You're viewing OCI IAM documentation for new tenancies in regions that have been updated to use identity domains.

Supported Operations

Manage user resources in SCIM applications in an OCI IAM identity domain.

User is a type of resource in the SCIM specification. To manage this resource, the SCIM gateway must expose REST API endpoints to enable operations such as creating, searching for, updating, and deleting users. The HTTP request for the operation that you want to perform and the HTTP response from that operation must be in a JSON format.

You can implement the following user operations:

User Operation Description HTTP Operation HTTP Endpoint
Create a User Create a user account in your custom application. POST
Search Users Obtain a list of all users with their attributes that are in your custom application. GET
Search a User Retrieve information about a specific user and their attributes in your custom application. GET<id>
Update a User Attribute Update an attribute value of a user account in your custom application. PUT<id>
Delete a User Remove a user account from your custom application. DELETE<id>

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