Creating a Project by Copying from Another Project

Create a project by copying contents from an existing project in Data Integration.

The existing project can be in the same workspace or another workspace. If the workspace is in a different tenancy from the current workspace, you need to set up cross-tenancy policies. See Policy Examples to Set Up Cross-Tenancy Access for Project Copy and Application Copy. The existing project must be in an active workspace.

When you create project B (target) by copying from project A (source), Data Integration performs the following actions:

  • Creates the source project and its artifacts in the target workspace if the source project and its artifacts aren't present in the target, as follows:
    • Copies all child artifacts in project A (folders, data flows, pipeline, tasks) to project B.
    • Copies all dependent artifacts in project A (such as data assets and connections) to project B.

    Data Integration doesn't copy sensitive information in data assets such as passwords. After copying is complete, you must manually update the sensitive information fields of applicable data assets in the target project.

  • If the source project and its artifacts are present in the target workspace, Data Integration uses the conflict resolution option that you choose to retain, replace, or duplicate the project and artifacts in the target.
  • A configuration UI steps you through the process of creating a project (the target) by copying from an existing project (the source). The steps include selecting the source project and specifying how to resolve potential name conflicts in the target.

    1. Navigate to the workspace in which you want to create a project.

      For the steps to access a workspace, see Accessing a Workspace.

    2. On the workspace home page, click Projects.
    3. On the Projects page, click Create project and select Copy existing.

      The Create project menu is available only if you have write access to the current workspace.

    4. On the Choose a project to copy page, select the project to copy.

      By default, Data Integration displays the current tenancy OCID, compartment, and workspace. You can select other values from the resources that you have access to.

      1. Select the workspace that has the project you want to copy.
        • Tenancy OCID: Enter the Oracle Cloud ID of the tenancy.

          To find the tenancy OCID string in the Console, from the Profile menu click Tenancy:<tenancy_name>. You can find the tenancy OCID under Tenancy information.

        • Compartment: Select the compartment.

        • Workspace: Select the workspace. You can start typing a name in the field to filter the list.

      2. In the selected workspace, select one project from the list of available projects.
    5. On the Choose conflict resolution settings page, select the action to take in the project that you're creating (target) when there're name conflicts with artifacts in the project that you're copying from (source).

      During a copy request, Data Integration uses the identifier values of source and target artifacts to match objects, and it uses the conflict resolution option that you select to perform the copy operation.

      • Retain: Retains the artifacts in the target.

        Source artifacts (including dependencies) with the same names aren't copied to the target.

        For example, source project Project A has a data flow named My Data Flow 123. If the target workspace already contains a project named Project A with a data flow named My Data Flow 123, the source artifact My Data Flow 123 isn't copied.

      • Replace: Replaces the target artifacts with the artifacts from the source.

        For example, source project Project A has a data flow named My Data Flow 123. If the target workspace already contains a project named Project A with a data flow named My Data Flow 123, the target artifact My Data Flow 123 is replaced by the source My Data Flow 123.

      • Duplicate: Duplicates the source artifacts in the target by using the source artifact names with the strings that you provide for a prefix, suffix, or both.

        • Add prefix: The string is added to the beginning of the source name, for example, string_sourceName
        • Add suffix: The string is added to the end of the source name, for example, sourceName_string
        • Add prefix and suffix: Strings are added to the beginning and the end of the source name, for example, string1_sourceName_string2

        For example, source project Project A has a data flow named My Data Flow 123. You supply the prefix MyPrefix. If the target workspace already contains a project named Project A with a data flow named My Data Flow 123, the target artifacts with the same names are duplicated, and the prefix is added to the project, MyPrefix_Project A.

        If you don't add either a prefix or a suffix, a numeric string is appended to the copied artifact name in the target.

    6. On the Review and copy page, review and begin the project copy request.
      1. In the Project to copy section, review the workspace details of the source (under From) and target (under To). Click Edit if you need to make changes.
      2. In the Project list section, confirm that you have selected the project that you want to copy.
      3. In the Conflict resolution settings section, confirm the following selections. Click Edit if you need to make changes.
        • The action to take to resolve name conflicts
        • The string or strings to add to the target artifact names, as a prefix, suffix, or both
    7. Click Copy.

      Data Integration starts a copy request. You can monitor the progress on the Project copy requests page.


    When a project copy request is in progress, don't edit or delete any artifact that's in the source project or target project until after the copy operation ends. Making modifications to artifacts in the source or target project during a copy operation might cause errors and result in a failed copy operation.

  • Use the oci data-integration copy-object-request create command and required parameters to create a project by copying an existing project:

    oci data-integration copy-object-request create [OPTIONS]

    For a complete list of flags and variable options for CLI commands, see the Command Line Reference.

  • Run the CreateCopyObjectRequest operation to create a project by copying an existing project.