Working with References

In a Data Integration application, references are the data assets that are associated with the published tasks in the application.

If an application has published pipelines, references include the tasks that are referenced in the pipelines. The referenced tasks can be in the same application, in other applications in the same workspace, or in applications in another workspace.

You can perform the following management tasks when working with references in an application:

A reference has the following properties:

  • Name:
    • (For Data assets) The name of the data asset, connection, or schema reference. A connection reference is shown as a child of the parent data asset. A schema reference is shown as a child of the parent connection.
    • (For Tasks) The name of the task referenced within pipelines that are published in this application.
  • Type: The original type. For example, Data asset: OCI Object Storage (for a data asset reference), and Integration (for a task reference).
  • Mapped to:
    • (For Data assets) The name of the data asset, connection, or schema resource that this reference is mapped to.
    • (For Tasks) The task that this reference is mapped to.

The Actions menu (Actions menu) for a reference has these options:

  • Map: (For Data assets) Maps the data asset, connection, or schema reference to another data asset, connection, or schema resource that's available in the current workspace. To map a connection, you must first map the data asset. To map a schema, you must first map the connection.

    (For Tasks) Only tasks of the same type and with the same input parameters can be mapped.

  • List resources used in: (For Data assets) Lists the tasks in the application that reference a data asset, connection, or schema reference.
  • View used in: (For Tasks) Lists the pipeline tasks in the application that reference a task.

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