Viewing Profile Details

View which resources are associated with a specific profile in OS Management Hub.

  • On the Profiles list page, select the name of the profile. If you need help finding the list page, see Listing Profiles.

    The details page displays the following information:

    Profile information

    • Compartment: Compartment where the profile resides.
    • Description: User-provided description of the profile.
    • Created: Date and time the profile was created.
    • Current version: The version of the profile. Each time you edit the profile, a new version is created.
    • OCID: Unique Oracle Cloud Identifier (OCID) assigned for the profile.
    • Default: Indicates if the profile is the default for the OS version, architecture, and type.
    • OS version: OS used on the instance.
    • Architecture: Processor architecture used on the instance.
    • Type: The type of profile, such as Software source or Group.
    • Instance type: The location of the instance.
    • Management station: The management station used by the instance. This applies to on-premises and third-party cloud only.


    • Associated resources: Displays the list of resources associated with the profile (such as group, lifecycle, or software sources).
  • Use the oci os-management-hub profile get command and required parameters to get details for a profile in OS Management Hub.

    oci os-management-hub profile get --profile-id ocid [OPTIONS]

    For a complete list of flags and variable options for CLI commands, see the Command Line Reference.

  • Run the GetProfile operation to get the details for a profile in OS Management Hub.