Managed Instances

Click Managed instances to view the table of managed instances for the selected fleet. The table presents a list of managed instances that have reported the presence of a Java installation or the start of a Java application.

For each managed instance, the table presents the following information:
  • Host: name of the host associated with the managed instance
  • Agent status: status of the agent
    • Active: The agent service is communicating with the agent, and the agent is functioning as expected.
    • Silent: The agent service isn't communicating with the agent. While communication was established after the agent installation, there might currently be a communication problem between the agent service and the agent.
    • Deleted: The agent service has encountered an error, indicating that the agent might have been removed.
  • Agent state: specifies the agent security state, such as Update available
  • OCID: OCIDs of the managed instances in the fleet that have Java installation or Java application started at the selected time period
  • Java runtime installations: number of Java applications installed on the managed instance at the selected time period
  • Applications: number of applications installed on the host at the selected time period
  • Deployed applications: number of application deployed on the Java server at the selected time period
  • Operating system: operating system of the host, such as Windows, Linux
  • First reported: date and time when the managed instance was first reported
  • Last reported: date and time when the managed instance was last reported

For more information about a managed instance, see Managed Instance.

Click the host name of a managed instance to view its details. See Managed Instance Details.

You can also perform the following actions on the managed instances: