
class oci.database_migration.models.UpdateOracleInitialLoadSettings(**kwargs)

Bases: object

Optional settings for Data Pump Export and Import jobs


JOB_MODE_FULL A constant which can be used with the job_mode property of a UpdateOracleInitialLoadSettings.
JOB_MODE_SCHEMA A constant which can be used with the job_mode property of a UpdateOracleInitialLoadSettings.
JOB_MODE_TABLE A constant which can be used with the job_mode property of a UpdateOracleInitialLoadSettings.
JOB_MODE_TABLESPACE A constant which can be used with the job_mode property of a UpdateOracleInitialLoadSettings.
JOB_MODE_TRANSPORTABLE A constant which can be used with the job_mode property of a UpdateOracleInitialLoadSettings.
data_pump_parameters Gets the data_pump_parameters of this UpdateOracleInitialLoadSettings.
export_directory_object Gets the export_directory_object of this UpdateOracleInitialLoadSettings.
import_directory_object Gets the import_directory_object of this UpdateOracleInitialLoadSettings.
job_mode [Required] Gets the job_mode of this UpdateOracleInitialLoadSettings.
metadata_remaps Gets the metadata_remaps of this UpdateOracleInitialLoadSettings.
tablespace_details Gets the tablespace_details of this UpdateOracleInitialLoadSettings.


__init__(**kwargs) Initializes a new UpdateOracleInitialLoadSettings object with values from keyword arguments.

A constant which can be used with the job_mode property of a UpdateOracleInitialLoadSettings. This constant has a value of “FULL”


A constant which can be used with the job_mode property of a UpdateOracleInitialLoadSettings. This constant has a value of “SCHEMA”


A constant which can be used with the job_mode property of a UpdateOracleInitialLoadSettings. This constant has a value of “TABLE”


A constant which can be used with the job_mode property of a UpdateOracleInitialLoadSettings. This constant has a value of “TABLESPACE”


A constant which can be used with the job_mode property of a UpdateOracleInitialLoadSettings. This constant has a value of “TRANSPORTABLE”


Initializes a new UpdateOracleInitialLoadSettings object with values from keyword arguments. The following keyword arguments are supported (corresponding to the getters/setters of this class):


Gets the data_pump_parameters of this UpdateOracleInitialLoadSettings.

Returns:The data_pump_parameters of this UpdateOracleInitialLoadSettings.
Return type:oci.database_migration.models.UpdateDataPumpParameters

Gets the export_directory_object of this UpdateOracleInitialLoadSettings.

Returns:The export_directory_object of this UpdateOracleInitialLoadSettings.
Return type:oci.database_migration.models.UpdateDirectoryObject

Gets the import_directory_object of this UpdateOracleInitialLoadSettings.

Returns:The import_directory_object of this UpdateOracleInitialLoadSettings.
Return type:oci.database_migration.models.UpdateDirectoryObject

[Required] Gets the job_mode of this UpdateOracleInitialLoadSettings. Oracle Job Mode

Allowed values for this property are: “FULL”, “SCHEMA”, “TABLE”, “TABLESPACE”, “TRANSPORTABLE”

Returns:The job_mode of this UpdateOracleInitialLoadSettings.
Return type:str

Gets the metadata_remaps of this UpdateOracleInitialLoadSettings. Defines remapping to be applied to objects as they are processed.

Returns:The metadata_remaps of this UpdateOracleInitialLoadSettings.
Return type:list[oci.database_migration.models.MetadataRemap]

Gets the tablespace_details of this UpdateOracleInitialLoadSettings.

Returns:The tablespace_details of this UpdateOracleInitialLoadSettings.
Return type:oci.database_migration.models.UpdateTargetTypeTablespaceDetails