
Use this command to generate data for displaying statistical trends over time, optionally grouped by field.


timestats [<timestats_options>] <stats_function / timestats_function> "("<field_name>")" [as new_field_name] [, <stats_function / timestats_function> "("<field_name>")" [as new_field_name]]* [by_<field_name>]


The following table lists the parameters used with this command, along with their descriptions.

Parameter Description


Use this parameter to specify how the data should be bucketed. Permitted values for this parameter must follow the format [span = <int><timescale>] [field = <field_name>][maxvalues = <limit>][topcount = <count> | bottomcount = <count>][name = <chart_name>].


Use this parameter to set the size of each bucket, using a span length based on time. Permitted values for this parameter must follow the format <int><timescale>.


Use this parameter to specify the time for sizing the buckets. Permitted values for this parameter must be either <sec>, <min>, <hour>, <day>, <week>, <month>, or <year>.


sec: Permitted values for this parameter include s, sec, secs, second, and seconds.

min: Permitted values for this parameter include m, min, mins, minute, or minutes.

hour: Permitted values for this parameter include h, hr, hrs, hour, and hours.

week: Permitted values for this parameter include w, week, and weeks.

month: Permitted values for this parameter include mon, month, and months.


Field must have a timestamp value. If not specified Time is used.


Reduce the number of aggregated values to return for a function.


When grouping by fields, return n count of distinct groups with the largest aggregated values.


When grouping by fields, return n count of distinct groups with the smallest aggregated values


Name to display for the chart.


You can use the functions that are associated with the stats command with the timestats command too. For details about the functions and the examples of using the functions with the command, see stats.


The following table lists the functions available with this command, along with their examples.

Function Examples

persecond: Returns one data point per span interval representing the average rate per second.


  • | timestats persecond('Error Id')

perminute: Returns one data point per span interval representing the average rate per minute


  • | timestats perminute('Error Id')

perhour: Returns one data point per span interval representing the average rate per hour


  • | timestats perhour('Error Id')

perday: Returns one data point per span interval representing the average rate per day


  • | timestats perday('Error Id')

The following query returns the count of fatal log entries over the specified time range.

Severity = fatal | timestats count

The following query returns the count of logs bucketed into daily chunks.

* | timestats span = 1day count

Return the count of log entries, by target over the specified time range for the production targets:

'lifecycle status'='production' | search * | timestats count by target

Time series chart by entity on group property:

* | link Entity, Severity | stats sum('Content Size') as 'Content Size' | timestats avg('Content Size') by Entity

Time series chart by entity only for fatal logs:

* | link Entity, Severity | stats sum('Content Size') as 'Content Size' | addfields [ * | where Severity = fatal | timestats avg('Content Size') by Entity ]

Limit the time series chart to 20 values:

* | link Entity, Severity | stats sum('Content Size') as 'Content Size' | timestats maxvalues = 20 avg('Content Size')

Return the time series charts for top 3 entities:

* | link Entity, Severity | stats sum('Content Size') as 'Content Size' | timestats topcount = 3 avg('Content Size') by Entity

Return the time series charts for bottom 3 entities:

* | link Entity, Severity | stats sum('Content Size') as 'Content Size' | timestats bottomcount = 3 avg('Content Size') by Entity

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