Change Autonomous Database Operation Mode to Read/Write
Read-Only or Restricted
You can
select an Autonomous Database operation
mode: Read/Write, Read-Only, or Restricted. The default mode is
Change Autonomous Database Operation Mode for a Session You can set the Autonomous Database operation mode for a session to Read-Only. When you set the session mode to Read-Only users in the session can only run queries.
Change Autonomous Database Operation Mode for a
You can set
the Autonomous Database operation mode for a
session to Read-Only. When you set the session mode to Read-Only users in the session can
only run queries.
To enable Read-Only mode for a session:
Connect to Autonomous Database.
You can connect as the ADMIN user or as the user whose session you want to
set to Read-only mode.
Run the following SQL statement:
To disable Read-Only mode for a session:
The READ_ONLY session parameter applies when the database is in
Read/Write mode. If the database is in Read-Only mode, setting the session parameter
value to TRUE or to FALSE does not change the
operation mode for the session.
Change Autonomous Database Operation Mode to Read/Write
Read-Only or Restricted
From the
Oracle Cloud
Infrastructure Console you can select an Autonomous Database
operation mode: Read/Write, Read-Only, or Restricted. The default mode is
If you select Read-Only mode users can only run queries. In addition,
for Read-Only or Read/Write mode, you can restrict access to only allow users with
the RESTRICTED SESSION privilege to connect to the database. The
ADMIN user has this privilege. You can use the restricted access mode to perform
administrative tasks such as indexing, data loads, or other planned activities.
Perform the following prerequisite steps as necessary:
Open the Oracle Cloud
Infrastructure Console by clicking the next to Oracle Cloud.
From the Oracle
Cloud Infrastructure left navigation menu click
Oracle Database and then,
depending on your workload click one of: Autonomous Data
Autonomous JSON Database, or Autonomous Transaction
On the Autonomous Databases page
select an Autonomous Database from the links under the Display
name column.
To change the Autonomous Database operation mode, do the following:
On the Details page, in the Mode
field under General Information, click Edit.
This shows the Change database mode
Select a mode, either Read/write or Read
If you want to restrict access to only allow the ADMIN or privileged users, then select Allow administrator
access only.
Click Confirm.
When concurrent operations
such as scaling are active, the confirmation also confirms either
pausing or canceling the concurrent operation. See Concurrent
Operations on Autonomous Database for more
While the mode changes, the Lifecycle state field shows
Updating. After the mode change completes, the
Lifecycle state field shows Available.
Notes for changing the database mode:
The database must be available with the Lifecycle
state field showing Available to
change the database mode.
When you change the database mode to restricted mode or when you change from
restricted mode to unrestricted mode, the database terminates existing
database connections as follows:
When the mode is restricted, that is the Mode field
shows (Admin-only access), if you deselect
Allow administrator access only and click
Confirm, then users and applications need
to reestablish database connections after the mode change
When the mode is unrestricted, that is the Mode field
does not show (Admin-only access), if you
select Allow administrator access only and
click Confirm, then users and applications
need to reestablish database connections after the mode change
When the database is in Read-Only mode, each of the following is
On the Oracle Cloud
Infrastructure Console, the Administrator Password action is not
allowed. Also, in Database Actions, under Administration, the
Database Users card is disabled.
Oracle APEX URLs are not available:
In Database Actions, under Development, the APEX link is disabled.
On the Oracle Cloud
Infrastructure Console Tools tab, the Open APEX link is
Oracle Machine Learning User Administration is disabled:
In Database Actions, under Development, the Oracle Machine Learning link is disabled.
On the Oracle Cloud
Infrastructure Console Tools tab, the Open Oracle ML User
Administration link is disabled.
Setting resource management rules is disabled. In Database Actions,
under Administration, the Set Resource Management Rules
link is disabled.
Upgrading the database is disabled when the database is in Read-Only