Troubleshooting Oracle Cloud Migrations

Use troubleshooting information to identify and address common issues that can occur while working with Oracle Cloud Migrations.

Error while setting up and running a VM migration

For an Oracle Cloud Migrations error during any of the setup steps and execution of a VM migration, view the corresponding message on the Console.

To fix such an issue, follow one of these steps:

  1. Try resolving the issue based on the detailed actions for the error messages. For example, look at the following errors messages:
    Too many levels of redo logs have been found, please log in to vSphere Client to consolidate snapshots.
    The current state of the VM does not support creating snapshot, please log in to vSphere Client to ensure that the exporting VM is active and does not have any operation being performed.
  2. You can report the issue to Oracle Support Center along with the work request ID. For information about creating a support ticket, see Support Requests.

    An error message might contain a work request ID.

  3. Oracle Cloud Migrations engineers can track and investigate the issue.

Error during VM startup

VM doesn't start because of the corrupted file system.

To fix this issue, follow these steps:

  1. Power off the source VM.
  2. Retry replicating the VM.