Sorting and Filtering Entities

On the Catalog page, you can sort and filter the displayed search results.

Sort Entities

To set a sort order for the entities on the page,

  1. Click Sort by on the toolbar.

  2. Find the value you want to use to sort, for example Entity Name.

  3. Click the Name (A - Z) (Ascending) icon or the Name (Z - A) (Descending) icon next to that value.

  4. You can set only one parameter. You can also set Updated: (Oldest to Newest) or Updated: (Newest to Oldest) based on the time you update the entity.

Filter Entities

Restrict which entities that are returned by a search are displayed on the page by setting filters in the Filters suggestions panel on the top of the Catalog page. Select one or more filter values. Only those entities that are returned by a search and that match the filter values are shown. Selecting all or none of the options shows all entities returned by the search.

By default, system tables and private tables are not displayed. To display them, click Catalog Settings Preferences in the toolbar and then click the Show system tables slider or the Show private tables slider, or both.

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