
Use this command to match a string or a list of strings, and highlight them in the Log UI.


highlight [<highlight_options>] <keyword_expression> [,<keyword_expression>]*

Parameters and Variables

The following table lists the parameters and variables used in this query, along with their descriptions.

Parameter / Variable Description
<highlight_options> Use this option to specify the color to use for highlighting the strings. The default value is yellow. [color = red | green | blue | yellow]
<keyword_expression> Use this variable to specify the string or the list of strings to be matched by running this query. Permitted values must be in the formal <string>, <string>, or <string>.

The following query highlights the word ERROR in red color.

* | highlight color = red ERROR

The following query returns all fatal logs, and highlights the phrase database connection in green color.

severity = fatal | highlight color = green 'database connection'

The following query returns all fatal logs, highlights the phrase database connection in green color, and highlights the word connection in yellow.

severity = fatal | highlight color = green 'database connection' | highlight connection

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