Managing the Notebook Session Timeout

By default, you're automatically logged out of a notebook session after an hour of inactivity.

This behavior can be changed in each notebook to extend the notebook session time up to 24 hours, depending on the tenancy.

To increase the notebook time-out to the maximum limit for a tenancy, select Extend next to Session remaining: .

The countdown timer indicates the time left before the automatic logout. You're logged out when the timer is at zero. To reset the timer, log out and then log back into the notebook.

If you're signing in using a federated Oracle Identity Cloud Service sign-in, an administrator can change session time setting using the Identity Cloud Service console.

If you're using native logins (Direct Sign-in), the maximum session time is set at 24 hours for users in OC1. This value can't be changed. If you're using Oracle SSO to sign in a federated tenancy, Oracle GIS sets the maximum session time limit.

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