File Based Trigger

For triggering a build run based on file changes, the following two options are provided:

  • Files to include: By default, changes to all files in the repository are included when a build run is triggered. The Files to include option allows you to specify a list of files and directories in the repository that you have changed and for which you want to trigger a build run. Files are specified using glob patterns. Trigger action is based on the changes affecting at least one of the included files.
  • Files to exclude: By default, changes to all files in the repository are included when a build run is triggered. The Files to exclude option allows you to specify a list of files and directories in the repository that you want to exclude from the build run. Files are specified using glob patterns. Changes affecting only the excluded files does not trigger a build. If files are specified for both include and exclude, then the exclude filter is applied on the output of the include filter.

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