You're viewing OCI IAM documentation for new tenancies in regions that have been updated to use identity domains.

Transferring Data

Import and export users, groups, and Oracle application roles into and out of an identity domain.

Learn how to import and export large amounts of data into an identity domain using the user interface. Import data to help you bulk load users, groups, and Oracle application roles. Export data, make changes, and then import those changes back into an identity domain.

Required Policy or Role

To transfer data, you must have one of the following access grants:
  • Be a member of the Administrators group
  • Be granted the Identity Domain Administrator role or the User Administrator role
  • Be a member of a group granted manage domains

To understand more about policies and roles, see The Administrators Group, Policy, and Administrator Roles, Understanding Administrator Roles, and IAM Policies Overview.

Before you begin: Learn about file specifications, column headers, and the sample files.

Learn how to import users, groups, and Oracle application roles.

Learn how to export users, groups, and Oracle application roles. And then download the exported files.

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