Creating an OCI Target
A target defines the scope of resources that Cloud Guard monitors, and the detector and responder recipes to be used in the monitoring.
For a complete list of flags and variable options for CLI commands, see the Command Line Reference.
Use the oci cloud-guard target create command and required parameters to create a target:
oci cloud-guard target create --compartment-id, -c <compartment_ocid> --display-name <detector_template_identifier> --target-resource-id <monitored_resource_id> --target-resource-type <type_of_target> [OPTIONS]
Run the CreateTarget operation to create a target.
What's Next
- To modify a target, see Editing an OCI Target and Its Attached Recipes.
- To modify settings for detector and responder recipes added to a target, first see Modifying Recipes at Recipe and Target Levels. Determine where to start to access the particular settings you want to change, then see the appropriate topic:
- To disable or delete a target, see Deleting an OCI Target.