Creating an Application by Using a Template

In Data Integration, you can use a template to quickly build data integration solutions that you can then modify and test.

    1. Navigate to the workspace in which you want to use a template to create an application.
    2. On the workspace home page, click Applications.
    3. On the Applications page, select the compartment to create the application in, and then click Create application.
    4. On the main Create application page, review the templates that are available.

      The templates are organized in groups. Use the checkboxes under Template category to filter the templates shown by one or more groups, or display all templates.

      In a template box, click Preview to display detailed descriptions and prerequisites, and information about how to use the template.

    5. Select the template that you want to use to create an application:
      • On the main Create application page, click Use this template in a template box.
      • If you're previewing details of a template, click Create application using this template.
    6. In the Create application panel, enter a name and description (optional).

      The identifier is a system-generated value based on the name. You can change the value, but after you create and save the application, you can't update the identifier.

    7. Verify or change the compartment in which to create the application.
    8. Select the Generate data lineage the checkbox if you want Data Integration to generate lineage metadata for the data entities that are processed in the application. The generated lineage information is then made available in the Data Catalog service.
    9. (Optional) In the Tags section, add tags to help you search for Data Integration resources within the tenancy.

      The tags that are assigned to Data Integration applications are not used in the OCI Cost Analysis reports and dashboards. For that purpose, assign tags to the Data Integration workspace. See Editing a Workspace's Name and Tags.
    10. Click Create.

      A notification message appears with a link to the Applications page in the workspace. After a while, Data Integration displays the Tasks page of the application details page.

      Data Integration creates a sync patch on the Patches page of an application when the application is created from a template. For information about patches, see Understanding Patches.

    Depending on the template that you used to create the application, you can map the data assets, connections, and schemas that are referenced by the tasks in the application. You can also map the tasks that are associated with pipelines in the application, if any. For more information, see Working with References.

    To run and schedule tasks to run automatically, see Running Published Tasks and Scheduling Published Tasks to Run.

  • Use the oci data-integration dis-application create command and required parameters to create an application in Data Integration:

    oci data-integration dis-application create [OPTIONS]

    For a complete list of flags and variable options for CLI commands, see the Command Line Reference.

  • Run the CreateDisApplication operation to create an application in Data Integration.