As an Oracle Cloud Infrastructure administrator you can deploy management agents to collect data from services and sources that you want to monitor. Management Agent service manages the lifecycle of the management agent and the plug-ins for the services.
Management Agent Concepts 🔗
The following terminology and concepts help you understand the management agents deployment and lifecycle.
Oracle Cloud Infrastructure is a set of complementary cloud services that enable you to build and run a wide range of applications and services in a highly available hosted environment. The Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI) components communicate with each other using https protocol.
Software or hardware resources as well as business objects whose properties, configuration, status, and performance are tracked and analyzed are known as data sources.
A Management Agent (agent) allows a service plug-in to collect data from the
host where you install the Management Agent. It can connect to Oracle Cloud
Infrastructure directly using the Management Agent cloud service. The Management Agent
is installed on a host. It monitors and collects data from the sources that reside on
hosts or virtual hosts.
The Management Agent Cloud Service (MACS), also known as Management Agent
service, is a cloud service from Oracle Cloud Infrastructure. It manages the Management
Agents and their lifecycle. Management Agents allow Oracle Cloud services to interact
and collect data from entities that are managed by them.
An Agent Install Key is a token required by the Management Agent installation. It authorizes the Management Agent to communicate with the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure. You can use an agent install key for multiple Management Agents installations. When you install a Management Agent, you must provide the agent install key value. You can get the value of the agent install key from the Management Agent service user interface.
A Service Plug-in allows Management Agents to interact with data sources and send the data back to the cloud service.
A Management Gateway is a component of the Management Agent service which provides
a single point through which all communication between customer-side products (like
Management Agents) and the Oracle Cloud side takes place. For more information about
configuring and installing a Management Gateway, see Management Gateway.
Oracle Cloud Agent is a lightweight process that manages plugins
running on compute instances, also known as hosts or VMs, residing in the Oracle
Cloud Infrastructure. When you are using compute instances, you can deploy Management
Agents by using the Oracle Cloud Agent. For information about deploying Management
Agents with Oracle Cloud Agent when using Oracle Cloud Infrastructure compute instances,
see Deploy Management Agents on Compute Instances.
Workflow for Installing Management Agents 🔗
Perform the following tasks to install Management Agents.
The Management Agent software download file contains all the files required to install the Management Agent. See Install Management Agent.
Install Management Gateway on Windows 🔗
To install the Management Gateway software on Windows, perform the following steps:
Extract the Management Gateway software.
Navigate to the directory where you have downloaded the Management Gateway software ZIP file and unzip it to any preferred location.
Login as an Administrator user and open a Command Prompt window.
Install the Management Gateway by running the installer.bat script.
The output will look similar to the following:
Checking pre-requisites
Checking if previous gateway service exists
Checking if C:\Oracle\mgmt_agent\agent_inst directory exists
Checking if C:\Oracle\mgmt_agent\agent_inst\plugins directory exists
Checking Java version
Java version: 1.8.0_371 found at C:\Program Files\Java\jdk-1.8
Checking if C:\Oracle\mgmt_agent\231214.1713 directory exists
Executing install
Unpacking software zip
Copying files to destination dir (C:\Oracle\mgmt_agent)
Initializing software from template
Checking if JavaScript engine is available to use
Creating mgmt_gateway service
Gateway install successful
Setup gateway using input response file
C:\Oracle\mgmt_agent\agent_inst\bin\setupGateway.bat [FULL_PATH_TO_INPUT.RSP]
Configure the Management Gateway by executing the setupGateway.bat script using the response file.
Validating response file
Validating certificate properties
Successfully validated response file
Executing configure
Parsing input response file
Validating install key
Generating communication wallet
Generating security artifacts
Registering Management Gateway
Found service plugin(s): [GatewayProxy]
The Oracle Management Gateway service is starting...
The Oracle Management Gateway service was started successfully.
Starting plugin deployment for: [GatewayProxy]
Deploying service plugin(s)...Done.
GatewayProxy : Successfully deployed external plugin
Management Gateway setup completed and is running
In the future agent can be started by directly running: NET START mgmt_gateway
Please use OCI CLI or OCI Management Agent console to validate the successful activation of your agent."
Please make sure that you delete C:\tmp\input.rsp or store it in secure location.
Checking for plugin to be deployed
Plugin deployed successfully
Setting up Gateway
Creating gateway system properties file
Creating properties file
Creating or validating certificates
Waiting for Management Gateway to create or validate certificates ...
Waiting for Management Gateway to create or validate certificates ...
Waiting for Management Gateway to create or validate certificates ...
Waiting for Management Gateway to create or validate certificates ...
Waiting for Management Gateway to create or validate certificates ...
Wallets created successfully
Waiting for Management Gateway to setup ...
Management Gateway Plugin set up successfully.
The gateway installation process does the following:
A new directory is created as part of the agent installation process: C:\Oracle\mgmt_agent.
The agent install base directory is the directory where the gateway will be installed.
By default, the gateway is installed under the C:\Oracle directory. The default directory can be changed by setting the AGENT_INSTALL_BASEDIR environment variable before running the installer.bat script.
Log files from the Management Gateway installation are located under C:\Oracle\mgmt_agent\installer-logs and C:\Oracle\mgmt_agent\plugins\GatewayProxy\stateDir\logs directories.