What's New

Fusion Applications environment management offers new features and enhancements for managing your Fusion environments. Here's a summary of the features you'll get after your environments are converted.

New User Experience Features

Fusion Applications Environment Management introduces new user experience features for managing Fusion Applications environments, including:

Feature Description
Console and home page The new Oracle Cloud Console provides a single interface to manage all your Oracle cloud services. The Applications homepage provides access to your applications across regions. View and manage your infrastructure resources in the same Console. Get guided tours and links to learning resources all in the same interface. See Using the Oracle Cloud Console.
Environment provisioning

The Fusion Applications environment setup wizard makes it easy to provision your first Fusion Applications environments. See Fusion Applications Environment Setup Wizard.

During environment provisioning, you can select a region, pick multiple languages to activate, and configure other settings. Onboarding is simplified with the Accelerated Activation Experience and OCI native organization, tenancy, and subscription management. See Overview of Fusion Applications Environment Management.

Environments and Environment Families Environment family is a new logical grouping of environments that you set up to facilitate the management of production and non-production environments that share the same subscription. A family ensures that the applications on all your environments are maintained, upgraded, and patched at the same levels. You set up an environment family before you provision your environments. See Planning an Environment Family.
Public Tooling APIs You can use public tooling (CLI, SDK, Rest API, etc.) for environment management. You can integrate with other systems, for monitoring, and orchestration. See Fusion Applications Environment Management API Reference and CLI Reference.
Support Experience new ways to get help and contact support:
  • View related documentation
  • Use search
  • Use Support Chat in the Console
  • Post a question to the Oracle community
  • Open a support request directly from the Console

See Use Support Chat to Get Help and Open a Support Request .

Notifications and announcements View maintenance notifications at anytime in the Console and manage subscriptions for receiving emails. See Enabling and Viewing Maintenance Notifications.

Self-Service Lifecycle Operations

  • Actions can be performed immediately, without waiting for Oracle SRs.
  • Monitor the real-time progress of updates via work requests.
  • Continue to use Fusion Applications during the processing of operations (except during refresh and data masking operations).

Updates to your Fusion Applications environments that you can perform yourself:

Feature Description
Maintenance settings You can edit the following upgrade settings:
  • Enable/Disable monthly patching at the environment family level.
  • Create a custom maintenance schedule for individual environments.
    • Edit patching cadence between production and non-production cadence
    • Enable/disable monthly patching

See Managing Environment Families and Managing Environments.

Refresh Run on-demand or schedule production-to-test or test-to-test environment refreshes. See Refreshing an Environment.
Language packs Add language packs. See Environment Management Tasks.
Content acceleration Enable/disable internet cache for individual environments for content acceleration. See Environment Management Tasks.
IP Allowlisting Update network access control rules to restrict network access to your Fusion Applications environment. See Environment Management Tasks.
Add DNS During environment creation, add a subdomain prefix to the URL of Fusion Applications. See Fusion Applications Environment Setup Wizard.
Bring your own keys for encryption Create your own keys in your cloud account and manage the keys for your environments (requires a Breakglass subscription). See Customer-Managed Keys for Oracle Break Glass.
Breakglass Oracle Managed Access provides you with the ability to temporarily grant access to Oracle Support using a securely administered workflow (requires a Breakglass subscription). See Break Glass Support for Environments.
Data masking Run or schedule data masking on your environments (requires a data masking subscription). See Data Masking.
VPN or FastConnect Set up a Virtual Private Network using FastConnect or Site-to-Site VPN. See Securely Accessing Fusion Applications.
Apply and manage tags to environments and environment families Tagging is an OCI feature that allows you to define keys and values and associate them with resources. You can then use the tags to help you manage resources based on your business needs. See Resource Tags.
Update the display name of environments See Environment Management Tasks.
Fusion administrator user management Add users for each environment. See Environment Management Tasks.
Manage Console users You can add users and groups with customizable permissions that are not limited to standard roles. See Managing Oracle Cloud Users with Specific Job Functions.
Add on integration You can add Fusion Data Intelligence via self-service to your Fusion Applications. See Self-Service Integration with Oracle Fusion Data Intelligence.

Environment Details Visibility and Transparency

Visibility and transparency features include:

Feature Description
Work requests When you make an update to an environment, it can sometimes take several minutes to complete the action. You can monitor these updates through work requests that are displayed on each environment's details page. You can also track past updates in the work request history.

See Understanding Work Requests.

Maintenance profile You can view the upgrade cohort assigned to each environment and update the maintenance schedule (for some environments). See To edit the maintenance schedule.
Scheduled maintenance View the next scheduled maintenance. See To check for upcoming maintenance.
Audit/Logging Leverages OCI's audit and logging features to view all operations performed on Fusion Applications environments.
Status Application health status shows the real-time status of the Fusion Applications. See Understanding the Health Status and Lifecycle State.
Integrations Additional services are provisioned and integrated with your Fusion Applications depending on the subscriptions you purchased and the type of environment (production or non-production). These can include Oracle Digital Assistant, Oracle Integration Cloud (OIC), Oracle Visual Builder Studio (VB Studio) and Visual Builder Cloud Service (VBCS). Manage these additional services from a single interface. See Managing Integrations.
Metrics Production Fusion environments metrics are available for:
  • Monthly service availability
  • Monthly application average response time
See Monthly Performance Metrics.
Subscription and invoice details View the details of your Fusion Applications subscriptions and invoice details for all your Oracle Cloud services. See To view subscription details and Subscriptions, Invoices, and Payment History Overview.