
Use the delta command to compute the difference between a numeric property in a group, and another numeric property in a previous group, in the sort order of groups when the delta command is run. This command can be applied after any grouping command like stats, link, or timestats.


delta [field = <sub_field_name>] [step = <step>] <field_name> [as <new_field_name>]


The following table lists the parameters used in this command, along with their descriptions.

Parameter Description


Specify the name of the numeric property in the previous group to use for the computation. Default value is <field_name> if not specified.


Specify the name of the numeric property in the current group to use for the computation.


Specify the number of groups prior to the current group to use for the computation. Default value is 1 if not specified.

The following command groups all the fatal logs by transaction, and get the difference in average elapsed time in every 5 groups:

severity = fatal 
    | link 'Transaction ID' 
    | stats avg('Elapsed Time (System)') as 'Average Elapsed Time' 
    | delta step = 5 'Average Elapsed Time'

The following command groups all fatal logs by transaction, and gets the difference between the current start time and the previous end time.

severity = fatal 
    | link 'Transaction ID' 
    | delta field = 'End Time' 'Start Time'

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