
Use the updatetable command to update an existing table created using the createtable command. You can apply a sub-query or an eval expression to the table, and show or hide fields. This command works only in the link visualization.


updatetable name = <name> <subquery>


The following table lists the parameters used in this command, along with their descriptions.

Parameter Description

Name of the table, as used in the createtable command


The sub-query to apply on the tabulated data.

The following command calculates the average content size in GB and adds the new column Avg Content Size (GB) to the table:

* | link Entity, Severity
 | eventstats avg('Content Size') as 'Avg Content Size' by Severity
 | createtable name = 'Size By Severity' select Severity, 'Avg Content Size'
 | updatetable name = 'Size By Severity' [
     *| eval 'Avg Content Size (GB)' = unit('Avg Content Size' / 1024 / 1024, GB)]

The following command summarizes the top 3 average content sizes:

* | link Entity, Severity
 | eventstats avg('Content Size') as 'Avg Content Size' by Severity
 | createtable name = 'Size By Severity' select Severity, 'Avg Content Size'
 | updatetable name = 'Size By Severity' [ Severity != Info | top limit = 3 'Avg Content Size' ]

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