Viewing Entity Details

When you have found an entity you are interested in, you can click the entity to view its details, or click one of the other available actions from the menu that appears on the right hand side when you hover over that row.

The way you select the entity details can be set using the Customise Themes tab in the Catalog Settings menu.

To view details about an entity, click the Action Actions icon at the top right of the Table and View Loads header entry, then click Table and select View Details.

For all entities, the details include Lineage and Impact sections. The inclusion of other details, such as Preview and Statistics, varies by entity type.


Preview displays the data of the entity. For a table, the Preview displays the columns of the table and the data in those columns. You can sort the data in the column into ascending or descending order by clicking the up or down arrow to the right of the column name.


For an analytic view, the Describe tab has information about the entity, and displays the hierarchies, levels, level depth, dimension tables, level columns, and number of distinct values for a level.


Lineage displays all known information about the upstream dependencies of the entity, and therefore how the entity was created and how it is linked to other entities.

For example, for a table that you created in your database, the lineage is just the table. For a table that you created by loading a CSV file from cloud storage, the lineage includes the ingest directive for the data load and the CSV file that is the source of the data.

Pointing to the name of an item in the lineage displays the table name, the application that created it, the type of entity, the path to it, and the schema it is in.

Arrows point from an entity to the entity that it derives from. For example, for a table created in a data load job, an arrow points from the table to the ingest job and an arrow points from the ingest job to the CSV file. If you point to an arrow, then a Links Information box appears that shows information about the relationship between the two entities.

To view more details about an item, click the Actions icon for the item, then click Expand. For a table, the columns of the table are displayed. Pointing to the name of the table or of a column displays the name, application, type, path, and schema of the table or column. To collapse the display, click the Actions icon, then click Collapse.

You can increase or decrease the size of the displayed objects by using the + (plus) and - (minus) keys. You can reposition the objects by grabbing a blank spot in the display and dragging vertically or horizontally.

The lineage for some entities, such as analytic views, is more complex. An analytic view entity deployed for a business model has links to columns in a fact table and to hierarchies. The fact table has links to attribute dimensions and, for a data load job, to an ingest directive for the job. The ingest directive has a link to the source file. The attribute dimensions have links to tables for the dimensions. Those tables have links to ingest directives that have link to source files.


Impact shows all known information about the downstream use of an entity, and therefore how a change in the definition of an entity may affect other entities that depend on it. For example, if a table is used in an analytic view, a change to one of the column definitions in the table may affect the mapping from that column to the analytic view.


For an analytic view and its attribute dimensions, hierarchies, and measures, the Classifications tab displays classifications and their values. Classifications are metadata that applications can use to present information about analytic views. When creating a business model, you may specify the values for the Caption and Description classifications.


For an analytic view, the Optimize tab has information about caches created for the analytic view. A cache may exist if the advanced option Enable Autonomous Aggregate Cache was selected for the business model for which the analytic view is deployed.


Statistics display information about the entity. For example, the statistics for a table include the size of the table and the numbers of rows and columns. They also include the names of the columns, their data types, the number of distinct values and null values, the maximum and minimum values, and other information.

The data is represented in the form of histogram which is column statistic which provides more detailed information about data distribution in a table's columns.

The histograms in the statistics pane can be representative of the following types:
  • Frequency: In a frequency histogram, each distinct column value corresponds to a single bucket of the histogram. Since each value has its own dedicated bucket, some buckets may have many values, whereas others have few.
  • Top-frequency: A top frequency histogram is a variation on a frequency histogram that ignores non-popular values that are statistically insignificant
  • Height-Balanced: In this histogram, column values are divided into buckets so that each bucket contains approximately the same number of rows.
  • Hybrid: A hybrid histogram combines characteristics of both height-based histograms and frequency histograms. This approach enables the optimizer to obtain better selectivity estimates in some situations.

Refer to Gathering Statistics for Tables section for more details.

Job Report

Displays a report of the total rows loaded and failed for a specific table.

The report displays of the total rows loaded and failed.

You can view the name of the table, the time the table was loaded and the time taken to process the load.

Data Definition

Data Definition displays the Oracle Autonomous Database DDL that created the entity.

You can view the following Entity Types from the drop-down:
  • All
  • Table
  • View
  • Analytic View
  • Table,View,Analytic View
  • Analytic Dashboard
  • Attribute (Attribute Dimension)
  • Attribute (Hierarchy)
  • Attribute Dimension
  • Cloud Link (Cloud Link Namespace)
  • Cloud Link Namespace
  • Cloud Object (Cloud Storage Link)
  • Cloud Object (Data Catalog Asset)
  • Cloud Object (Share Link)
  • Cloud Storage Link
  • Cloud Virtual Object (Cloud Storage Link)
  • Column (Table)
  • Column (View)
  • Data Catalog Asset
  • Data Catalog Link
  • Database Link
  • Directory
  • External Location
  • File (Directory)
  • Function
  • Hierarchy
  • Ingest Job
  • Level (Attribute Dimension)
  • Level (Hierarchy)
  • Live Table Feed
  • Measure (Analytic View)
  • Mining Model
  • Package
  • Procedure
  • Schema
  • Share
  • Share Link
  • Share Provider
  • Share Recipient
  • Share Schema (Share)
  • Share Table (Share Schema)
Table Entity Details

Click the Actions icon next to Table entity to perform the following operations:

  • Select View Details to view details about the table.
  • Select Gather Statistics to display new statistics after you modify the table’s structure. Refer to the Gathering Statistics for Tables for more detailed information. You can also gather statistics using the Actions drop-down field while viewing the table details in the Table Entity wizard.
  • Select Add to Share to share the table. Refer to Provide Share for detailed information. You can also share the selected table using the Actions drop-down field while viewing the table details in the Table Entity wizard.
  • Select Register to Cloud Link to register the table for remote access for a selected audience you define. See Registering Cloud Links to Access Data section for more information. You can also register the selected table using the Actions drop-down field while viewing the table details in the Table Entity wizard.
  • Select Create Analytic View to create an Analytic View from the selected associated table. See Creating Analytic Views. You can also create an Analytic View from selected table using the Actions drop-down field while viewing the table details in the Table Entity wizard.
  • Select Query to analyze the selected table in the Data Anlaysis tool. Refer to The Data Analysis Tool for more information. You can also analyze the selected table using the Actions drop-down field while viewing the table details in the Table Entity wizard.
  • Select Export Data to Cloud to export data to a cloud object store. You can also export data from the Actions drop-down field while viewing the table details in the Table Entity wizard.
  • Select Edit to edit the properties of the table. Refer to Editing Tables for more information. You can also edit properties of the selected table from the Actions drop-down field while viewing the table details in the Table Entity wizard.
  • Select Drop to delete the table.

View Entity Details

Click the Actions icon next to View entity to perform the following operations:
  • Select View Details to view details about the view.
  • Select Add to Share to share the table. Refer to Provide Share for detailed information.
  • Select Create Analytic View to create an Analytic View from the selected associated table. See Creating Analytic Views.
  • Select Query to analyze the selected table in the Data Anlaysis tool. Refer to The Data Analysis Tool for more information.

Share Entity Details

Click the Actions icon next to Share entity to perform the following operations:
  • Select View Details to view details about the share.
  • Select Objects to view the Select Tables dialog of the specific share where you can remove tables from the list of Shared Tables list or add tables from the list of Available Tables list to the list of Shared Tables.
  • Select Recipients and Profiles to view the Recipients and Profiles dialog which enables you to create a new share recipient. You can also revoke the recipient right from the share by clicking X next to the recipient name. The Recipients and Profiles dialog enables you to update the list of recipients, copy profile activation link, send an activation mail to the selected recipient.
  • Select Manage Versions to
  • Select Jobs to view the Jobs table and see information related to it. A job is created whenever something needs to happen to a share. This includes the following:
  • Select Scheduling to
  • Select Publish
  • Select Unpublish
  • Select Delete

Share Recipient Entity Details

Click the Actions icon next to the Share Recipient entity to view the share recipient entity details.
  • Select Granted Shares to open Manage Granted Shares dialog where you can grant access to a share from list of available shares or you can revoke access from the current selection of share..
  • Select Get Bearer Token to open an Auth Token dialog to authenticate the recipient. Use this option when your token expires. This enables you to generate a new token. A Bearer Token is part of the JSON file.
  • Select Copy Profile Activation Link to copy the JSON profile activation link to clipboard.
  • Select Rename to rename the Recipient.
  • Select Delete to delete the recipient you created entirely. By doing so, access to all shares will end instantly and any existing delta credentials will become invalid.

Cloud Storage Link Entity Details

Click the Actions icon next to Cloud Storage Link entity to perform the following operations:

  • Select View Details to view details about the table.
  • Select Objects to view objects available in the selected storage link. You can click a file on the navigator pane to view it on the display area.
  • Selecting Link Tables opens the Link Data page on the Data Load tool with the selected cloud storage link on the Cloud Location URL field. You can link data present in the cloud storage to the Autonomous Database. See Linking to Objects in Cloud Storage.
  • Selecting Load Tables opens the Load Data page on the Data Load tool with the selected cloud storage link on the Cloud Location URL field. You can load data present in the cloud storage to the Autonomous Database. See Loading Data from Cloud Storage.
  • Selecting Create Live Table Feed opens the Create Live Table feed wizard with he selected cloud storage link on the Cloud Location URL field. See Feeding Data to view more details.
  • Select Edit to update any details on the cloud storage location. See Managing Connections to view details on creation of cloud storage location.
  • Select Rename to rename the cloud store location to a different name.
  • Select Delete to delete the cloud store location.

Catalog Entity Details

Click the Actions icon next to Catalog entity to perform the following operations:
  • Select View Details to view more details about the catalog.
  • Select Disable to disable the catalog.
  • Select Delete to delete the catalog.

Data Catalog Link Entity Details

Click the Actions icon next to Data Catalog Link entity to perform the following operations:
  • Select View Details to view more details about the data catalog link.
  • Select Edit to edit the data catalog.
  • Select Rename to rename the data catalog.
  • Select Delete to delete the data catalog.

Database Link Entity Details

Click the Actions icon next to Database Link entity to perform the following operations:
  • Select View Details to view more details about the database link.
  • Select Load to table to load the database link to a table.
  • Select Link to table to link the database link to a table.
  • Select Mount as catalog to mount the database link as catalog.
  • Select Delete to delete the database link entity.

Live Table Feed Entity Details

Click the Actions icon next to Live Table Feed entity to perform the following operations:
  • Select View Details to view more details about the live table feed.
  • Select Edit Live Table Feed to view the Edit Live Table Feed wizard where you can edit the live table.
  • Select Delete Live Table Feed to delete the Live Table Feed.
  • Select Run Live Table Feed Immediately(Once) to run the live table feed.

Share Provider Entity Details

Click the Actions icon next to Share Provider entity to perform the following operations:
  • Select View Details to view the share provider entity details..
  • Select Manage Shares for Share provider dialog box. This lists the shares you select to share with the recipient. You can edit the list of shares you wish to share with the recipient.
  • Select Rename to renames the Provider Name.
  • Select Delete to remove the Share Provider Entity.
  • Select Load to table to view the Load Data page with the Share tab selected.
  • Select Link to table to view the Link Data page with the Share tab selected to view and run the related link object. Drag and drop the shared data to add it to the data link job.
  • Select Copy Endpoint to copy the share endpoint.

Bucket Entity Details

Click the Actions icon next to Bucket entity to perform the following operations:
  • Select View Details to view details of the bucket entity.
  • Select Create Cloud Storage Link to create cloud storage link.

Compartment Entity Details

Click the Actions icon next to Compartment entity to perform the following operations:
  • Select View Details to view details of the compartment entity.
  • Select Create Share Recipient to create a share recipient.


Some catalog entity types do not have details screens

There are certain items in the catalog that do not have detail screens yet, thus clicking on them might not provide more details.

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