Constructing a Self-Registration URL

After creating a self-registration profile in IAM, you must create a self-registration URL.

  1. On the Self registration page, click the Actions menu (Actions Menu) for the profile you want to update, and select Edit to edit the profile.
  2. On the Edit self-registration profile page, copy the Profile ID to construct a URL exactly like the following example:

    If the URL isn't constructed properly, you receive an error stating that your profile wasn't found. Verify that the syntax of the URL is correct.

    This URL gives the user access to the self-registration page. After the user completes self-registration and clicks Submit, they are presented with a success page. The user must then click the link Click here to continue to go to the My Apps page. If the user doesn't click the link within 1 hour, the token expires and user is presented with the Login page again.