
class oci.database_migration.models.UpdateMySqlInitialLoadSettings(**kwargs)

Bases: object

Optional dump settings


HANDLE_GRANT_ERRORS_ABORT A constant which can be used with the handle_grant_errors property of a UpdateMySqlInitialLoadSettings.
HANDLE_GRANT_ERRORS_DROP_ACCOUNT A constant which can be used with the handle_grant_errors property of a UpdateMySqlInitialLoadSettings.
HANDLE_GRANT_ERRORS_IGNORE A constant which can be used with the handle_grant_errors property of a UpdateMySqlInitialLoadSettings.
JOB_MODE_FULL A constant which can be used with the job_mode property of a UpdateMySqlInitialLoadSettings.
JOB_MODE_SCHEMA A constant which can be used with the job_mode property of a UpdateMySqlInitialLoadSettings.
PRIMARY_KEY_COMPATIBILITY_CREATE_INVISIBLE_PKS A constant which can be used with the primary_key_compatibility property of a UpdateMySqlInitialLoadSettings.
PRIMARY_KEY_COMPATIBILITY_IGNORE_MISSING_PKS A constant which can be used with the primary_key_compatibility property of a UpdateMySqlInitialLoadSettings.
PRIMARY_KEY_COMPATIBILITY_NONE A constant which can be used with the primary_key_compatibility property of a UpdateMySqlInitialLoadSettings.
compatibility Gets the compatibility of this UpdateMySqlInitialLoadSettings.
handle_grant_errors Gets the handle_grant_errors of this UpdateMySqlInitialLoadSettings.
is_consistent Gets the is_consistent of this UpdateMySqlInitialLoadSettings.
is_ignore_existing_objects Gets the is_ignore_existing_objects of this UpdateMySqlInitialLoadSettings.
is_tz_utc Gets the is_tz_utc of this UpdateMySqlInitialLoadSettings.
job_mode [Required] Gets the job_mode of this UpdateMySqlInitialLoadSettings.
primary_key_compatibility Gets the primary_key_compatibility of this UpdateMySqlInitialLoadSettings.


__init__(**kwargs) Initializes a new UpdateMySqlInitialLoadSettings object with values from keyword arguments.

A constant which can be used with the handle_grant_errors property of a UpdateMySqlInitialLoadSettings. This constant has a value of “ABORT”


A constant which can be used with the handle_grant_errors property of a UpdateMySqlInitialLoadSettings. This constant has a value of “DROP_ACCOUNT”


A constant which can be used with the handle_grant_errors property of a UpdateMySqlInitialLoadSettings. This constant has a value of “IGNORE”


A constant which can be used with the job_mode property of a UpdateMySqlInitialLoadSettings. This constant has a value of “FULL”


A constant which can be used with the job_mode property of a UpdateMySqlInitialLoadSettings. This constant has a value of “SCHEMA”


A constant which can be used with the primary_key_compatibility property of a UpdateMySqlInitialLoadSettings. This constant has a value of “CREATE_INVISIBLE_PKS”


A constant which can be used with the primary_key_compatibility property of a UpdateMySqlInitialLoadSettings. This constant has a value of “IGNORE_MISSING_PKS”


A constant which can be used with the primary_key_compatibility property of a UpdateMySqlInitialLoadSettings. This constant has a value of “NONE”


Initializes a new UpdateMySqlInitialLoadSettings object with values from keyword arguments. The following keyword arguments are supported (corresponding to the getters/setters of this class):

  • is_consistent (bool) – The value to assign to the is_consistent property of this UpdateMySqlInitialLoadSettings.
  • is_tz_utc (bool) – The value to assign to the is_tz_utc property of this UpdateMySqlInitialLoadSettings.
  • compatibility (list[oci.database_migration.models.CompatibilityOption]) – The value to assign to the compatibility property of this UpdateMySqlInitialLoadSettings.
  • primary_key_compatibility (str) – The value to assign to the primary_key_compatibility property of this UpdateMySqlInitialLoadSettings. Allowed values for this property are: “NONE”, “IGNORE_MISSING_PKS”, “CREATE_INVISIBLE_PKS”
  • is_ignore_existing_objects (bool) – The value to assign to the is_ignore_existing_objects property of this UpdateMySqlInitialLoadSettings.
  • handle_grant_errors (str) – The value to assign to the handle_grant_errors property of this UpdateMySqlInitialLoadSettings. Allowed values for this property are: “ABORT”, “DROP_ACCOUNT”, “IGNORE”
  • job_mode (str) – The value to assign to the job_mode property of this UpdateMySqlInitialLoadSettings. Allowed values for this property are: “FULL”, “SCHEMA”

Gets the compatibility of this UpdateMySqlInitialLoadSettings. Apply the specified requirements for compatibility with MySQL Database Service for all tables in the dump output, altering the dump files as necessary.

Returns:The compatibility of this UpdateMySqlInitialLoadSettings.
Return type:list[oci.database_migration.models.CompatibilityOption]

Gets the handle_grant_errors of this UpdateMySqlInitialLoadSettings. The action taken in the event of errors related to GRANT or REVOKE errors.

Allowed values for this property are: “ABORT”, “DROP_ACCOUNT”, “IGNORE”

Returns:The handle_grant_errors of this UpdateMySqlInitialLoadSettings.
Return type:str

Gets the is_consistent of this UpdateMySqlInitialLoadSettings. Enable (true) or disable (false) consistent data dumps by locking the instance for backup during the dump.

Returns:The is_consistent of this UpdateMySqlInitialLoadSettings.
Return type:bool

Gets the is_ignore_existing_objects of this UpdateMySqlInitialLoadSettings. Import the dump even if it contains objects that already exist in the target schema in the MySQL instance.

Returns:The is_ignore_existing_objects of this UpdateMySqlInitialLoadSettings.
Return type:bool

Gets the is_tz_utc of this UpdateMySqlInitialLoadSettings. Include a statement at the start of the dump to set the time zone to UTC.

Returns:The is_tz_utc of this UpdateMySqlInitialLoadSettings.
Return type:bool

[Required] Gets the job_mode of this UpdateMySqlInitialLoadSettings. MySql Job Mode

Allowed values for this property are: “FULL”, “SCHEMA”

Returns:The job_mode of this UpdateMySqlInitialLoadSettings.
Return type:str

Gets the primary_key_compatibility of this UpdateMySqlInitialLoadSettings. Primary key compatibility option

Allowed values for this property are: “NONE”, “IGNORE_MISSING_PKS”, “CREATE_INVISIBLE_PKS”

Returns:The primary_key_compatibility of this UpdateMySqlInitialLoadSettings.
Return type:str