You're viewing OCI IAM documentation for new tenancies in regions that have been updated to use identity domains.

Develop a Custom SCIM Gateway

If your custom application doesn't provide a SCIM-based interface, then you can develop a custom SCIM gateway to act as the interface between IAM and your custom application. This gateway exposes your application's identity store as SCIM-based REST APIs, and then you can use the Generic SCIM App Template to integrate IAM with your application for provisioning or synchronization purposes.

Before developing your custom SCIM gateway, if you're a new developer who isn't familiar with the SCIM standard, then you must first understand the SCIM protocol. Then, see which identity attributes are available for your custom application and model them as SCIM-based attributes. Next, utilize open-standard libraries to expose your custom application's APIs as SCIM APIs. Last, familiarize yourself with the create, read, update, and delete (CRUD) operations that you want your custom SCIM gateway to perform.

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