Loading Data

You can load data from files on your local device, from remote databases, or from cloud storage buckets from directories and share providers. The file formats that you can load are CSV, XLS, XLSX, TSV, TXT, XML, JSON, GEOJSON, AVRO, PARQUET, GZ, GZIP, ZIP, PDF, PNG, JPG, JPEG and TIFF.

The Data Load tool supports the loading of source files with boolean format. The data type boolean has the truth values TRUE and FALSE. If there is no NOT NULL constraint, the boolean data type also supports the truth value UNKNOWN as the null value. You can use the boolean data type wherever the datatype appears in Oracle SQL syntax.

It also supports the VECTOR data type, which allows you to store vector embeddings directly within Oracle Database tables.

Use OCI Language Service Capabilities in Data Studio

You can utilize OCI Language Service Capabilities such as Sentiment Analysis, Key Phrase Extraction and Language Detection to analyze data without machine learning (ML) or artificial intelligence (AI) expertise.

For example, you can use it for feedback on a product. A phone manufacturer has launched a new phone model and they want to know what the customer sentiment is on their product. If a large percentage of sentiment is negative it could signal a potential fault with the camera which wasn’t detected in Quality Control (QC).

Overview of Sentiment Analysis, Key Phrase Extraction and Language Detection

Sentiment Analysis, Key Phrase Extraction, Language Detection and Text Translation are currently supported in loading data from local files and loading data from cloud storage.

Sentiment Analysis

Sentiment Analysis analyses the text to define your sentiment on a topic or product. The Language service sentiment analysis uses natural language processing (NLP). The Data Studio tool uses the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI) Language service to analyze and understand the input data. The Data Studio tool dynamically adds new columns to the data load that contains the output of the OCI Language service. You can detect the sentiments of any column of the source data. For example, when searching through a column containing reviews for an application, assume that you want a general opinion about the application. The Data Studio tool performs sentiment analysis on the input data and creates a new expression column defined in the target table that consists of the sentiment.

For more details, refer to Sentiment Analysis in OCI.

Key Phrase Extraction

Key phrase extraction identifies the main concepts in a text. Keyword extraction is the automated process of extracting the words with the most relevance, and expressions from the input text. It helps summarize the content and recognizes the main topics. A word cloud can be generated with key phrases to help visualize key concepts in text comments or feedback. For example, a Movie review could generate a word cloud based on key phrases identified in their comments and might see that people are commenting most frequently about the direction, acting, and cinematography staff.

For more details, refer to Key Phrase Extraction in OCI.

Language Detection

You can utilize OCI Language Service Capabilities such as Language Detection to detect the language of the input text. It returns which natural language the text is in. You can use it to overcome language barriers thus improving communication with people from other countries. You can determine the language of the input text and translate content to different languages. For more details refer to Language Extraction in OCI.

Text Translation

The Text Translation translates input text into any one of the OCI Language service-supported target languages. The Data Studio tool uses the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI) Language service to analyze and understand the input data. The Data Studio tool dynamically adds new column to the data load that contains the translated input source column. For example, when you need to know what customers are saying about your product in the local market language – French. The Data Studio tool performs language translation on the input data and creates a new expression column defined in the target table that consists of the translated source language in the column.

Before you start:
  • Load Data from Local Files or Cloud storage: Load the data you wish to analyze into your Oracle Autonomous Database from Local files or Cloud storage. Make sure the data is loaded to the data load cart without any errors. You can view and fix mapping errors from the Errors quick filter in the Load Data from Cloud Store Location. After you load data into the Data load tool,
    • Click the Settings icon on the Data Load job cart to review the settings.
    • On the Settings pane of the Load Data from Cloud Store Location wizard, if there is a mapping error, the mapping grid cell will be highlighted with red to indicate an invalid value that must be fixed.
      Description of mapping-error.png follows

    • Click the Errors quick filter, it shows only the columns with errors.
      Description of mapping-error-columns.png follows

  • The tools perform sentiment analysis, Key Phrase extraction and Language Detection while you specify settings for the data load job.

Parameters to Analyze Data

When you invoke an Add Expression from the Settings tab, you must configure the model using parameters.

Table 3-3 Parameters for Sentiment Analysis, Key Phase Extraction, and Language Detection

Parameter Description
Expression Type

Select any one of the following operations you wish to perform on the input text: Sentiment Analysis, Key Phrase Extraction, and Language Detection.

Input Column

Select the column which you wish to analyze.

The input column drop-down only contains columns that Sentiment Analysis, Key Phrase Extraction, and Language Detection support.

For Sentiment Analysis, only VARCHAR2, NVARCHAR2, CLOB, or NCLOB target columns will be displayed in the input drop-down.

Target Column
  • Enter the name of the newly created expression column defined in the target table.
  • For Sentiment Analysis, this column displays the sentiment of the input column. The different types of sentiments the tool identifies are:
    • Positive
    • Neutral
    • Mixed
    • Negative

      If the tool cannot determine the sentiment of the input column, it returns NULL in the expression column.

  • For Key Phrase Extraction, this column displays the key phrases of the input column you select.
  • For Language Detection, this column displays the language of the input column you select.

Perform Sentiment Analysis

To determine the Sentiments of input data:

  1. After you load data into the Data Load cart from local files or cloud storage, you can view the file in the cart. Click the settings icon.
    Description of settings.png follows

  2. Clicking the Setting icon opens a Load Data from Local File wizard. In this example, we have loaded data from a local file.
  3. On the Settings tab of the wizard, click Add Expression under the Mapping section.
    Description of add-expression.png follows

    This opens the Add Expression dialog box.

    Description of add-sentiment.png follows

  4. On the Add Expression dialog, specify the following fields:
    • Expression Type: From the Expression Type drop-down, select Sentiment Analysis.
    • Input Column: Select the column from the drop-down that you wish to analyze. For example, CONTENT.
    • Target column: Enter the name of the newly created expression column. For example, CONTENT_SENTIMENT.

      Refer to the Parameters to Analyze Data for more details.

  5. Click OK. You will see a new row added to the mapping grid. This row determines the output expression column generated by the OCI Language service.
    Description of map-sentiment.png follows

  6. Click Close.
  7. Click Start in the Data Load menu cart to load data from local files. You will view a confirmation message asking if you wish to start the load from local files.
  8. Click Run to confirm.

When the data load job completes, the Table and View Loads of the Data Load page display the details of the source table that is loaded into the tool. It displays the number of rows and columns and when the upload was complete.

Output Data Generated from OCI Sentiment Analysis

When you analyze columns using OCI Language Service model, the Data Studio generates a new expression column and saves the result in the updated table.

To locate the generated expression column, from the Database Actions Launchpad, navigate to Data Load. Select the table you load under the Table and View Loads section.

Click the three vertical dots beside the load name, and click Table then select View.
Description of view-details.png follows

This opens the Preview tab of the data load which displays the updated source file. For example, here is an output dataset from sentiment analysis of the Instagram application. Here, CONTENT is the target column, and CONTENT_SENTIMENT is the sentiment analysis of the input column. This column displays one of the following values such as positive, neutral, mixed, or negative It displays Null when the tool is unable to determine the sentiment.
Description of content-analysis.png follows

Perform Key Phrase Extraction

To extract Key Phrase information from input data:

  1. After you load data into the Data Load cart from local files or cloud storage, you can view the file in the cart. Click the settings icon.
    Description of settings.png follows

  2. Clicking the Setting icon opens a Load Data from Local File wizard. In this example, we have loaded data from a local file.
  3. On the Settings tab of the wizard, click Add Expression under the Mapping section.
    Description of add-expression.png follows

    This opens the Add Expression dialog box.

    Description of add-key.png follows

  4. On the Add Expression dialog, specify the following fields:
    • Expression Type: From the Expression Type drop-down, select Key Phrase Extraction.
    • Input Column: Select the column from the drop-down that you wish to analyze. For example, CONTENT.
    • Target column: Enter the name of the newly created expression column. For example, CONTENT_KEY_PHRASE_EXTRACTION.

    Refer to the Parameters to Analyze Data for more details.

  5. Click OK. You will see a new row added to the mapping grid .This row determines the output expression column generated by the OCI Language service.
    Description of map-key.png follows

  6. Click Close.
  7. Click Start in the Data Load menu cart to load data from local files. You will view a confirmation message asking if you wish to start the load from local files.
  8. Click Run to confirm.

When the data load job completes, the Table and View Loads of the Data Load page display the details of the source table that is loaded into the tool. It displays the number of rows and columns and when the upload was complete.

Output Data Generated from OCI Key Phrase Extraction

When you analyze columns using OCI Language Service model, the Data Studio generates a new expression column and saves the result in the updated table.

To locate the generated expression column, from the Database Actions Launchpad, navigate to Data Load. Select the table you load under the Table and View Loads section.

Click the three vertical dots beside the load name, and click Table then select View.
Description of view-details.png follows

For example, here's an output dataset from sentiment analysis of the Instagram application. Here, CONTENT is the target column, and CONTENT_KEY_PHRASE_EXTRACTION column displays the key phrases extracted from the input column.
Description of key-output.png follows

Perform Language Detection

The Data Studio supports the detection of multiple languages.

To determine the language of the input text:
  1. After you load data into the Data Load cart from cloud storage, you can view the file in the cart. Click the Settings icon.
    Description of settings-icon-language.bmp follows

  2. Clicking the Setting icon opens a Load Data from Cloud Store Location wizard.
  3. On the Settings tab of the wizard, click Add Expression under the Mapping section.
    Description of settings-language.bmp follows

    This opens the Add Expression dialog box. Select AI Expressions.
    Description of add-expn-lang.bmp follows

  4. On the Add Expression dialog, specify the following fields:
    • Expression Type: From the Expression Type drop-down, select Language Detection.
    • Input Column: Select the column from the drop-down that you wish to analyze. In this case, we need to detect the language of the Review column. For example, REVIEW.
    • Target column: Enter the name of the newly created expression column. For example, REVIEW_LANGUAGE_DETECTION.

    Refer to the Parameters to Analyze Data for more details.

  5. Click OK. You will see a new row added to the mapping grid .This row determines the output expression column generated by the OCI Language service.
    Description of new-column-language.bmp follows

  6. Click Close.
  7. Click Start in the Data Load menu cart to load data from local files. You will view a confirmation message asking if you wish to start the load from local files.
  8. Click Run to confirm.

When the data load job completes, the Table and View Loads of the Data Load page display the details of the source table that is loaded into the tool. It displays the number of rows and columns and when the upload was complete.

Output Data Generated from OCI Language Detection

When you analyze columns using OCI Language Service model, the Data Studio generates a new expression column and saves the result in the updated table.

To locate the generated expression column, from the Database Actions Launchpad, navigate to Data Load. Select the table you load under the Table and View Loads section.

Click the three vertical dots beside the load name, and click Table then select View Details.

Description of view-details-language.bmp follows

For example, here's an output dataset from language detection of the Review column. Here, REVIEW is the target column, and REVIEW_LANGUAGE_DETECTION column displays the language detected from the input column.
Description of output-language.bmp follows

Perform Text Translation

The Data Studio supports the translation of multiple languages supported by OCI Language Service.

To determine the translated input text:

  1. After you load data into the Data Load cart from local files, you can view the file in the cart. Click the settings icon.

    Description of settings-text-translation.png follows

  2. Clicking the Setting icon opens a Load Data from Local File wizard.
  3. On the Settings tab of the wizard, click Add Expression under the Mapping section.

    Description of add-expression-translation.png follows

    This opens the Add Expression dialog box. Select AI Expressions.

    Description of text-translation.png follows

  4. On the Add Expression dialog, specify the following fields:
    • Expression Type: From the Expression Type drop-down, select Text Translation.
    • Input Column: Select the column from the drop-down that you wish to analyze. In this case, we need to translate the text of the SOURCE_INPUT column.
    • Target column: Enter the name of the newly created expression column. For example, SOURCE_INPUT_TRANSLATION.
    • Target Language: Select the language of the text the tool translates from the drop-down. For example, English.

    Refer to the Parameters to Analyze Data for more details.

  5. Click OK. You will see a new row added to the mapping grid .This row determines the output expression column generated by the OCI Language service.

    Description of new-column-translation.png follows

  6. Click Close.
  7. Click Start in the Data Load menu cart to load data from local files. You will view a confirmation message asking if you wish to start the load from local files.
  8. Click Run to confirm.

When the data load job completes, the Table and View Loads of the Data Load page display the details of the source table that is loaded into the tool. It displays the number of rows and columns and when the upload was complete.

Output Data Generated from OCI Text Translation

When you analyze columns using OCI Language Service model, the Data Studio generates a new expression column and saves the result in the updated table.

To locate the generated expression column, from the Database Actions Launchpad, navigate to Data Load. Select the table you load under the Table and View Loads section.

Click the three vertical dots beside the load name, and click Table then select View Details.

Description of view-details-translation.png follows

Use OCI Document Understanding to extract Tables from Images

You can utilize Oracle Cloud Infrastructure(OCI) Document Understanding Capabilities such as Table Extraction to detect tables from the data you load.

The supported file formats to use this feature are PDF, JPEG, JPG, PNG and Tag Image File Format (TIFF) formats.

For example, if a PDF document consists of all the employee details including their hiring date and salary, document understanding will identify the table and extract the table structure. It will extract the content of the table while maintaining the row and column relationship of cells.

Overview of Table Extraction

The Load Data tool supports Table Extraction in loading data from local files and loading data from cloud storage.

Table Extraction

OCI Document Understanding service allows customers to uncover insights in unstructured documents powered by deep learning models. It enables you to extract text, tables and identify document types among other great capabilities. Table Extraction identifies all the tables in a document and extracts the content in tabular format maintaining the row/column relationship.


This service is available for source data in English Language only.

For more details, see Table Extraction.

Perform Table Extraction from Image

Let us perform table extraction with a sample PDF.

You can see a table in the PDF below.

Description of image1-pdf.png follows

To extract a table from the PDF located in the cloud storage location:
  1. Load the PDF file into the Data Load cart from the cloud storage. You can drag and drop the file from the navigator to the cart.

    Description of drag-image.png follows

  2. Click Start to load the data. You will receive a notification that confirms if you wish to start loading the data. Click Run to continue.

    Description of drag-image.png follows

  3. After the loading is complete, you can view the loaded file under Table and View Loads in the Data Load dashboard.

    Description of table-image-load.png follows

  4. Extract the table from the PDF you loaded in the autonomous database:
    • Click Database Actions in the breadcrumb.
    • Select Development, then click SQL.
    • Select Tables, on the left Navigator, from the object drop-down. From the list of available tables, drag and drop the EMP_ALL table to the worksheet.

      Description of emp-all.png follows

      A dialog displays offering the types of available insertions.

      Description of select.png follows

      Click Select, then Apply.

    • Click Run (the arrow icon at the top of the worksheet). The tool displays the extracted table under the Query Results tab.

      Description of run-image.png follows

Use GeoJSON in Data Load

A GeoJSON object accommodates information about the specific geometry (e.g. Point, Line, Polygon, etc.) along with optional metadata (e.g. ID, etc.).

The extension for a GeoJSON file is *.geojson. You can load GeoJSON data into the Autonomous Database using the Data Load in Data Studio. If the table contains GeoJSON data, then the data is loaded in a column that projects GeoJSON data from the document set of SQL data type SDO_GEOMETRY.

Load a table with GeoJSON Data

When you load a table in Data Studio with GeoJSON data and review its settings, you will see that it creates table Brazil_Geo, which has a column geometry of GeoJSON data.

Description of settings-geo.png follows

After you load BRAZIL_GEO you will view that the tool loads GeoJSON object into a new column geometry with the data type SDO_GEOMETRY.
Description of edittable-geo.png follows

You can also view the same in the Data Definition tab when you View Details of the Table load after it is run.
Description of datadefinition-geo.png follows

Add Spatial Expression for GeoJSON columns

Oracle Spatial is designed to make spatial data management easier and more natural to users of location-enabled applications and geographic information system (GIS) applications.

Once spatial data is stored in an Oracle database, it can be easily manipulated, retrieved, and related to all other data stored in the database.

The spatial data model in Oracle Spatial is a hierarchical structure consisting of elements, geometries, and layers. Layers are composed of geometries, which in turn are made up of elements.

Tolerance is used to associate a level of precision with spatial data. Tolerance reflects the distance that two points can be apart and still be considered the same (for example, to accommodate rounding errors). The tolerance value must be a positive number greater than zero. See Tolerance in Spatial Data for more information.

Parameters for Spatial Data Analysis

When you invoke an Add Expression and select Spatial Expressions from the Add Expression wizard, you must configure the model using parameters.

Table 3-4 Parameters for Spatial Data Analysis

Parameter Description
Expression Type
Select any one of the following spatial attributes such as Length or Area:
  • Length: Selecting this attribute returns and stores the perimeter of a two-dimensional polygon in the mapping table with a target column of type GEOMETRY_LENGTH.
  • Area: Selecting this attribute returns and stores the area of a two-dimensional polygon in the mapping table with a target column of type GEOMETRY_AREA.
Input Column

Select the column which you wish to analyze for Spatial Data:

You will by default view a GEOMETRY column in Source mapped to the SDO_GEOMETRY column value. This also means that the table is spatially enabled.

Target Column
This is the newly created expression column defined in the target table which stores the result of the Spatial Expression and depends on the expression type value you select:
  • GEOMETRY_LENGTH: If you select Length as your Expression type, you can view the target column of type GEOMETRY_LENGTH which displays the geometry’s length value.
  • GEOMETRY_AREA:If you select Area as your Expression type, you can view the target column of type GEOMETRY_AREA which displays the geometry’s area value.

Perform Spatial Analysis

You can load Spatial data using the Data Load tool from local files or cloud storage.

To perform Spatial Analysis on GeoJSON data:
  1. After you load data into the Data Load cart from local files or cloud storage, you can view the file in the cart. Click the Settings icon.
    Description of settings-spatial.bmp follows

  2. On the Settings tab of the wizard, select Rectify Geometry to fix invalid geometries. This icon corrects the most common errors such as duplicate points, polygon orientation errors, polygon construction errors etc. If it detects any uncorrectable error, it fails with an ORA-13199: the given geometry cannot be rectified exception.
    Description of add-spatial-expression.bmp follows


    You cannot fix geometries having wrong orientation with the. Rectify Geometry icon.
  3. Specify the Tolerance value. In the above example, we specify 0.005 as tolerance, i.e., 5mm.
  4. Click Add Expression under the Mapping section and select Spatial Expressions.
    Description of add-spatial-expression-wizard.bmp follows

    On the Add Expression dialog, specify the following fields:
    • Expression Type: From the Expression Type drop-down, select Area to display the area of a two-dimensional polygon. You can also select Length to display the perimeter of a two-dimensional polygon.
    • Input Column: You will view a GEOMETRY column by default. This source column stores the area of the geometry. In case you select Length as an expression type, this source column stores the length of the geometry.
    • Target column: Specifies the name of the newly created special expression column. For example, GEOMETRY_AREA for Area type expression parameter and GEOMETRY_LENGTH for Length type expression parameter.
    Under the Advanced Options section, specify the following field values:
    • Tolerance: Enter the tolerance value. For example, 0.005.
    • Unit: Select a unit of measure of the tolerance from the drop-down. For example, Square meter.

    If the file you load does not contain spatial data, you will view the following error on the Add Expression wizard "No input columns have the SDO_GEOMETRY data type for the currently selected expression type of Area".

    Refer to the Parameters for Spatial Data Analysis for more details.

  5. Click OK. You will see a new row added to the mapping grid. This row determines the output spatial expression column generated by the OCI Language service. In this example, you can view a new GEOMETRY_AREA will be created in the target table after we load the table.
    Description of new-mapping-spatial.bmp follows

For more information on Oracle Spatial, refer to Oracle Spatial Developer's Guide.

When the data load job completes, the Table and View Loads of the Data Load page display the details of the source table that is loaded into the tool. It displays the number of rows and columns and when the upload was complete.

Output Data Generated from Spatial Analysis

When you analyze columns using Spatial Expressions, the Data Studio generates a new expression column and saves the result in the updated table.

To locate the generated expression column, from the Database Actions Launchpad, navigate to Data Load. Select the table you load under the Table and View Loads section.

Click the three vertical dots beside the load name, and click Table then select View Details.
Description of table-spatial-job.bmp follows

This opens the Preview tab of the data load which displays the updated source file. For example, here is an output dataset from spatial analysis of the COUNTRIESGEO.GeoJSON file. Here, GEOMETRY_AREA is the spatial analysis of the input column. This column displays the area of the two-dimensional polygons.
Description of spatial-output.bmp follows

Load Apache Iceberg Tables

Data Studio supports loading and linking Iceberg tables from the object store.

The tool can load multiple versions of the same file.

  1. Select the Cloud Store Location that has iceberg tables defined. In this example, we will select the ICEBERGBUCKET stored in OCI.

    Description of iceberg-bucket.png follows

    You can detect the Iceberg files with the Iceberg symbol
    Description of symbol.png follows

    beside its name.

  2. Drag the folder to the file navigator on the left and drop it into the cart on the right. The folder also consists of the metadata JSON file that keeps track of the table snapshots, partitioning scheme, and schema information.

    When you add the folder to the cart, a warning about the number of files consisting of a Personal Identifiable Information (PII) prompt is displayed.

    Description of drag-drop-bucket.png follows


    : If you load multiple files instead of a folder, the tool asks if you want to load all the objects from the multiple source files into a single target table. Click OK to continue or Escape to cancel.
  3. Click Start in the data link cart menu bar. You will view a notification that says if you wish to start the load from the cloud store. Select Run to continue.

    Description of run.png follows

  4. You will view the loading progress under Table and View Loads. After loading, you will view the Report and Reload icons on the table load.

    Description of table-view-loads.png follows

  5. Query Iceberg tables you loaded in the Autonomous Database:
    • Click Database Actions in the breadcrumb.
    • Select Development, then click SQL.
    • Select Tables, on the left Navigator, from the object drop-down. From the list of available views, drag and drop the CALL_CENTER_PARQUET table to the worksheet.

      Description of drop-sql.png follows

    • A dialog displays offering the types of available insertions.

      Description of select.png follows

      Click Select, then Apply.

    • Click Run (the arrow icon at the top of the worksheet). The tool displays the iceberg data under Query Results.

      Description of iceberg-result.png follows

Loading Data from File System

You can load files from file system directories to your Autonomous Database.

You can set filters on the data for a table to load only the specified data. For example, to limit the files to only those that are CSV files, enter *.CSV in the file extension filter.

Configure and run a data load job from the Load Cloud Object page. To open that page:
  1. On the Data Studio tab and select Data Load. You will view the Data Load dashboard.
  2. Click LOAD DATA and select the File System option.

On the top of the page you need to select the directory from where you need to load the files. On the left side of the page is a navigator pane, where you choose the files in the directory containing the data. On the right of the page is the data load cart, where you stage the files and folders for the data load job. You can set options for the data load job before running it. The Autonomous Database comes with predefined CPU/IO shares assigned to different consumer groups. You can set the consumer group to either low, medium or high while executing a data load job depending on your workload. To load files from a directory into your database, do the following:

  1. Prepare the Data Load Job: Refer to the Prepare the Data Load Job section for more details.
  2. Add Files or Folders for the Data Load Job: Refer to the Add Files or Folders for the Data Load Job section for more details.
  3. Enter Details for the Data Load Job: Refer to the Enter Details for the Data Load Job for more details.
  4. Run the Data Load Job: Refer to the Run the Data Load Job section for more details.
  5. View Details About the Data Load Job After It Is Run: Refer to the View Details About the Data Load Job After It Is Run section for more details.
  6. View the Table Resulting from the Data Load Job: Refer to the View the Table Resulting from the Data Load Job section for more details.

Create Directories in Database Actions

In the Autonomous Database, there is a preconfigured data_pump_dir where you can store files. You can also create directories, drop directories, and attach network file systems.

For example, you can use the CREATE DIRECTORY command to create additional directories. Use the database DROP DIRECTORY command to drop directories and use DBMS_CLOUD.LIST_FILES to list the contents of a directory.

Create a Directory

To add a directory, you must have the CREATE ANY DIRECTORY system privilege. The ADMIN user is granted the CREATE ANY DIRECTORY system privilege. The ADMIN user can grant CREATE ANY DIRECTORY system privileges to other users.

See CREATE DIRECTORY for more information.


  • CREATE DIRECTORY creates the database directory object in the database and also creates the file system directory. For example the directory path could be:
  • You can create a directory in the root file system to see all the files with the following commands:


    After you create the ROOT_DIR directory, use the following command to list all files:

    SELECT * FROM DBMS_CLOUD.list_files('ROOT_DIR');
  • To run DBMS_CLOUD.LIST_FILES with a user other than ADMIN you need to grant read privileges on the directory to that user.

Let us demonstrate how to create a directory and access it from Data Studio:

  • Create a directory in Database Actions:

    Login to your Database Actions instance and select the SQL card under Development. You can view the SQL worksheet. Now create a directory and attach a file system name of your choice to the directory you create. In the below given example, FSS_DIR is the name of the directory.

    Description of create-directory.png follows

    Run the above command. The above command gives the following output:

    PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.

  • Attach the file system
    Attach your file system with the name of your choice to the FSS_DIR directory via the DBMS_CLOUD_ADMIN.ATTACH_FILE_SYSTEM procedure.
        file_system_name => '********',
        file_system_location => '*******.sub1********1.********.oraclevcn.com:/********',
        directory_name => 'FSS_DIR',
        description => 'attach OCI file system'

    Run the above command to view the following output:

    PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.

  • To view the attached file system, run the following command:

    SELECT file_system_name, file_system_location, directory_path FROM dba_cloud_file_systems;

    You will view the file system name, file system location and directory path.

  • You can view the new directory along with the files attached to it by navigating to Load Cloud Object under Data Load menu of the Data Studio tool. Click the Select Cloud Store location drop-down.Description of new-dir.png follows

You can view the newly created directory FSS_DIR. You can load data from the file system directories to the autonomous database using the Data Load tool. See Loading Data from File System.

Loading Data from AI Source

You can use Data Studio tools to load data from AI source.

On the Data Load dashboard, click Load Data card, and select AI Source.

Description of load-ai.png follows

You need to perform a pre-requisite of setting up your AI profile before using this feature. See Configure DBMS_CLOUD_AI Package for details on the setup of this feature.

To set an AI profile, you must have:
  • An OpenAI account, or a Cohere account, or Azure OpenAI service
  • An access to DBMS_CLOUD_AI package.

Follow the steps in Use DBMS_CLOUD_AI to Configure AI Profiles section to create and configure your AI profile and utilize this feature.

Loading Data from Share

You can select tables from a Share. You need to subscribe and access provided data share.

To load tables from a share, click Load Data on the Data Load Dashboard. Click Share on the Load Data page. Click + Subscribe to Share Provider to subscribe to a Share Provider.

Subscribe to the Data Share Provider

To subscribe, you need to use the information contained in the uploaded JSON profile you received from the share provider.
  1. On the Subscribe to Data Share Provider, enter the Provider Name.Description of subscribe_1.png follows
  2. Select Add New Provider JSON and click on the Delta Share Profile JSON to drag and drop the JSON profile.
  3. Click Next to progress to the Add Shares tab.
  4. Select the level of network access you want to allow from your database to the host with the Share REST endpoint, and click Run. In this example, Allow access to Host Only is selected.Description of network_acl_script.png follows
  5. To register the shares available to you, move shares from Available Shares to Selected Shares and click Subscribe.

    The screenshot below shows the REVIEWS share moved from Available Shares to Selected Shares before clicking Subscribe.

    Description of subscribe_2.png follows
  6. Create external tables derived from tables selected from the data share.
    1. Drag and drop tables from the selected share. You can optionally click settings to view the table details.

      In this example, the only table selected is HOTEL_REVIEWS.

      Description of sel_tbls.png follows
    2. You can optionally change the name of your table and click Close.

      In this example, the name is changed from HOTEL_REVIEWS to HOTEL_REVIEWS_SHARE.

      Description of name_change.png follows
    3. Create the external table by clicking Start, on the Select Share page, and then clicking Run on the Run Data Load Job dialog. Description of start_run.png follows
    4. When the external tables are created the Complete message is displayed.Description of xt_complete.png follows
    5. Click on the external table name to view the table details.Description of xt_details.png follows
  7. View the created tables from Database Actions.
    1. Click on Database Actions, in the breadcrumb, to go back to the Database Actions launchpad.
    2. Click on the SQL tile.
    3. Select the external table, drag and drop it into the worksheet.

      The SQL Select statement for the table appears. This SQL statement can be run to consume the shared data.

      Description of xt_sql.png follows
  8. Drag and drop tables from selected share

Create Live Feed from Data Load

The Data load tool loads the data from folders in cloud object stores and enables it to schedule repeated data loads in real time. This is the creation of Live Feed from a data load job.

Once the data load is complete, you can create a Live Feed from a cart item that loaded an object store folder using the Create Table or Drop Table and Create New Table options.

To create a live feed from Data Load:
  1. Click Selector to display the navigation menu. Under Data Studio, select Data Load.
  2. Select the Load Data tile to load data from various sources such as local files, databases, cloud store, directories, and Shares.
  3. Click Cloud Storesto load objects from URLs or Cloud store links.
  4. Select the cloud store location from the drop-down. If are not able to view the cloud store location, select Create Cloud Store Location to create a new cloud store location. Follow the steps described in the Create Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Native Credentials if you do not have a cloud location available.
  5. After you select the cloud store location, you can view the list of folders and files present in the cloud storage. Add files from the cloud store to the data load cart, where you can edit the details of the load job.

    The Data load tool does not support the creation of a live feed from a loaded cart item that consists of a single file in CSV, XLS, XLSX, TSV, TXT, XML, JSON, and AVRO format or of a folder that contains a file in XLSX format.
  6. To add the folders, drag a folder from the file navigator on the left and drop them into the cart on the right. When you add the folder to the cart, a prompt is displayed that asks if you want to load all the objects from the multiple source files into a single target table. Click Yes to continue or No to cancel. You can add multiple folders to the cart, the data represented by each card will be loaded into a separate table, but all the items in the cart will be processed as part of the same data load job.
  7. Select Settings (pencil icon) from the data load cart to enter the details about the data load job.
  8. In the Settings tab of the Load Data from the Cloud Store Location, you can select Create Table or Drop Table and Create New Table from the Option drop-down.

    The Live feed tool works with the Data load job only if you create a table and insert the data into a new table or drop the existing table and insert the data into a new table.
  9. Enter the other details for the data load job. For more information on entering the details, refer to the Enter Details for the Data Load Job topic.
  10. Once you have added data sources to the data load cart and entered details about the data load job, select Start to run the job.
  11. After the data load job is run, the data load cart displays a green check mark
    Description of green-tick.png follows

    which indicates that the data load job is complete.
  12. Click Create Live Table Feed on the data load cart to create a Live table feed from the data load job. You will view a successful message that says the creation of Live Table feed is successful and if you wish to edit the live table feed. Click Yes to continue and No to cancel. Selecting Yes opens an Edit Live Table Feed wizard.
  13. On the Edit Live Table Feed wizard, you can view the Cloud Store Location of the source folder and the Object Filter applied to the data.

    Select any file whose data you want to preview from the Preview drop-down in the Data Source tab: The field shows the total number of files present in the cloud store folder you loaded. A preview of the data is displayed.

    Description of editlive-datasource.png follows

  14. Click Next to progress to the Table Settings tab.
    Description of editlive-tablesettings.png follows

    You can view the Properties and Mapping details of the data load job on the Table Settings tab.

    You cannot select or edit any of the details of this tab.
  15. Click Next to progress to the Preview tab of the wizard.

    Select any file from the Preview drop-down to view the file. The Table Preview displays the preview of the file you select from the drop-down.

    Description of previewtab.png follows

  16. Click Next to view the Live Feed Settings tab of the wizard. On the Live Feed Settings tab, specify the following values in the field:
    Description of livefeed-settings.png follows

    • Enable for Notification: Select this option so that new or changed data in the data source will be loaded based on an Oracle Cloud Infrastructure notification. When you select this option, you can avoid delays that might occur when polling is initiated on a schedule (that is, if you selected the live table feed Scheduled option.

      When you select the Enable for Notification option, you must also configure your object store bucket to emit notifications

    • Enable For Scheduling: Select this option to set up a schedule for data feed. In the time interval fields, enter a number, and select a time type and the days on which to poll the bucket for new or changed files. For example, to poll every two hours on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, enter 2, select Hours, and then select Monday, Wednesday, and Friday in the appropriate fields. You can select All Days, Monday to Friday, Sunday to Thursday, or Custom from the Week Days drop-down. The Custom field enables you to select Monday,Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday .

    Select a start and end date. If you don't select a start date, the current time and date will be used as the start date. The end date is optional. However, without an end date, the feed will continue to poll.

    The rest of the fields displayed in the wizard such as the Live Table Feed Name, Target Table Name , and Consumer Group are greyed out and disabled for selecting or editing.

Click Save to save and create a Live Table Feed from a data load cart.