Opening a Notebook Session

Notebook sessions open in JupyterLab to facilitate many tasks.


You can open only a notebook session that's active.

  1. From the project details page, select the name of the notebook session. If you need help finding the list of projects, see Listing Projects.

    The notebook session details page opens.

  2. Select Open.

    The Jupyter Notebook web-based environment opens.

When you open a notebook session, the Launcher tab is open and contains the main actions.

Environment Explorer

Work with the various conda environments.

Notebook Examples

Learn how to use notebooks by opening a getting started or other task specific examples for installed conda environments.

If this option isn't displayed, then click the File menu, select New, and then select Notebook Explorer to select a notebook.

Each example is loaded with a temporary file name that you can change by right-clicking the tab name and selecting Rename Notebook. Enter a new name, and then select Rename.

Python and Installed Conda Environments

Python and any installed conda environments are listed. You can create a notebook session or start a kernel console.

The Python 3 kernel is the conda environment that contains a minimal set of libraries, including oci, cx_oracle, and numpy. We recommend that you install or create more conda environments.

A new notebook opens and the first cell contains useful tips that are the same as when you create a notebook.


You can open a terminal, create text or markdown files, or get help.

You can open a new Launcher tab by selecting the plus sign (+) in the File Browser.

The following are some tips for working with notebook sessions:

Git Extension

Get direct access to a Git repository by using the Git extension included in notebook sessions. If you see the Failed to load the jupyterlab-git server extension warning, that means an older version of Notebook Virtual Machine is being used so the Git extension isn't installed. You can select Dismiss to work in the notebook without issues. To start using the Git extension, deactivate and reactivate the notebook to get the extension.

Public Internet Access

Check for public internet access as follows:

import requests 
         assert response.status_code==200, "Internet connection failed"

Set up the OCI configuration file and API key using Required Keys and OCIDs.

Environment Variables

Useful environment variables are as follows:

import os

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