Creating a Workspace

Before you can get started with Data Integration, you or the administrator must first create a workspace for the data integration projects.

Create a workspace after the connectivity requirements for Data Integration are satisfied. See Creating Resources.

For other networking information, see the following topics:

Ensure that you also have the required policies for creating workspaces, as described in Creating Policies. For example, if you're creating a workspace that uses virtual cloud network (VCN) resources, you must create policies to allow Data Integration access to the VCN in the compartment.

    1. Open the navigation menu and click Analytics & AI. Under Data Lake, click Data Integration.
    2. On the Data Integration service page, click Workspaces.
    3. On the Workspaces page, select the compartment to create the workspace in, and then click Create workspace.
    4. In the Create workspace panel, enter a name and an optional description for the workspace.
    5. In the Network selection section, select Enable private network to use a private network to connect to the data sources.
    6. If you choose to use a private network, provide the following values:
      • Choose a VCN in <Compartment_Name>: Select the VCN for data integrations.
      • Choose a Subnet in <Compartment_Name>: Select the subnet in the selected VCN for data integrations.
      • DNS server IP: (Optional) Enter the domain name system (DNS) server IP address of the server.
      • DNS server zone: (Optional) If you entered a DNS server IP address, enter the DNS zone of the server.

      After a workspace is created, you can't disable the private network connection, or change the compartment, VCN, or subnet selections.

    7. (Optional) In the Tags section, add tags to help you search for Data Integration resources within the tenancy.

      For information about tags, see Tags and Tag Namespace Concepts.

    8. Choose one of the following options:
      • To create the workspace, click Create.


        If you haven't added the required policies, workspace creation fails. In the Unauthorized access information box that appears, click Manage policies to view the details of the required policy statements. Specify the correct group name and compartment in the statements. If you're an administrator, you can add the policies by clicking Add policies. If you're not an administrator, click Copy policies and then send them to an administrator to add.

        You're returned to the Workspaces page. It might take a few minutes before the workspace is ready for you to access. When the status is Active, you can select the workspace from the list.

        For information about navigating and searching in a workspace, see Navigating a Workspace.

      • To create the workspace later using Resource Manager and Terraform, click Save as stack to save the resource definition as a Terraform configuration.

        For more information about saving stacks from resource definitions, see Creating a Stack from a Resource Creation Page.

    Use the workspace to create design-time artifacts such as data assets, data flows, and tasks in one or more projects or folders. For information about using projects in a workspace, see Using Projects and Folders.

  • Use the oci data-integration workspace create command and required parameters to create a workspace:

    oci data-integration workspace create [OPTIONS]

    For a complete list of flags and variable options for CLI commands, see the Command Line Reference.

  • Run the CreateWorkspace operation to create a workspace.