

    1. ナビゲーション・メニューを開き、「アナリティクスとAI」をクリックします。「AIサービス」で、「言語」をクリックします。
    2. 左側のナビゲーション・メニューで、「テキスト分析」をクリックします。
    3. 分析するテキストの言語を選択します。
    4. ダイアログ・ボックスにテキストを指定します。
    5. 「分析」をクリックします。




  • 次のコマンドを使用してテキストを分析:

    oci ai language batch-detect-language --documents [<list-of-filenames>] ... [OPTIONS]
    oci ai language batch-detect-entities --endpoint-id <endpoint-id> --documents [<list-of-filenames>] ... [OPTIONS]
    oci ai language batch-detect-key-phrases --documents [<list-of-filenames>] ... [OPTIONS]
    oci ai language batch-detect-sentiments --documents [<list-of-filenames>] ... [OPTIONS]
    oci ai language batch-detect-pii-entities --documents [<list-of-filenames>] ... [OPTIONS]
    oci ai language batch-detect-text-classification --endpoint-id <endpoint-id> --documents [<list-of-filenames>] ... [OPTIONS]


    oci ai language batch-detect-language --documents '[{"key": "1", "text": "hello world"}]'
    oci ai language batch-detect-entities --endpoint-id ailanguageendpoint1677089208435 --documents '[{"key": "1","languageCode": "en","text": "Lawrence Joseph 
    Ellison (born August 17, 1944) is an American business magnate and investor who is the co-founder, executive 
    chairman, chief technology officer (CTO) and former chief executive officer (CEO) of the American computer 
    technology company Oracle Corporation."}]'
    oci ai language batch-detect-key-phrases --documents '[{"key": "1","languageCode": "en","text": "Lawrence Joseph 
    Ellison (born August 17, 1944) is an American business magnate and investor who is the co-founder, executive 
    chairman, chief technology officer (CTO) and former chief executive officer (CEO) of the American computer 
    technology company Oracle Corporation."}]'
    oci ai language batch-detect-sentiments --level ASPECT --level SENTENCE --documents '[{"key": "1","languageCode": 
    "en","text": "OCI Language offers state of the art models for analyzing the text at scale with easy to use APIs and SDKs"}]'
    oci ai language batch-detect-pii-entities --masking '{"mode": "REPLACE"}'  --documents '[{"key": "1","languageCode": 
    "en","text": "Lawrence Joseph Ellison (born August 17, 1944) is an American business magnate and investor who is the 
    co-founder, executive chairman, chief technology officer (CTO) and former chief executive officer (CEO) of the American 
    computer technology company Oracle Corporation."}]'
    oci ai language batch-detect-text-classification --documents '[{"key": "1","languageCode": "en","text": "Lawrence 
    Joseph Ellison (born August 17, 1944) is an American business magnate and investor who is the co-founder, executive 
    chairman, chief technology officer (CTO) and former chief executive officer (CEO) of the American computer technology 
    company Oracle Corporation."}]'
