Managing Environment Families

Environment families associate deployments of your Fusion Applications to facilitate consistent maintenance and management across your environments.

This topic describes how to perform administration tasks for environment families.

Automated Subscription Updates

If you order changes to existing Fusion Applications subscriptions for an environment family, Oracle automatically applies these changes for you. You don't have to manually update the environment family's subscriptions.

What to Expect After You Change a Subscription

After Oracle receives the order for a subscription update, the order is processed for the environment family and pod. A banner message is displayed at the top of the environment family details page to let you know that the order update is being applied. You don't need to take any action during the update. Note the following:

  • The environment family remains available during the processing of subscription changes (no system downtime).
  • When the order is being applied to the environment family, the life cycle state of the environment family changes to Updating.
  • Subscription updates take about 30 minutes to complete.
  • After the update is complete, the lifecycle state is Active.
  • If environments aren't in the Active state when the order is processed, because of maintenance or other lifecycle operations, the subscription update is automatically applied after environments return to the Active state.

You can review the subscriptions available in the environment family at any time. See To view subscription details for instructions.

Environment Family Management Tasks