle-cloud-agent
    • Host with stand-alone agent:
      usermod -aG oinstall mgmt_agent
  • The group must have execute privilege on Oracle install directory.

    Example of adding group execute permission to the directory:

    chmod g+x /u01/app/oracle

After granting the OS privileges, use the following instructions to restart the agent. Use the appropriate instructions for your agent and OS, respectively:

  • For Oracle Linux 6 with

    • Oracle Cloud Agent:
      sudo /sbin/initctl stop oracle-cloud-agent

      Then start the agent using the start command.

    • Stand-alone agent:
      sudo /sbin/initctl stop mgmt_agent

      Then start the agent using the start command.

    • For Oracle Linux 7 with

      • Oracle Cloud Agent:
        sudo systemctl stop oracle-cloud-agent

        Then start the agent using the start command.

      • Stand-alone agent:
        sudo systemctl stop mgmt_agent

        Then start the agent using the start command.

Policy Prerequisites

Policy Description
ALLOW DYNAMIC-GROUP Management_Agent_Dynamic_Group TO USE METRICS IN COMPARTMENT <compartment_name> where target.metrics.namespace = 'oracle_oci_database_cluster' Allow the agent to upload metrics to Telemetry into 'oracle_oci_database_cluster' namespace. Here, Management_Agent_Dynamic_Group is a dynamic group of management agents in a compartment.
allow group <Stack Monitoring Admin Users> to manage dbmgmt-family in tenancy Allow the users in the specified group to manage database management resources in a tenancy.

Monitoring Credentials Prerequisite

Prior to discovering a database within Stack Monitoring, ensure you have access to the monitoring user. You can either use DBSNMP user that is built-in with the Oracle Database and has the privileges required to monitor the database OR create a custom user with only the necessary privileges . Steps to create a database monitoring user can be found in MOS Note: 2857604.1

For ASM:

  • You need to use an ASMSNMP user profile or its privileges.
  • User should have secret password for ASM. To get started with creating a secret, see Managing Secrets.

TCPS-enabled Oracle Database Prerequisite

Stack Monitoring supports both TCP and TCPS connectivity protocols for Oracle databases. TCPS protocol enables an Oracle application on a client to communicate with remote databases through TCP/IP and SSL, which provides higher security than TCP alone. This new listener can be used to talk to database via a secure channel. To discover a database with TCPS, the prerequisite would be to add a TCPS listener to the Oracle database and access to the wallet location as shown in the following four steps.


Stack Monitoring supports both the use of Java KeyStore (JKS) and Truststore (PKCS).

Step 1: Configuring the Oracle Database and listener to support TCPS, see Configuring Transport Layer Security Authentication.

Step 2: Import KeyStore/TrustStore into Management Agent and update its permissions.

  1. Identify and export the Oracle Database wallet location according to the KeyStore type used (PKCS or JKS)..


    export WALLET_LOCATION=<database_wallet_location>/dbwallets


    export WALLET_LOCATION=<database_wallet_location>/jkswallets
  2. Copy the wallet to a secure, readable directory on the agent host.
    cp -r $WALLET_LOCATION <secure_readable_dir>/
  3. Update the wallet permission.

    On OCI Compute


    sudo chown -R oracle-cloud-agent:oracle-cloud-agent <secure_readable_dir>/dbwallets


    sudo chown -R oracle-cloud-agent:oracle-cloud-agent <secure_readable_dir>/jkswallets

    On on-premises Compute:


    sudo chown -R mgmt_agent:mgmt_agent <secure_readable_dir>/dbwallets


    sudo chown -R mgmt_agent:mgmt_agent <secure_readable_dir>/jkswallets

Step 3: Create an OCI Secret.

To get started with creating a secret, see Managing Secrets.

Secret Examples:


    "sslTrustStoreType": "PKCS12",
    "sslTrustStoreLocation": "/<secure_readable_dir>/dbwallets/cwallets/ewallet.p12",
    "sslTrustStorePassword": "<truststore_password>",
    "sslKeyStoreType": "PKCS12",
    "sslKeyStoreLocation": "/<secure_readable_dir>/dbwallets/swallets/ewallet.p12",
    "sslKeyStorePassword": "<truststore_password>",
    "sslServerCertDn": "C=US,O=MyCorp,CN=sslclient"


    "sslTrustStoreType": "JKS",
    "sslTrustStoreLocation": "/<secure_readable_dir>/jkswallets/truststore.jks",
    "sslTrustStorePassword": "<truststore_password>",
    "sslKeyStoreType": "JKS",
    "sslKeyStoreLocation": "/<secure_readable_dir>/jkswallets/keystore.jks",
    "sslKeyStorePassword": "<truststore_password>",
    "sslServerCertDn": "C=US,O=MyCorp,CN=sslclient"

Step 4: Validate Policies

In addition to the creation of a secret, the Stack Monitoring admin group must be granted the ability to read the vault where the secret is kept. Please see Create required policies for more information on granting read permission on a secret-family within a specified compartment.

If your Oracle Database is using older password versions

For databases that are configured to use password version less than 12 (SQLNET.ALLOWED_LOGON_VERSION < 12 ), such as certain E-Business Suite databases, follow these additional steps to configure the Management Agent to communicate with the database using older password versions by setting an appropriate SQLNET.ALLOWED_LOGON_VERSION value in the agent configuration.

These instructions apply to the agent running on-premises:

  1. Modify this file /opt/oracle/mgmt_agent/agent_inst/config/ to add the property:

    Values can be 8 / 10 / 11 /12 / 12a depending on the allowed login version you require. For E-Business Suite setups, a value of 8 works for both login versions 8 and 10.

  2. Restart the agent.
    sudo systemctl restart mgmt_agent

These instructions apply to the agent running on OCI Compute:

  1. Modify the file /var/lib/oracle-cloud-agent/plugins/oci-managementagent/polaris/agent_inst/config/ to add this property:

    Values can be 8 / 10 / 11 /12 / 12a depending on the allowed login version you require. For E-Business Suite setups, a value of 8 works for both login versions 8 and 10.

  2. Restart the agent.
    sudo systemctl restart oracle-cloud-agent

Oracle Database Discovery Instructions


  • DB System including its components (Listener, ASM, etc) is discovered as part of an Oracle Database discovery.
  • DB System discovery & monitoring is supported only in LINUX environments.

Discovering DB System if Oracle Database has already been discovered

  1. UI Discovery for the first DB System of the cluster :

    From the Resource Discovery page, complete the fill-in-the-blank Oracle Database discovery.

    For more information regarding UI discovery inputs, see the UI Discovery Input table.

  2. CLI Discovery for the remaining DB System resources:


    For an Oracle Database that has already been discovered, complete the following steps to discover the related DB System.
    1. Navigate to the Configuration tab within the newly create Oracle Database homepage. Copy the following fields from the General OCI Properties table into a notepad:
      Property Name CLI Variable Name Notes
      OCID <Database_Resource_OCID>  
      compartmentId <Compartment_OCID>  
      managementAgentId <Additional_Agent#_OCID> This is the OCID of the agent used during the CLI discovery.
    2. Copy the name of the Oracle Database resource from the top of the Stack Monitoring Oracle Database homepage.
    3. Obtain the Management Agent OCID of the other nodes in the cluster:
      1. Navigate to Observability & Management, go to Management Agents, and click Agents.

      2. For each additional agent in the DB System cluster, select the action menu.
      3. Select Copy OCID to clipboard.
        Agent OCID CLI Variable Name
        1st additional node in cluster <Additional_Agent1_OCID>
        2nd additional node in cluster (etc) <Additional_Agent2_OCID>
    4. Update the JSON_INPUT_FILE with the values obtained, and use the following syntax to discover an Oracle DB System:
      oci stack-monitoring discovery-job create --compartment-id "<Compartment_ID>" --from-json file://<JSON_INPUT_FILE>

    For more information regarding CLI discovery inputs, see the CLI Discovery Input table.

    The following is a JSON payload examples to discover the remaining DB System resources:

      "discoveryType": "REFRESH",
      "discoveryClient": "APPMGMT",
      "compartmentId": "<COMPARTMENT_OCID>",
      "discoveryDetails": {
        "agentId": "<OCID of the Management agent>",
        "resourceType": "ORACLE_DATABASE",
        "resourceName": "<Resource name to display in Stackmonitoring UI>",
        "properties": {
          "propertiesMap": {
                "asm_host":"<ASM HOSTNAME>",
        "credentials": {
          "items": [
              "credentialName" : "QVNNUGFzc3dvcmRJblZhdWx0",
              "credentialType" : "U1NMX1NFQ1JFVF9JRA==",
              "properties": {
                "propertiesMap": {
                  "ASMUserName": "<ASM user name in base64 encoded format>",
                  "PasswordSecretId": "<Encoded ASM user secret ocid in BASE64 encoded format>",
                  "ASMRole":"<ASM user role in base64 encoded format>"

For more information regarding refreshing your Oracle DB System, see Oracle Database System Components Refresh.

Oracle Database

Discover an Oracle Database including database system using the UI: From the Resource Discovery page, complete the fill-in-the-blank UI to discover an Oracle Database including database system and its components.

To include multiple agents when discovering a database system for multi-node RAC, complete the following steps:

Discovery Input

  • UI Discovery Input

    Input field Description
    Resource Name Name of the database
    DNS hostname or SCAN Name Domain Name System (DNS), or Single Client Access Name (SCAN) for the database
    Port Port used by the database outside of Oracle Cloud Infrastructure for database connections
    Service Name Service name for the database outside of Oracle Cloud Infrastructure that will be used by the connection
    Protocol Protocol used for the Oracle Database. Select either TCP or TCPS protocol
    Database user password secret in <compartment_name> compartment Select the secret that contains the database user password from the drop-down list. This field is only displayed if TCPS is selected in the Protocol field. See below.
    Management Agents Management Agents monitoring the host on which the database is installed

    For database systems that span multiple hosts, select all Management Agents deployed on all hosts of the database system.

    Database Credentials for Monitoring

    • Username
    Username of the Oracle Database monitoring credentials
    • Password
    Password in base 64 encoded format, of the Oracle Database monitoring credentials
    • Role
    Database role in base 64 encoded format, of the database monitoring user (Normal or SYSDBA)
    ASM Information  
    Management Agent Management Agent monitoring the host on which the database is installed. For discovering cluster and listener agent should be installed on the database host.
    Automatic Storage Manager Enable or Disable. Enabled by default.
    DNS hostname or Scan name The default dns or SCAN name where the ASM instance lives.
    Port The port used by ASM. Default value: 1521
    Service Name The ASM service name
    ASM Credentials for Monitoring  
    Username ASM user name in base 64 encoded format
    ASM user password secret in the current compartment Password secret in base 64 encoded format as defined in OCI Vault service
    Role Role in base 64 encoded format. SYSMAN by default. Possible values: SYSASM, SYSDBA, SYSOPER
    Discover In  
    Stack Monitoring and Logging Analytics (recommended) Discovery results will be sent to Stack Monitoring and Logging Analytics.

    For information on Logging Analytics, see Quick Start.
    Stack Monitoring only Discovery results will be sent to Stack Monitoring only.
    Logging Analytics only Discovery results will be sent to Logging Analytics only.
    Enterprise Edition The resource will be assigned an Enterprise Edition license.
    Standard Edition The resource will be assigned an Standard Edition license.
    Tags (under Show advanced options)

    Freeform and Defined Tags can be applied to Stack Monitoring resources during discovery. To use Defined Tags first create the Tag namespaces, refer to . Refer to Tags and Tag Namespace Concepts for details on creating and managing the Tag namespaces for Defined Tags. When discovering a resource, any tag assigned will be applied to all the discovered resources. For more information regarding Tag prerequisites and Tag propagation, see Managing Tags.

    Tag Namespace

    Select "None" to add a free-form tag. Select a namespace to add a defined tag in the namespace. If you have permissions to create a resource, then you also have permissions to apply free-form tags to that resource. To apply a defined tag, you must have permissions to use the tag namespace. For more information about tagging, see Resource Tags. If you are not sure whether to apply tags, skip this option (you can apply tags later) or ask your administrator.

    Tag Key

    Specify the name you use to refer to the tag.

    Tag Value

    Specify the tag value. For more details on Tag Key and Tag Value, refer Overview of Tagging.

  • CLI Discovery Input

    CLI Input Variable Description
    <Additional_Agent1_OCID> 1st additional node in cluster
    <Additional_Agent2_OCID> (etc) 2nd additional node in cluster (continue for each additional node in the cluster)
    Agent_OCID Agent of the initial discovery OCID
    Compartment_OCID The compartment OCID where the Oracle Database System will be monitored

Pluggable Database


Before discovering a PDB, you must first discover the CDB.

From the Resource Discovery page, complete the fill-in-the-blank UI to discover the PDB.

Input field Description
Resource Name Name of the database.
Select CDB Container DB that contains the Pluggable DB.
DNS hostname or SCAN Name Domain Name System (DNS), or Single Client Access Name (SCAN) for the database.
Port Port used by the database outside of Oracle Cloud Infrastructure for database connections.
Service Name Service name for the database outside of Oracle Cloud Infrastructure that will be used by the connection.
Protocol Protocol used for the Oracle Database. Select either TCP or TCPS protocol.
Database user password secret in <compartment_name> compartment Select the secret that contains the database user password from the drop-down list. This field is only displayed if TCPS is selected in the Protocol field. See below.
Management Agent Management Agent monitoring the host on which the database is installed.

Database Credentials for Monitoring

  • Username
Username of the Oracle Database monitoring credentials.
  • Password
Password of the Oracle Database monitoring credentials.
  • Role
Database role of the database monitoring user (Normal or SYSDBA).
Discover In  
Stack Monitoring and Logging Analytics (recommended) Discovery results will be sent to Stack Monitoring and Logging Analytics.

For information on Logging Analytics, see Quick Start.
Stack Monitoring only Discovery results will be sent to Stack Monitoring only.
Logging Analytics only Discovery results will be sent to Logging Analytics only.
Enterprise Edition The resource will be assigned an Enterprise Edition license.
Standard Edition The resource will be assigned an Standard Edition license.
Tags (under Show advanced options)

Freeform and Defined Tags can be applied to Stack Monitoring resources during discovery. To use Defined Tags first create the Tag namespaces, refer to . Refer to Tags and Tag Namespace Concepts for details on creating and managing the Tag namespaces for Defined Tags. When discovering a resource, any tag assigned will be applied to all the discovered resources. For more information regarding Tag prerequisites and Tag propagation, see Managing Tags.

Tag Namespace

Select "None" to add a free-form tag. Select a namespace to add a defined tag in the namespace. If you have permissions to create a resource, then you also have permissions to apply free-form tags to that resource. To apply a defined tag, you must have permissions to use the tag namespace. For more information about tagging, see Resource Tags. If you are not sure whether to apply tags, skip this option (you can apply tags later) or ask your administrator.

Tag Key

Specify the name you use to refer to the tag.

Tag Value

Specify the tag value. For more details on Tag Key and Tag Value, refer Overview of Tagging.

Oracle WebLogic Domain


When discovering WebLogic, Oracle Access Manager (OAM), Oracle Identity Manager (OIM), Oracle HTTP Server (OHS), Oracle Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA) and Oracle Service Bus (OSB) are also automatically discovered. If your WebLogic domain has already been discovered, use the steps in Weblogic Domain Refresh to discover OAM, OIM, OHS, SOA and OSB.



If you are not using SSL, the following prerequisites do not apply.

For SOA discovery, the WebLogic user needs to have Administrator privileges.

If you have enabled the Oracle WebLogic Server with SSL, export the certificate from its keystore and import it in the Management Agent KeyStore. For more information about configuring SSL in WebLogic Server, see Configuring SSL.

Import TrustStore to the Management Agent

  1. Designate a persistent subdirectory on the management agent's filesystem to hold the Stack Monitoring truststores and keystores. Export the certificate from the WLS instance JMX SSL keystore to the Stack Monitoring Truststore. For example, on a UNIX host:

    keytool -exportcert -alias <alias of WLS SSL key> -file <Exported Cert Name> -keystore <path to the WLS SSL Keystore>.keystore -storepass <WLS SSL Keystore password> -rfc
  2. Import the WLS instance JMX SSL keystore to the Stack Monitoring Truststore on the management agent's filesystem.:

    keytool -importcert -noprompt -alias <alias agent's truststore key> -file <Exported Cert Name>.cer -keystore AgentTrust.jks -storepass <Agent truststore password, default is "welcome">
  3. Copy Stack Monitoring Truststore file and update its permissions.

    Identify Management Agent readable secure location on the agent host.

    cp <path_to_truststore_file/AgentTrust.jks <secure_readable_dir>/

    On OCI Compute:

     sudo chown oracle-cloud-agent:oracle-cloud-agent <secure_readable_dir>/AgentTrust.jks

    On on-premises Compute:

    sudo chown mgmt_agent:mgmt_agent <secure_readable_dir>/AgentTrust.jks
  4. Use the full Truststore path, e.g. <secure_readable_dir>/AgentTrust.jks in the "TrustStore Path" of Resource Discovery if WebLogic Domain with T3S and "JKS" as the "Truststore Type".

Configure MBeans on Oracle WebLogic Servers

To collect the JVM performance metrics from platform MBeans, the MBeans must be made accessible through the runtime MBeanServer. Activate MBeans by logging in to your Oracle WebLogic Server and verify the activation by running the WLST script:

  1. Activate MBeans on Oracle WebLogic Servers

    Activate MBeans by accessing each Oracle WebLogic Server by logging into it or from the WebLogic console as follows:

    • Log in to your Oracle WebLogic Server:

      Follow the user actions in the WebLogic Scripting Tool session demostration at Activating Platform MBeans on WebLogic Server 9.x to 10.3.2 versions in Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Middleware Management Guide.

    • Access your WebLogic console:

      Navigate to Domain > Configuration > General page > Advanced options. Select the Platform MBean Server Used check box.

    If MBeans are not registered after you’ve followed the above steps, then start the Oracle WebLogic Servers with the following system property:
  2. Verify the Activation of MBeans

    To verify if MBeans is successfully activated, run the WLST script that’s available at Using the Platform MBean Server in Fusion Middleware Developing Custom Management Utilities With JMX for Oracle WebLogic Server. The WLST script demonstrates how to use the Platform MXBeans to monitor the resources of a running Oracle WebLogic Server domain.

    Ensure that MBeans are registered under java.lang.

Ensure connectivity between management agent and all servers in WebLogic

During the discovery the Stack Monitoring Agent communicates with AdminServer for discovering the domain topology. Post discovery monitoring is done by communicating with managed servers directly. For this to happen, verify the following:

  • Management Agent is able to communicate with all managed servers in the domain.
  • The host and ports of the managed servers are accessible to the agent.
  • If filters are configured to block incoming traffic on managed servers, adjust the filters for the agent to communicate with the managed servers.

WebLogic Scenario-Specific Discovery Outcomes

  1. WebLogic domain has two Servers and one of them is down.

    Discovery Result: The WebLogic domain will get discovered with only the one Server which is in a running state, ignoring the one not in a running state.

  2. A WebLogic domain has a Cluster with two Servers and one of them is down.

    Discovery Result: WebLogic Cluster will get discovered with only the one Server which is in a running state.

  3. A WebLogic domain has a Cluster that contains only one Server which is not in running state.

    Discovery Resulr: Neither the Cluster, nor the Server will be discovered

WebLogic Discovery Input

Input field Description
Resource Name Name of the WebLogic Domain.
Administration Server Host The fully-qualified host name where the WebLogic Administration Server is installed.
Administration Server Port The port used for WebLogic Administration Server (Console).
Protocol Protocol used for the WebLogic Server. The possible values are t3 and t3s. If you select t3s, TrustStore Path and TrustStore Type fields appear under WebLogic User for Monitoring.
Management Agent Management Agent installed on the host where the WebLogic Administration Server is installed.

WebLogic User for Monitoring

  • Username
WebLogic Server username.
  • User must have at least the Monitor role.
  • The Monitor role is included in Operator and Administrator roles.
  • For SOA discovery, the WebLogic user needs to have Administrator privileges.
  • Password
WebLogic Server user password.
  • TrustStore Path (t3s protocol)
Fully qualified path - on the management agent's filesystem - of the Truststore file used to store the certificates of the trusted servers.
  • TrustStore Type (t3s protocol)
Type of the TrustStore used for CA certificate management when establishing an SSL connection. Specify either: JKS or PKCS12. If the TrustStore type is not specified, the default TrustStore type, JKS, is used.
Discover In  
Stack Monitoring and Logging Analytics (recommended) Discovery results will be sent to Stack Monitoring and Logging Analytics.

For information on Logging Analytics, see Quick Start.
Stack Monitoring only Discovery results will be sent to Stack Monitoring only.
Logging Analytics only Discovery results will be sent to Logging Analytics only.
Enterprise Edition The resource will be assigned an Enterprise Edition license.
Standard Edition The resource will be assigned an Standard Edition license.
Tags (under Show advanced options)

Freeform and Defined Tags can be applied to Stack Monitoring resources during discovery. To use Defined Tags first create the Tag namespaces, refer to . Refer to Tags and Tag Namespace Concepts for details on creating and managing the Tag namespaces for Defined Tags. When discovering a resource, any tag assigned will be applied to all the discovered resources. For more information regarding Tag prerequisites and Tag propagation, see Managing Tags.

Tag Namespace

Select "None" to add a free-form tag. Select a namespace to add a defined tag in the namespace. If you have permissions to create a resource, then you also have permissions to apply free-form tags to that resource. To apply a defined tag, you must have permissions to use the tag namespace. For more information about tagging, see Resource Tags. If you are not sure whether to apply tags, skip this option (you can apply tags later) or ask your administrator.

Tag Key

Specify the name you use to refer to the tag.

Tag Value

Specify the tag value. For more details on Tag Key and Tag Value, refer Overview of Tagging.

E-Business Suite


  1. Configure MBeans on Oracle WebLogic Servers
  2. Verify Collection of Forms Sessions Data
  3. Set Up DNS in an Oracle E-Business Suite Environment
  4. Add the Database used by the E-Business Suite application.

    If you haven't already done so, add the database that will be used for the E-Business Suite application. Refer to Oracle Database (Discovery)

  5. E-Business Suite Database Monitoring Requirements for Stack Monitoring

Verify Collection of Forms Sessions Data

Verify the collection of forms sessions data to view it later in the Forms System resource metrics by performing the following task. This is in addition to the steps performed in Oracle WebLogic Domain (Configure MBeans on Oracle WebLogic Servers). If this step is not configured, some of the Forms System metrics will not be collected.

When you log in to Oracle E-Business Suite, the system creates a user session in the database identified by a unique session ID (SID) by using the APPS schema credential. Each database session is associated with an Oracle E-Business Suite application user. This enables linking the database session with the application user for troubleshooting purposes. Using a Forms session, you can determine how the Oracle E-Business Suite user opened a database session.

  1. Log in to your Oracle E-Business Suite.
  2. From the user interface, navigate to System Administrator, click Profile, and then System.
  3. Ensure that the value of Sign-On: Audit Level is set to FORM. Set this at the site level.
  4. Ensure that the value of AuditTrail: Activate is set to YES.

Save the changes.

Set Up DNS in an Oracle E-Business Suite Environment

The Oracle E-Business Suite hosts must be able to detect one another on the network. For example, in the UNIX environment, the DNS servers are configured in the file /etc/resolv.conf on each host.

To verify that the DNS servers are configured correctly, run the command:

nslookup any_publicDomain_hostname

E-Business Suite Database Monitoring Requirements for Stack Monitoring

The Oracle database used to monitor the E-Business Suite (EBS) database should be discovered before discovering the EBS application. If the database is discovered first, it will be automatically associated with the EBS application once the EBS application discovery completes. If the EBS application discovery is performed before the database has been discovered, the association will need to be created manually.

Monitoring E-Business Suite requires specific privileges to access the EBS schema. The setup differs depending on type of database (Non-Container DB versus Container DB and Pluggable DB) used as your EBS datastore. Stack Monitoring supports the use of the EBS schema owner, typically APPS, as the database credentials when discovering EBS. It is preferred to create a monitoring user with only the privileges necessary to monitor an EBS application. You can use the same database user to monitor both the Oracle database containing the EBS schema and the EBS application. Steps to create a database monitoring user can be found in MOS Note: 2857604.1.

EBS Topology

When an E-Business Suite instance is discovered, both EBS and WebLogic resources are discovered. Database discovery has to be done separately. If the database is discovered first and then EBS is discovered later, the association of type uses will be automatically created between the EBS resource and the database resource at the end of EBS discovery. Here, EBS resource refers to a Stack Monitoring resource type ebs_instance and database resource refers to Stack Monitoring resource type oci_oracle_db or oci_oracle_pdb.

If the EBS is discovered prior to database discovery, the topology can be updated in two ways.

  • Create Association Between EBS Instance and Database Resources
  • Refreshing EBS topology

Create Associations:

Composite EBS resources cannot be associated with a host directly. However, EBS children resources can be associated as follows:

  • EBS Concurrent Manager uses Host
  • EBS CP Node uses Host

The following is the OCI CLI command syntax to create an association between two resources.

oci stack-monitoring resource associate --association-type uses --compartment-id "<Compartment_OCID>" --source-resource-id "<Resource_OCID>" --destination-resource-id "<Database_Resource_OCID>"

For example:

oci stack-monitoring resource associate --association-type uses --<Compartment_OCID>
      ocid1.compartment.oc1..unique_ID --<Source_Resource_OCID>
      ocid1.stackmonitoringresource.oc1.iad.unique_ID --<Destination_Resource_OCID>

In the case of EBS, the above command can be used to create an association between EBS and database resources by specifying <Source_Resource_OCID> as EBS resource ID and <Destination_Resource_OCID> as database resource ID.

Database Grants

The specific privileges are defined in the code below. It assumes the EBS schema name of APPS. If the schema name is different in your setup, then replace APPS with the actual schema name in the following code.

To verify the monitoring user has the necessary grants, and apply any missing grants, execute the following EBS Scripts.

To understand the specific grants to be applied, or to manually apply the apply the grants, see the list of commands below to be executed.

Replace <your_monitoring_user> with the database monitoring user created using the script. Ensure the grants are applied to the monitoring user where the APPS schema resides.


SQL grants could fail owing to object locks. If the grants fail, retry the failed SQLs once the lock issues have been resolved.

Verify the discovery user has all grants before commencing the discovery.

GRANT EXECUTE ON APPS.FND_OAM_EM TO <your_monitoring_user>;
GRANT SELECT ON APPS.FND_LOOKUPS TO <your_monitoring_user>;
GRANT SELECT ON APPS.FND_APP_SERVERS TO <your_monitoring_user>; 
GRANT SELECT ON APPS.FND_NODES TO <your_monitoring_user>;
GRANT SELECT ON APPS.ICX_SESSIONS TO <your_monitoring_user>;
GRANT SELECT ON APPS.FND_USER TO <your_monitoring_user>;
GRANT EXECUTE ON APPS.FND_PROFILE TO <your_monitoring_user>;
GRANT SELECT ON APPS.WF_DEFERRED TO <your_monitoring_user>;

Connect to the database that contains the EBS schema as SYSTEM user and execute the following grant:


E-Business Discovery Input

Input field Description
Resource Name Name of the E-Business Suite instance.
Version Version of E-Business Suite (12.1 or 12.2). If 12.2 is selected, E-Business Suite WebLogic Server and WebLogic Administration Server Credentials regions are displayed.
E-Business Suite Database .
  • Host Name
Host on which the external database is installed
  • Port
Port used by the database for database connections.
  • Service Name
Server name of the database used for database connections.
  • Protocol
Protocol used for the Oracle Database. Select either TCP or TCPS protocol.
  • Database user password secret in <compartment_name> compartment

Select the secret that contains the database user password from the drop-down list. This field is only displayed if TCPS is selected in the Protocol field.

Correct configuration for TCPS can be found in the following documentation, see TCPS-enabled Oracle Database Prerequisite.

Database Credentials


  • Username

Database user who has the necessary privileges on the underlying views (e.g. APPS).

  • User must have at least the Monitor role.
  • The Monitor role is included in Operator and Administrator roles.
  • Password
Database user password.
  • Database Role
Role of the database user (NORMAL or SYSDBA)
E-Business Suite WebLogic Server (E-Business Suite 12.2) .
  • Host Name
Name of the host where the WebLogic Administration Server is installed.
  • Port
Port used for WebLogic Administration Server (Console).
  • Protocol
Remote Method Invocation (RMI) protocol: t3 or t3s. If you select t3s, the TrustStore Path and TrustStore Type fields appear under WebLogic User for Monitoring.
WebLogic Administration Server Credentials (E-Business Suite 12.2) .
  • Username
WebLogic Administration Server user.
  • User must have at least the Monitor role.
  • The Monitor role is included in Operator and Administrator roles.
  • Password
WebLogic Administration Server user password.
  • TrustStore Path (t3s protocol)
Path to the TrustStore file used to store public keys of trusted servers.
  • TrustStore Type (t3s protocol)
Type of the TrustStore used for CA certificate management when establishing an SSL connection. If the TrustStore type is not specified, the default TrustStore type, JKS, is used.
Management Agent Management Agent monitoring the host where E-Business Suite is installed.
Discover In  
Stack Monitoring and Logging Analytics (recommended) Discovery results will be sent to Stack Monitoring and Logging Analytics.

For information on Logging Analytics, see Quick Start.
Stack Monitoring only Discovery results will be sent to Stack Monitoring only.
Logging Analytics only Discovery results will be sent to Logging Analytics only.
Enterprise Edition The resource will be assigned an Enterprise Edition license.
Standard Edition The resource will be assigned an Standard Edition license.
Tags (under Show advanced options)

Freeform and Defined Tags can be applied to Stack Monitoring resources during discovery. To use Defined Tags first create the Tag namespaces, refer to . Refer to Tags and Tag Namespace Concepts for details on creating and managing the Tag namespaces for Defined Tags. When discovering a resource, any tag assigned will be applied to all the discovered resources. For more information regarding Tag prerequisites and Tag propagation, see Managing Tags.

Tag Namespace

Select "None" to add a free-form tag. Select a namespace to add a defined tag in the namespace. If you have permissions to create a resource, then you also have permissions to apply free-form tags to that resource. To apply a defined tag, you must have permissions to use the tag namespace. For more information about tagging, see Resource Tags. If you are not sure whether to apply tags, skip this option (you can apply tags later) or ask your administrator.

Tag Key

Specify the name you use to refer to the tag.

Tag Value

Specify the tag value. For more details on Tag Key and Tag Value, refer Overview of Tagging.


PeopleSoft discovery involves 3 mandatory resource families: Application Server Domain, Process Scheduler Domain, and PeopleSoft Internet Architecture (PIA) with its underlying Weblogic domain(s).

Each resource family may include one or more resources such as Application Server Domain, Process Scheduler Domain, and PeopleSoft Internet Architecture (PIA) with its underlying Weblogic domain(s) which may span across several servers.

Composite PeopleSoft resources cannot be associated with a host directly. However, PeopleSoft children resources can be associated as follows:

  • Application Server Domain uses Host
  • Process Scheduler Domain uses Host
  • PIA uses Host
  • Process Monitor usesHost

During PeopleSoft discovery we will attempt validating the resources in each family with one common credential set for that family. That means that all of the Application Server Domains will be validated using a single credential set, all of the Process Scheduler Domains will be validated using a single credential set, and so on. The successfully validated resources will be discovered and the resources failing validation will be ignored.

The ignored resources can be found in the Job report with the line The following resources could not be discovered: After rectifying the problem, the user can execute the REFRESH job to discover those resources.

A PeopleSoft deployment at the end of a successful discovery is represented in Stack Monitoring as seen in the following diagram:

PSFT diagram

The port access that is needed from the monitoring agent host to the hosts and services that are part of the PeopleSoft deployment is described in the following diagrams. The diagrams indicate two scenarios:

  • Monitoring agent is located on one of the PeopleSoft hosts itself:
    psft diagram

  • Monitoring agent is located on a remote host:
    psft diagram

Discover PeopleSoft Database

The Oracle Database containing the PeopleSoft (PSFT) schema should be discovered before discovering the PeopleSoft application. If the database is discovered first, the database will be automatically associated with PeopleSoft application once PeopleSoft resource discovery completes

If PeopleSoft application discovery is performed before the database has been discovered, the association will need to be created manually. See Application Topology for more information.

To Discover the Oracle Database, see Oracle Database.

DB Grant Privileges for PeopleSoft Monitoring

Monitoring PeopleSoft (PSFT) requires specific privileges to access the PSFT database schema. The setup differs depending on type of database (Non-Container DB versus Container DB and Pluggable DB) used as your PSFT datastore. Stack Monitoring supports the use of the PSFT schema owner, typically SYSADM, as the database credentials when discovering PSFT. It is preferred to create a monitoring user with only the privileges necessary to monitor a PSFT application. You can use the same database user to monitor both the Oracle database containing the PeopleSoft schema and the PeopleSoft application. Steps to create a database monitoring user can be found in MOS Note: 2857604.1.

To verify the monitoring user has the necessary grants, and apply any missing grants, execute the following PeopleSoft Scripts.

To understand the specific grants to be applied, or to manually apply the apply the grants, see the list of commands below to be executed.

Database Privileges


The example code below uses:

  • SYSADM as the schema name. If the schema name is different in your setup, then replace SYSADM with it accordingly in the following code.
  • <your_monitoring_user> as reference to the database monitoring user. <your_monitoring_user> is typically DBSNMP or MONUSER.
  • PeopleSoft Application Grants

    GRANT SELECT ON SYSADM.PSSTATUS TO <your_monitoring_user>;
    GRANT SELECT ON SYSADM.PSRELEASE TO <your_monitoring_user>;
    GRANT SELECT ON SYSADM.PSPMAGENT TO <your_monitoring_user>;
  • PeopleSoft Application Synonyms

  • Elasticsearch Grants

    GRANT SELECT ON SYSADM.PS_PTSF_SRCH_ENGN TO <your_monitoring_user>;
  • Elasticsearch Synonyms

  • Process Monitor Grants

    GRANT SELECT ON SYSADM.PSPRCSRQST TO <your_monitoring_user>;
    GRANT SELECT ON SYSADM.PSXLATITEM TO <your_monitoring_user>;
  • Process Monitor Synonyms


Enable PeopleSoft Performance Monitor for Pure Internet Architecture (PIA)


Enabling PPM agent (Enable PPM agent =1 ) is optional and is only required for PSFT discovery and Refresh. However, for regular monitoring and metric collection, PPM agent is not needed.

If the user chooses NOT to enable PPM agent for any reasons, Please follow any one of the alternatives listed below

1. Enable PPM agent until the discovery or refresh is finished, then disable it and restart domains.

2. Manually INSERT/DELETE all PSFT domain information . This will eliminate the need to enable “Enable PPM agent”.

To add the domains proceed to Adding domains manually, and to remove stale domains follow the steps in Identify Domains to be Discovered.

  1. Navigate to PeopleTools, go to Web Profile, click Web Profile Configuration, and search for the profile in use, for example, PROD.
  2. If not checked already, check the Enable PPM Agent check box.
  3. Restart all PIA domains.

All below Prerequisites needs to be performed for each Application Server and Process Scheduler domains.

PeopleSoft discovery assumes that the Remote Administration UserId/pwd for JMX access is the same for all application server domains, and also for all process scheduler domains.

Prerequisites for Application Server and Process Scheduler Domains

Enable the PeopleSoft Performance Monitor Agent

  1. Using PSADMIN command-line interface, select Application Server (Option 1) or Process Scheduler (Option 2) > Administer a domain (Option 1) > select domain > Edit configuration/log files menu(option 6) > Edit domain configuration file (Option 1) , this will open up the domain configuration files in edit mode
  2. under the PSTOOLS section, check the value for EnablePPM Agent. To Enable PPM Agents, set the value to 1, and save the file.

Enable JMX Agents

This prerequisite enables Stack Monitoring to collect availability and performance data for a PeopleSoft application.

  1. Using PSADMIN command-line interface, select Application Server (Option 1) or Process Scheduler (Option 2) > Administer a domain (Option 1) > select domain > Edit configuration/log files menu(option 6) > Edit domain configuration file (Option 1) , this will open up the domain configuration files in edit mode

  2. Locate settings for PSTOOLS section and set below values

    1. Ensure that the Remote Administration Port you intend to use is not being utilized by any other process on the host.

    2. UserID
      • UserId should be in text format.

      • The same UserId and password should be used for all application server domains and process scheduler domains.

    3. Use the PSCipher utility to encrypt the password.
    4. Restart the Application server and Process Scheduler domains after configuring the Performance Collator property change below.
    • For PSFT version 8.59 and earlier only Remote Administration Port needs to be set. RMI port value will be set automatically based on the Remote Administration Port value incremented by 1. For example, if the Remote Administration Port is 10100, then port 10101 will be used for PHC's RMI server. When you plan the port usage, this needs to be taken into account. Since 10101 is picked automatically in the above example, if that port is not free PSFT automatically picks any other random free port. Please ensure to review the domain configuration file after the configuration has been successfully saved and use these ports to connect in discovery.


      Enable Remote Administration=1
      Remote Administration Port=10100
      Remote Administration UserId=<the userid you have defined in step 2b>
      Remote Administration Password={V2.1}<encrypted password>
    • For PSFT version 8.60 onwards, RMI port is controlled by one additional parameter in the config file. Ensure the value is set explicitly. Restart the Application server and Process Scheduler domains after configuring the Performance Collator property.


      Enable Remote Administration=1
      Remote Administration Port=10100
      Remote Administration RMI Server Port=10101
      Remote Administration UserId=<the userid you have defined in step 2b>
      Remote Administration Password={V2.1}<encrypted password>

    Please ensure that the above saved setting shows correctly in the configuration file after the changes are saved.

Enable the Performance Collator Property

You can check the current value of Perf Collator in domain template files psprcsrv.ubx (Process scheduler) and psappsrv.ubx (Application Server) located under $PS_CFG_HOME

If the Perf Collator is enabled , you will see entry as below.

{PPM} Do you want Performance Collators configured (PSPPMSRV) (y/n)? [y]:

If the Perf Collator is disabled , You would see entry as below.

{PPM} Do you want Performance Collators configured (PSPPMSRV) (y/n)? [n]:

If the Performance Collator is already enabled, and changes were implemented to EnablePPM Agent or JMX values: Restart all domains.

If the Performance Collator is not already enabled proceed with the following steps:

  1. Using PSADMIN command-line interface, select Application Server (Option 1) or Process Scheduler (Option 2) > Administer a domain (Option 1) > select domain > Configure this domain (Option 4)
  2. Enter y for the question: Do you want to continue (y/n). This option will shutdown the domain
  3. Check value of Perf Collator property.

  4. If the value set to Yes, Collator is already enabled, no action is required. Then select Load config as shown (Option 14 for Application Server or Option 7 for Process Scheduler)
  5. If the value set to No, enter 10 for Application server or Option 3 for Process scheduler to toggle the value to Yes

  6. After confirming Perf Collator set to Yes, select Load config as shown (Option 14 for Application scheduler or Option 7 for Process scheduler )

  7. Finally select Boot this domain Option 1 to start the domain

Identify Domains to be Discovered

Stack Monitoring leverages the information stored within the Oracle Database to identify domains to be discovered or refreshed. To validate the list of current domains, execute the following query.


Any domains returned by the query that no longer exist should be removed prior to discovering/refreshing the PeopleSoft Application.

To add a domain that is not listed, see Adding domains manually.

To remove the stale domains execute the following SQL as SYSADM or equivalent user. Repeat steps until all Stale domains removed.

  • Backup the PSPMAGENT table prior to making changes. Ensure to replace <DATE> with the current timestamp.
    create table PSPMAGENT_BKP_<DATE> as select * from PSPMAGENT;
  • Verify the backup table created has same content as parent table.
    select * from PSPMAGENT
    select * from PSPMAGENT_BKP_<DATE>;

If the count of rows from PSPMAGENT match PSPMAGENT_BKP_<DATE>, proceed with the removal of stale domains.

delete from PSPMAGENT WHERE PM_AGENTID='&enter_agent_id_of_stale_domain';

Adding domains manually

Finally, check whether all valid domains are visible from the PSPMAGENT table. If any valid domains are not showing up for any reason, follow the instructions below:


The agent host should be able to reach all other hosts using the hostname from PM_HOST_PORT column stored in PSPMAGENT table.


It is recommended to perform a backup of the PSPMAGENT table before proceeding. Steps to create the backup are provided.

Create a backup:

  1. As system administrator or equivalent user take a backup of the table prior to making changes. Ensure to replace <DATE> with the current time stamp:

    create table PSPMAGENT_BKP_<DATE> as select * from PSPMAGENT;
  2. Verify the backup table created has same content as parent table. The rows count from PSPMAGENT should match the rows count from PSPMAGENT_BKP_<DATE>:

    select * from PSPMAGENT
    select * from PSPMAGENT_BKP_<DATE>;

Add a Process Scheduler Domain



Enter value for unique_agent_id: 1000
Enter value for pm_jmx_rmi_port: 10500
Enter value for domain_name: PRCSDOM02
Enter value for domain_dir: /u01/app/oracle/product/psfthcm-midtierlinux-2/ps_cfg_home/appserv/prcs/PRCSDOM02
Enter value for host_name: psfthcm-midtierlinux-2
old   2: ('&unique_agent_id','&PM_JMX_RMI_PORT','PSMONITORSRV','&DOMAIN_NAME','04','&domain_dir','Y','&host_name:','1','1','N')
new   2: ('1000','10500','PSMONITORSRV','PRCSDOM02','04','/u01/app/oracle/product/psfthcm-midtierlinux-2/ps_cfg_home/appserv/prcs/PRCSDOM02','Y','psfthcm-midtierlinux-2:','1','1','N')
1 row created.

Add an Application Server Domain



('&unique_agent_id','&JMX_RMI_PORT','PSMONITORSRV','&DOMAIN_NAME','01','&DOMAIN_DIR','Y','&host_name:&jolt_port','1','1','N');   2 
Enter value for unique_agent_id: 1003
Enter value for jmx_rmi_port: 10500
Enter value for domain_name: APPDOM4
Enter value for domain_dir: /u01/app/oracle/product/psfthcm-midtierlinux-3/ps_cfg_home/appserv/APPDOM04
Enter value for host_name: psfthcm-midtierlinux-3
Enter value for jolt_port: 9033
old   2: ('&unique_agent_id','&JMX_RMI_PORT','PSMONITORSRV','&DOMAIN_NAME','01','&DOMAIN_DIR','Y','&host_name:&jolt_port','1','1','N')
new   2: ('1003','10500','PSMONITORSRV','APPDOM4','01','/u01/app/oracle/product/psfthcm-midtierlinux-3/ps_cfg_home/appserv/APPDOM04','Y','psfthcm-midtierlinux-3:9033','1','1','N')

Add a PIA Server



Enter value for unique_agent_id: 19
Enter value for domain_name: peoplesoft03
Enter value for domain_dir: /u01/app/oracle/product/psfthcm-midtierlinux-3/ps_cfg_home/webserv/WEBSERVER/peoplesoft03
Enter value for host_name: psfthcm-midtierlinux-3
Enter value for http_port: 9000
Enter value for https_port: 9001
old   2: ('&unique_agent_id','-1','WEBRESOURCE','&DOMAIN_NAME','02','&DOMAIN_DIR','Y','&host_name:&http_port:&https_port','1','1','N')
new   2: ('19','-1','WEBRESOURCE','peoplesoft03','02','/u01/app/oracle/product/psfthcm-midtierlinux-3/ps_cfg_home/webserv/WEBSERVER/peoplesoft03','Y','psfthcm-midtierlinux-3:9000:9001','1','1','N')
1 row created.

Enable Elasticsearch discovery in PeopleSoft

Elasticsearch discovery is optional. If Elasticsearch is already integrated then you can include it in the initial discovery. To integrate Elasticsearch in the future, use the PeopleSoft CLI refresh command, and add the Elasticsearch DB grants to the monitoring user. For more information regarding grants, see DB Grant Privileges for PeopleSoft Monitoring, and for more information regarding CLI refresh commands, see PeopleSoft Refresh.


Regardless where agent is present(local/remote), truststore needs to be created using the Java version used by agent. Agent Java version/path can be found from agent_inst/config/



These prerequisites enable Elasticsearch Integration in PeopleSoft:

  • Stack Monitoring only supports monitoring Elasticsearch configured with SSL. Its endpoint must be HTTPS. For more information on the setup of Elasticsearch, see Configuring SSL for Elasticsearch
  • Before discovering Elasticsearch, create a JKS truststore, as JKS is the only supported type of trust stores, on the monitoring agent host to store the certificate from Elasticsearch. This truststore's location and password are required parameters in the discovery UI or in the discovery JSON while performing discovery via CLI, while the trust store location has to be accessible on the agent host.


    keytool -keystore truststore.jks -alias <ALIAS> -import -file <ELASTICSEARCH CERTIFICATE>

Enable Process Monitor discovery for PeopleSoft

  • Process Monitor is discovered alongside PeopleSoft, and is enabled by default when discovering a PeopleSoft Application. Selecting No under the Discover Process Monitor section will not include Process Monitor in the PeopleSoft discovery.
  • Process Monitor discovery is optional. If Process Monitor is enabled already then you can include it in the initial discovery. To integrate Process Monitor in the future, use the PeopleSoft CLI refresh command, and add the Process Monitor DB grants to the monitoring user. For more information regarding grants, see DB Grant Privileges for PeopleSoft Monitoring, and for more information regarding CLI refresh commands, see PeopleSoft Refresh.
  • There are no properties required for Process Monitor discovery

  • User-Interface

    • Process Monitor discovery is included by default. To opt out, select No under Discover Process Monitor in the Resource discovery panel.

PeopleSoft Discovery Input

Input field Description
Resource Name Name of the PeopleSoft application
Management Agent The Management Agent that will monitor the PeopleSoft Application
Process Monitor  
  • Process Monitor
Yes / No
PeopleSoft Database .
  • Database Host
Host (FQDN) on which the database is installed
  • Database Port
Port used by the database for database connections
  • Database Service Name
Service name of the database used for database connections
  • Protocol
Protocol used for the Oracle Database. Select either TCP or TCPS protocol.
  • Database user password secret in <compartment_name> compartment
Select the secret that contains the database user password from the drop-down list. This field is only displayed if TCPS is selected in the Protocol field.
Database Credentials .
  • Username
Database user who has the necessary privileges on the underlying PeopleSoft views (e.g. SYSADM, EMDBO)
  • Password
Database user password
  • Role
Role of the database user (NORMAL or SYSDBA)
Application Server Domain Credentials .
  • Username
Remote administration userID
  • Password
Remote Administration Password (Unencrypted)
Process Scheduler Domain Credentials .
  • Username
Remote administration userID
  • Password
Remote Administration Password (Unencrypted)
PIA / WebLogic Credentials .
  • Username

PIA/Username of the WebLogic monitoring user.

For example, the username you would use to log into the WebLogic Console.

  • Password
PIA/Password of the WebLogic monitoring user'
PeopleSoft Elasticsearch .
  • Username
User to access Elasticsearch endpoint
  • Password
Elasticsearch endpoint password
  • Truststore path
Location of the trust store containing the certificate
  • Truststore password
Trust store containing the certificate password
Discover In  
Stack Monitoring and Logging Analytics (recommended) Discovery results will be sent to Stack Monitoring and Logging Analytics.

For information on Logging Analytics, see Quick Start.
Stack Monitoring only Discovery results will be sent to Stack Monitoring only.
Logging Analytics only Discovery results will be sent to Logging Analytics only.
Enterprise Edition The resource will be assigned an Enterprise Edition license.
Standard Edition The resource will be assigned an Standard Edition license.
Tags (under Show advanced options)

Freeform and Defined Tags can be applied to Stack Monitoring resources during discovery. To use Defined Tags first create the Tag namespaces, refer to . Refer to Tags and Tag Namespace Concepts for details on creating and managing the Tag namespaces for Defined Tags. When discovering a resource, any tag assigned will be applied to all the discovered resources. For more information regarding Tag prerequisites and Tag propagation, see Managing Tags.

Tag Namespace

Select "None" to add a free-form tag. Select a namespace to add a defined tag in the namespace. If you have permissions to create a resource, then you also have permissions to apply free-form tags to that resource. To apply a defined tag, you must have permissions to use the tag namespace. For more information about tagging, see Resource Tags. If you are not sure whether to apply tags, skip this option (you can apply tags later) or ask your administrator.

Tag Key

Specify the name you use to refer to the tag.

Tag Value

Specify the tag value. For more details on Tag Key and Tag Value, refer Overview of Tagging.

Apache Tomcat


  • Enable JMX monitoring. See Enabling JMX Remote.

    Tomcat monitoring does not support SSL. SSL will be disabled by default when following Tomcat documentation.

Apache Tomcat Discovery Input

Input Field Description
Resource Name Name of the Apache Tomcat resource.
Server Host Host on which the Apache Tomcat is installed.
JMX Port The port used for JMX monitoring.
Management Agent Management Agent monitoring the host where Apache Tomcat is installed.
Authorization Authorization mode for JMX monitoring (Enabled or Disabled). If Enabled is selected, Username and Password are required.
Username JMX monitoring username.
Password JMX monitoring password.
Discover In  
Stack Monitoring and Logging Analytics (recommended) Discovery results will be sent to Stack Monitoring and Logging Analytics.

For information on Logging Analytics, see Quick Start.
Stack Monitoring only Discovery results will be sent to Stack Monitoring only.
Logging Analytics only Discovery results will be sent to Logging Analytics only.
Enterprise Edition The resource will be assigned an Enterprise Edition license.
Standard Edition The resource will be assigned an Standard Edition license.
Tags (under Show advanced options)

Freeform and Defined Tags can be applied to Stack Monitoring resources during discovery. To use Defined Tags first create the Tag namespaces, refer to . Refer to Tags and Tag Namespace Concepts for details on creating and managing the Tag namespaces for Defined Tags. When discovering a resource, any tag assigned will be applied to all the discovered resources. For more information regarding Tag prerequisites and Tag propagation, see Managing Tags.

Tag Namespace

Select "None" to add a free-form tag. Select a namespace to add a defined tag in the namespace. If you have permissions to create a resource, then you also have permissions to apply free-form tags to that resource. To apply a defined tag, you must have permissions to use the tag namespace. For more information about tagging, see Resource Tags. If you are not sure whether to apply tags, skip this option (you can apply tags later) or ask your administrator.

Tag Key

Specify the name you use to refer to the tag.

Tag Value

Specify the tag value. For more details on Tag Key and Tag Value, refer Overview of Tagging.

For more information regarding input parameters, see JSON Input Parameters

Microsoft SQL Server



Database connection using SSL encryption is not supported.

Create a Custom Database User

To enable monitoring for a Microsoft SQL Server Database, you can create a special database user as follows.

Create a user (for example, monstk) and map the new user to the master and msdb databases. Then, give this user the following minimum privileges.

WITH PASSWORD = 'monstk1;123';
CREATE USER monstk FOR LOGIN monstk;

Map the user to all system and user databases:

USE master;
CREATE USER monstk FOR LOGIN monstk;
GRANT VIEW ANY definition TO monstk;
GRANT VIEW server STATE TO monstk;

GRANT EXECUTE ON sp_helplogins TO monstk;
GRANT EXECUTE ON sp_readErrorLog TO monstk;
GRANT EXECUTE ON dbo.xp_regread TO monstk;

GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[sysaltfiles] TO [monstk];

USE msdb;
GRANT SELECT ON dbo.sysjobsteps TO monstk;
GRANT SELECT ON dbo.sysjobs TO monstk;
GRANT SELECT ON dbo.sysjobhistory TO monstk;

MS SQL Server Discovery Input

Input Field Description
Resource Name Name of the MS SQL Server resource.
SQL Server DNS Name Domain Name System (DNS) for the database.
SQL Server Network Port The database port used for client connections.
Management Agent The Management Agent responsible for monitoring the SQL Server.
Username Username of the database monitoring user.
Password Password of the database monitoring user.
Discover In  
Stack Monitoring and Logging Analytics (recommended) Discovery results will be sent to Stack Monitoring and Logging Analytics.

For information on Logging Analytics, see Quick Start.
Stack Monitoring only Discovery results will be sent to Stack Monitoring only.
Logging Analytics only Discovery results will be sent to Logging Analytics only.
Enterprise Edition The resource will be assigned an Enterprise Edition license.
Standard Edition The resource will be assigned an Standard Edition license.
Tags (under Show advanced options)

Freeform and Defined Tags can be applied to Stack Monitoring resources during discovery. To use Defined Tags first create the Tag namespaces, refer to . Refer to Tags and Tag Namespace Concepts for details on creating and managing the Tag namespaces for Defined Tags. When discovering a resource, any tag assigned will be applied to all the discovered resources. For more information regarding Tag prerequisites and Tag propagation, see Managing Tags.

Tag Namespace

Select "None" to add a free-form tag. Select a namespace to add a defined tag in the namespace. If you have permissions to create a resource, then you also have permissions to apply free-form tags to that resource. To apply a defined tag, you must have permissions to use the tag namespace. For more information about tagging, see Resource Tags. If you are not sure whether to apply tags, skip this option (you can apply tags later) or ask your administrator.

Tag Key

Specify the name you use to refer to the tag.

Tag Value

Specify the tag value. For more details on Tag Key and Tag Value, refer Overview of Tagging.

Managed File Transfer (MFT)


WebLogic needs to be discovered prior to discovering Managed File Transfer (MFT). When discovering MFT, on the discovery UI, select the corresponding WebLogic from the drop down list.

Database Monitoring Requirements for Stack Monitoring

The Oracle database should be discovered before discovering the MFT application. If the database is discovered first, it will be automatically associated with the MFT application once the MFT application discovery completes. If the MFT application discovery is performed before the database has been discovered, the association will need to be created manually. See Updating Application Topology for more information.

Monitoring a Managed File Transfer application requires specific privileges to access the MFT schema. Stack Monitoring supports the use of the MFT schema owner, typically DEV_MFT, as the database credentials when discovering MFT. It is preferred to create a monitoring user with only the privileges necessary to monitor a MFT application. You can use the same database user to monitor both the Oracle database containing the MFT schema and the MFT application. Steps to create a database monitoring user can be found in MOS Note: 2857604.1.

The specific privileges are defined in the code below. It assumes the MFT schema name of DEV_MFT. If the schema name is different in your setup, then replace DEV_MFT with the actual schema name in the following code. Replace <user> with the database monitoring user created using the script. Ensure the grants are applied to the monitoring user created where the DEV_MFT schema resides.

Database permissions:


Discovery Input

Input field Description
Resource Name Name of the MFT resource.

WebLogic Credentials

  • WebLogic Domain
Select the WebLogic Domain
  • Protocol
Protocol used for the WebLogic Server. The possible values are t3 and t3s. If you select t3s, TrustStore Path and TrustStore Type fields appear under WebLogic User for Monitoring.
  • Username
WebLogic Server username.
  • User must have at least the Monitor role.
  • The Monitor role is included in Operator and Administrator roles.
  • Password
WebLogic Server user password.
Database Credential  
  • DNS Host Name

Name of the host where the WebLogic Administration Server is installed.
  • Port

Port used for WebLogic Administration Server (Console).
  • Service Name

Server name of the database used for database connections.
  • Username
Username of the Oracle Database monitoring credentials
  • Password
Password of the Oracle Database monitoring credentials
  • Role

Role of the database user (NORMAL or SYSDBA)
Discover In  
Stack Monitoring and Logging Analytics (recommended) Discovery results will be sent to Stack Monitoring and Logging Analytics.

For information on Logging Analytics, see Quick Start.
Stack Monitoring only Discovery results will be sent to Stack Monitoring only.
Logging Analytics only Discovery results will be sent to Logging Analytics only.
Enterprise Edition The resource will be assigned an Enterprise Edition license.
Standard Edition The resource will be assigned an Standard Edition license.
Tags (under Show advanced options)

Freeform and Defined Tags can be applied to Stack Monitoring resources during discovery. To use Defined Tags first create the Tag namespaces, refer to . Refer to Tags and Tag Namespace Concepts for details on creating and managing the Tag namespaces for Defined Tags. When discovering a resource, any tag assigned will be applied to all the discovered resources. For more information regarding Tag prerequisites and Tag propagation, see Managing Tags.

Tag Namespace

Select "None" to add a free-form tag. Select a namespace to add a defined tag in the namespace. If you have permissions to create a resource, then you also have permissions to apply free-form tags to that resource. To apply a defined tag, you must have permissions to use the tag namespace. For more information about tagging, see Resource Tags. If you are not sure whether to apply tags, skip this option (you can apply tags later) or ask your administrator.

Tag Key

Specify the name you use to refer to the tag.

Tag Value

Specify the tag value. For more details on Tag Key and Tag Value, refer Overview of Tagging.

Oracle HTTP Server (OHS)

Collocated OHS

Collocated OHS Discovery is part of Weblogic Domain Discovery and all of its prerequisites apply.


Oracle HTTP Server must be installed in an existing Oracle home, collocated with a WebLogic Server domain.

For more information about installing collocated OHS, see About the Oracle HTTP Server Installation.

Standalone OHS

Supported versions:

  • version 11.x - local monitoring only, Linux host, OPMN tool used for metric collection.

  • version 12.x - local monitoring only, Linux host, WLST tool used for metric collection


  • The Management Agent should be installed on the same host as the standalone Oracle HTTP Server.

  • The OHS configuration file (httpd.conf) should be accessible and readable by the Management Agent install user (mgmt_agent for standalone agent and oracle-cloud-agent for Oracle Cloud Agent).

OHS version 11.x:

Version 11.x OHS collects metrics using the OPMN tool.


  • If the agent user and the installation user are the same user:

    The OPMN tool should be executable and readable by the Management Agent install user (mgmt_agent for standalone agent and oracle-cloud-agent for Oracle Cloud Agent).

  • If the agent user is different from the installation user:

    Optional credentials for the installation user (owner user) must be provided during discovery. The installation user must have access to read and execute the OPMN tool. Root user can't be used.

OHS version 12.x:

Version 12.x OHS collects metrics using the WLST tool. The WLST tool should be accessible and readable by the Management Agent install user (mgmt_agent for standalone agent and oracle-cloud-agent for Oracle Cloud Agent).

OHS version 11.x Discovery Input

Input Field Description
Absolute path to configuration file (httpd.conf) Absolute path to httpd.conf configuration file for Oracle HTTP Server
Absolute path to instance home Absolute path to instance home directory
Component name component name of the Oracle HTTP Server
Hostname hostname used to connect to Oracle HTTP Server
Listen port port used to connect to Oracle HTTP Server
Management agent Management Agent monitoring the host where Oracle HTTP Server is installed
Version Version of the Oracle HTTP Server
  *Optionally, the user can specify the installation owner user credentials if the installation owner is a different user than the management agent user.
Installation owner username Username of a user who is the Oracle HTTP Server installation owner.
Installation owner password Password of a user who is the Oracle HTTP Server installation owner.

OHS version 12.x Discovery Input

Input Field Description
Hostname hostname used to connect to Oracle HTTP Server
Listen port port used to connect to Oracle HTTP Server
Absolute path to configuration file (httpd.conf) Absolute path to httpd.conf configuration file for Oracle HTTP Server
Absolute path to oracle home Absolute path to oracle home directory
Component name component name of the Oracle HTTP Server
Management agent Management Agent monitoring the host where Oracle HTTP Server is installed
Version Version of the Oracle HTTP Server
Node manager username Username for node manager configured with this Oracle HTTP Server
Node manager password Password for node manager configured with this Oracle HTTP Server

Apache HTTP Server


  • The Management Agent should be installed on the same host as Apache HTTP Server.
  • Enable mod_status Apache module ( Configure /server-status location directive for the specified Hostname and Port.


  • Turn ON the ExtendedStatus directive (
  • If applicable, provide access control to the configured /server-status location directive so that HTTP/HTTPS requests can be successfully made from the host on which the Agent is installed. The Agent only supports Basic Authentication with an HTTPS connection if required. For more information regarding configuring additional access control, see Apache Documentation, Authentication and Authorization.
  • The Apache binary files should be accessible and executable by the Management Agent install user:

    • The Apache *.conf file(s) , including httpd.conf file, should be accessible and readable by the Management Agent install user (mgmt_agent for standalone agent and oracle-cloud-agent for Oracle Cloud Agent).
    • The Apache binary file (httpd) should be accessible and executable by the Management Agent install user (mgmt_agent for standalone agent and oracle-cloud-agent for Oracle Cloud Agent).
    • The Apache pid file ( should be accessible and readable by the Management Agent install user (mgmt_agent for standalone agent and oracle-cloud-agent for Oracle Cloud Agent)..

Here is an example of how to add all the required permissions for the management agent user by creating a dedicated apache administrator user group and adding the management agent user to it:

#Create a user group for apache administration
groupadd apache_admin_grp
#Add management agent user to the apache admin group
#for user installed management agent
usermod -G apache_admin_grp mgmt_agent
#for oracle cloud agent plugin
usermod -G apache_admin_grp oracle-cloud-agent
#Change ownership for apache server root directory and binary file. Example:
chown -R root:apache_admin_grp /etc/httpd
chmod -R 770 /etc/httpd
chown -R root:apache_admin_grp /usr/sbin/httpd
chmod -R 770 /usr/sbin/httpd
#Grant access to file. Example:
chown -R root:apache_admin_grp /run/httpd
#Restart the Agent for the user group assignment to take effect.
#for user installed management agent
systemctl restart mgmt_agent
#for oracle cloud agent plugin
systemctl restart oracle-cloud-agent

Apache HTTP Server Discovery Input

Input Field Description
Resource Name Name of the Apache HTTP Server resource.
Server Host Host where the Apache HTTP Server is installed.
Listen Port Listen port of the Apache HTTP Server.
Absolute Path of httpd.conf The absolute path to the Apache httpd.conf file.
Absolute Path of httpd binary The absolute path to the httpd binary file.
Management Agent Management Agent that monitors the host on which the Apache HTTP Server is installed.
Protocol Protocol used to connect to the Apache HTTP server.
Discovery parameter name *Optionally, the user can specify basic authentication credentials when configuring the HTTPS connection
Username Username to access server-status metrics with basic authentication.
Password Password to access server-status metrics with basic authentication.
Discovery parameter name *Required when using HTTPS
Truststore path Absolute path of the JKS trust store containing the certificate.
Truststore password Trust store password.
Discover In  
Stack Monitoring and Logging Analytics (recommended) Discovery results will be sent to Stack Monitoring and Logging Analytics.

For information on Logging Analytics, see Quick Start.
Stack Monitoring only Discovery results will be sent to Stack Monitoring only.
Logging Analytics only Discovery results will be sent to Logging Analytics only.
Enterprise Edition The resource will be assigned an Enterprise Edition license.
Standard Edition The resource will be assigned an Standard Edition license.
Tags (under Show advanced options)

Freeform and Defined Tags can be applied to Stack Monitoring resources during discovery. To use Defined Tags first create the Tag namespaces, refer to . Refer to Tags and Tag Namespace Concepts for details on creating and managing the Tag namespaces for Defined Tags. When discovering a resource, any tag assigned will be applied to all the discovered resources. For more information regarding Tag prerequisites and Tag propagation, see Managing Tags.

Tag Namespace

Select "None" to add a free-form tag. Select a namespace to add a defined tag in the namespace. If you have permissions to create a resource, then you also have permissions to apply free-form tags to that resource. To apply a defined tag, you must have permissions to use the tag namespace. For more information about tagging, see Resource Tags. If you are not sure whether to apply tags, skip this option (you can apply tags later) or ask your administrator.

Tag Key

Specify the name you use to refer to the tag.

Tag Value

Specify the tag value. For more details on Tag Key and Tag Value, refer Overview of Tagging.

Oracle Unified Directory

Install Oracle Unified Directory (OUD) as an LDAP directory server, an LDAP proxy server, or as a replication gateway.

OUD can function in one of the following three modes:

  • As an LDAP directory server instance, used to contain data

  • As an LDAP proxy server instance, where the server acts as an interface between the client and the directory server or servers that contain the data

  • As a replication gateway instance between OUD and Oracle Directory Server Enterprise Edition (ODSEE)

The Stack Monitoring monitoring solution for OUD includes three resource types, one for each OUD installation mode or type.


  • Deploy Management Agent with Stack Monitoring plugin.
  • Set up monitoring user in OUD:
    • Create monitoring user with minimal privileges to perform ldap search operations to the DN (Distinguished Name) of cn=monitor to collect metrics for all OUD resources. Set up the exporter as mentioned below with the monitoring user you created.

      The use of OUD's admin user (RootDN) is not supported to setup the exporter.

Setup Exporter

The exporter will collect metrics from OUD and create an endpoint to expose the metrics in Prometheus format. These metrics will then be uploaded by the Management Agent.

The exporter needs to be setup for each instance of each installation mode. For example, if there are 3 directories and 2 proxies, the exporter will have to be setup 5 times.

  1. Create a new directory for the exporter configuration.
    1. Make sure the Management Agent user has read and execute permission to this location.
  2. Copy all the scripts in$AGENT_INST/config/destinations/OCI/services/appmgmt/<Latest_Version>/scripts/oud into the new directory.
    1. Once the exporter is configured, exporter config files will be created in this location.
    2. Ensure that this directory is not deleted at any time.
  3. Setup the exporter with the following command:

    ./ setup --type <type> --compartment <compartment id> --resName <resource name> --oracleHome <oracle home path> --auser <auser> --adir <adir> --adminPort <administration port> --metricPort <metrics port> --javaHome <JAVA_HOME path> --pnum <pnum> -D <monitoring user>

    The user that executes the exporter setup must have execution privileges in ldapsearch under OUD's Oracle home.

    Option Description
    type Type of OUD that is being configured: oud, proxy or replgw.
    compartment Compartment Id.
    resName Resource Name of the OUD instance. This value must be unique and will be uploaded as a dimension for each metric.
    oracleHome Oracle Home of the OUD application.
    auser Management agent user: mgmt_agent or oracle-cloud-agent.
    adir Management agent instance installation directory. i.e. /opt/oracle/mgmt_agent/agent_inst
    adminPort Administration port of the OUD instance.
    metricPort New port to be used to expose metrics in Prometheus format. This port must be available prior setup.
    javaHome Java Home path.
    pnum OUD identifier for the new instance to be created. This must be a positive integer unique per instance.
    D Monitoring user without "cn=" prefix.

    After the above command, the exporter will be configured to run at a 2 minute interval by default.

  4. When running the setup you will be asked to enter the monitoring user password twice.
  5. To validate the setup was done successfully, access the metrics endpoint in https://localhost:<metricPort>/metrics. To access this endpoint, the user is always exporter and the password is the monitoring user password.

Import OUD

OUD can be independently imported and monitored as one of the following resource types:

  • OUD Directory Server
  • OUD Proxy Server
  • OUD Replication Gateway

To import OUD to Stack Monitoring, ensure the Management Agent has been uploading OUD metrics to telemetry for at least 20 minutes.

Import OUD resource types with the following command:

oci stack-monitoring resource-task import-telemetry-resources --compartment-id <compartment id> --namespace oracle_appmgmt --source OCI_TELEMETRY_PROMETHEUS --resource-group <resource group>

Import each resource type, not each instance. For example, if there are 3 directories and 2 proxies, run the import command 2 times, once for each type.

After the resources are imported, if a new OUD instance is added, execute the import command again for the newly added resource type.

Option Description
compartment-id Compartment Id
namespace Namespace where the metrics are stored: oracle_appmgmt
source Source to post metrics: OCI_TELEMETRY_PROMETHEUS
resource-group OUD resource type to be imported: oud_directory, oud_proxy or oud_gateway

Oracle GoldenGate


Oracle GoldenGate REST APIs must be accessible from the Management Agent which will monitor the GoldenGate instance.

Only https protocol is supported, so the GoldenGate instance must be configured with required certificates.

Management Agent must have access to the Truststore JKS file which contains the certificate to validate TLS connection.

GoldenGate Discovery Input

Input Field Description
Resource Name Name of the Oracle GoldenGate resource
Host Name FQDN of host where Oracle GoldenGate is installed.
Service Manager Port Listen port of Oracle GoldenGate Service Manager.
Management Agent Management Agent that monitors Oracle GoldenGate
Username Username to access Oracle GoldenGate REST URLs with basic authentication
Password Password to access Oracle GoldenGate REST URLs with basic authentication.
Truststore path Absolute path of the JKS trust store containing the certificate
Truststore password Trust store password
Discover In  
Stack Monitoring and Logging Analytics (recommended) Discovery results will be sent to Stack Monitoring and Logging Analytics.

For information on Logging Analytics, see Quick Start.
Stack Monitoring only Discovery results will be sent to Stack Monitoring only.
Logging Analytics only Discovery results will be sent to Logging Analytics only.
Enterprise Edition The resource will be assigned an Enterprise Edition license.
Standard Edition The resource will be assigned an Standard Edition license.
Tags (under Show advanced options)

Freeform and Defined Tags can be applied to Stack Monitoring resources during discovery. To use Defined Tags first create the Tag namespaces, refer to . Refer to Tags and Tag Namespace Concepts for details on creating and managing the Tag namespaces for Defined Tags. When discovering a resource, any tag assigned will be applied to all the discovered resources. For more information regarding Tag prerequisites and Tag propagation, see Managing Tags.

Tag Namespace

Select "None" to add a free-form tag. Select a namespace to add a defined tag in the namespace. If you have permissions to create a resource, then you also have permissions to apply free-form tags to that resource. To apply a defined tag, you must have permissions to use the tag namespace. For more information about tagging, see Resource Tags. If you are not sure whether to apply tags, skip this option (you can apply tags later) or ask your administrator.

Tag Key

Specify the name you use to refer to the tag.

Tag Value

Specify the tag value. For more details on Tag Key and Tag Value, refer Overview of Tagging.

Microsoft Internet Information Services (IIS)

The successful discovery of a Microsoft IIS resources will discover the resource named during discovery and all its children sites. The children sites will have the parent resource given name as prefix.


The Management Agent monitoring IIS must be deployed locally on the host where IIS is running, and the necessary prerequisites completed. For more information, see Perform Prerequisites for Deploying Management Agents.

Microsoft IIS and Local Agent are running during discovery.

Microsoft IIS Discovery Input

Resource Type Microsoft Internet Information Services
Resource Name Name of the Resource. It should be Unique.
Management Agent Local Agent running on above host
License Select the option
Host Name Name of Host where MS-IIS is running
Discover In  
Stack Monitoring and Logging Analytics (recommended) Discovery results will be sent to Stack Monitoring and Logging Analytics.

For information on Logging Analytics, see Quick Start.
Stack Monitoring only Discovery results will be sent to Stack Monitoring only.
Logging Analytics only Discovery results will be sent to Logging Analytics only.
Enterprise Edition The resource will be assigned an Enterprise Edition license.
Standard Edition The resource will be assigned an Standard Edition license.
Tags (under Show advanced options)

Freeform and Defined Tags can be applied to Stack Monitoring resources during discovery. To use Defined Tags first create the Tag namespaces, refer to . Refer to Tags and Tag Namespace Concepts for details on creating and managing the Tag namespaces for Defined Tags. When discovering a resource, any tag assigned will be applied to all the discovered resources. For more information regarding Tag prerequisites and Tag propagation, see Managing Tags.

Tag Namespace

Select "None" to add a free-form tag. Select a namespace to add a defined tag in the namespace. If you have permissions to create a resource, then you also have permissions to apply free-form tags to that resource. To apply a defined tag, you must have permissions to use the tag namespace. For more information about tagging, see Resource Tags. If you are not sure whether to apply tags, skip this option (you can apply tags later) or ask your administrator.

Tag Key

Specify the name you use to refer to the tag.

Tag Value

Specify the tag value. For more details on Tag Key and Tag Value, refer Overview of Tagging.