The workspace home page (tab) is divided into the following areas:
Recents displays the 5 most recent Data Integration resources updated or created in the workspace. Click a resource name to navigate to it. A resource with a solid star icon means that you have marked the resource as a favorite. See Marking and Unmarking a Resource as Favorite.
Favorites displays the 5 recent resources that you have marked as a favorite.
Design contains the tasks that you might perform to design data integration solutions.
Orchestration contains the tasks for designing a pipeline to orchestrate data processing.
Runtime contains the tasks that you might need to create an application for running tasks.
Management contains other tasks that you might perform such as monitoring the workspace and the requests that have you started to export and import objects.
Popular templates displays some templates with parameterized predefined tasks that you can use to quickly build and test your own applications.
Learn displays a list of resources that you might find helpful while you work with Data Integration.
Accessing Data Integration Resources
Use the navigation links under the workspace name to access the data assets, projects, applications, and user-defined functions in the workspace. Each resource page opens as a new tab.
You can also monitor metrics in the workspace.
Managing Tabs
During a Data Integration session, you might find that you have several tabs open. Click the gear icon in the upper-right corner of the page to search open tabs, navigate to open tabs, and close tabs.
Using Breadcrumbs
You can navigate within Data Integration using the breadcrumbs above the tabs. Breadcrumbs are hyperlinks that help you see where you are in Data Integration and navigate up the hierarchy.
Viewing Workspace Configurations 🔗
The Configurations page displays general workspace details and network resource information.
To see a workspace's configurations, access the workspace and click Configurations on the workspace home page (tab).
Searching in a Workspace 🔗
Use the search field on the workspace home page to search within the entire workspace. By default, a search is performed across all projects and folders, applications, and data assets in the workspace.
To allow Data Integration to search within workspaces in a tenancy, define the following policies in the root compartment of the tenancy:
allow service dataintegration to {TENANCY_INSPECT} in tenancy
allow service dataintegration to {DIS_METADATA_INSPECT} in tenancy
In the search field on the workspace home page, start a search by entering a search text and pressing Enter. Consider the following guidelines when entering a search text:
The search text can be a complete or partial text string.
The search text is not case-sensitive.
You can use * as a wildcard character anywhere in the search text. For example, you can enter *demo* and demo*.
If the search text is part of two consecutive updates to an object and the consecutive updates were performed within five minutes of one another, the search text might not be found if you perform the search right away.
All objects in the workspace that match the search text are retrieved and listed on the Search Results tab. You can use the following filters in the Filters section to refine the search results:
Search in: Select the scope of a search. You can select an object name to limit the search to a specific project, folder, or application, or all data assets. Select Entire workspace to expand the scope of the search to all projects, applications, and data assets in the workspace.
Type: Select All workspace objects to expand the search across all object types. Select an object type to limit the search within that type. You can filter by more than one type. Within Data assets, you can refine the results by a specific data asset type. Similarly within Task, you can refine the results by a task type.
Created by: Enter a username to limit the search to a specific user. To search for objects that are created automatically by Data Integration, enter system.
After adding filters to a search, you can enter the complete name of an object in the search field to filter the results by name.
In the search results, you can perform the following actions:
Click an object name in the Name column to navigate to the details page for that object.
Click the Actions menu for an object to perform the following actions:
Select View details to edit the details of the object.
Select Delete to delete the object. In the confirmation window that appears, type Delete to confirm that you want to delete the object and then click Delete.
Marking and Unmarking a Resource as Favorite 🔗
To mark a Data Integration resource as a favorite, use the star icon in the Favorite column on the list page of the resource.
You can mark any of these resources as favorites in a workspace:
Data assets
Data flows
When marked as a favorite, the icon in the Favorite column is displayed as a solid star. To unmark a resource as a favorite, you use the same star icon to change the mark. When a resource isn't marked as a favorite, the icon is a clear star.
The action of marking a favorite and clearing a favorite is considered an update to the resource, so the updated resource is added to the Recents tile on the workspace home page.
To mark or unmark a resource as a favorite:
Navigate to the list page of a resource.
By default, the Favorite filter is set to All, which means all resources are shown on the list page.
Click the star icon in the Favorite column next to the resource.
To show only the resources that are marked as favorite, select Favorite from the filter menu.
To remove the favorite filter, click Clear or select All from the filter menu.