You're viewing OCI IAM documentation for new tenancies in regions that have been updated to use identity domains.

Import File Specifications

Learn about import file specifications to reduce the possibility of errors.

Whether you're importing users, groups, or Oracle application roles, the import file itself must meet the following specifications:
  • Use a comma as the delimiter between the values

  • Save the file in a CSV format (*.csv)

  • Limit file size to 52 MB


Import just one user to familiarize yourself with the process. You can then import a larger set of users, for example, 100 users. If you don't experience any import errors, increase the import file size according to your comfort level.

The import file is a simple text file in a tabular format (rows and columns). The first row in the file defines the columns (fields) in your table. At a minimum, the import file must have these exact column headings.
Import File Required Column Headings

User ID

Last Name

First Name

Work Email


Display Name


User Members


Application Role Membership

Entitlement Value

Grantee Name

Grantee Type

App Name

For each account, create a row (line) and enter data into each column (field). Each row equals one record.

To create an import file, you can use a standard spreadsheet application, such as Microsoft Excel or Google Sheets, or you can use a text editor, such as Notepad or TextPad.

Whichever application you use to create the file, ensure that you save the file in a valid CSV format.

Spreadsheet applications make it easy to create, edit, and save import files. You can use standard features to add and delete rows of data, edit individual fields, search for records, or sort the list. The following illustration shows an example of group account data defined in a Microsoft Excel file. The layout lets you easily review the data.

CSV file displayed using Microsoft Excel.

When you save your spreadsheet as type CSV (*.csv), a comma separates the values in each row. For example, the following illustration shows the group data from the Microsoft Excel spreadsheet, saved as CSV file, and opened in Notepad.

CSV file displayed using Notepad.

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