Monitoring a Workspace

The Monitor workspace page provides summary information about uptime and usage.

You can also get overview information about task runs that are started from applications in a workspace.

To access the Monitor workspace page, from the workspace home page, click Monitor workspace

A workspace can be stopped and started on-demand. Based on all sessions of a workspace, the information you see is provided in two sections on the Monitor workspace page.

Workspace summary section

In the Workspace summary section, you can see:

  • Workspace uptime: The time the workspace has been running since it was last started.
  • Workspace usage: The accumulated time the workspace has been running since it was created.
  • Total data processed: The accumulated source data read by all task runs that are initiated through all applications in the workspace.

Overview section

The Overview section shows task run information for an application within a time period. You can:

  • Use the Application menu to select the application to view. Select All to view run information for all applications.
  • Use the Start date and End date menus to specify a date and time range.

Total runs is the sum of task runs with the following statuses:

  • Running: Number of task runs that are still in progress.
  • Queued: Number of task runs that are waiting for execution. The status transitions to Running when resources are available.
  • Not started: Number of task runs that are started but not yet submitted to the execution engine.
  • Terminating: Number of task runs that are in the process of being stopped (terminated).
  • Success: Number of task runs that have completed successfully.
  • Failed: Number of task runs that have failed.
  • Terminated: Number of task runs that are stopped (terminated).

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