Conversion Overview

Learn how to prepare for and what to expect before and after the conversion of the Cloud Classic Console (My Services) to the new Oracle Cloud Console.

If you received an email with the subject line: Upcoming Quarterly Update and Console Conversion, your account has been selected for the conversion to the new Oracle Cloud Console for Fusion Applications environment lifecycle management.

Image of email sent to selected customers

The new Oracle Cloud Console provides a single service management platform for Oracle Cloud Infrastructure and Applications services, providing a "single pane of glass" visibility across all your Oracle cloud services.

The new Console provides a complete set of self-service capabilities in a new, modern UI. You can provision environments, install language packs, refresh environments, manage administrators, initiate data masking, and perform many more tasks without having to engage Oracle or log Support requests.

Oracle is converting all customer environments to the new Oracle Cloud Console in phases as part of the standard quarterly update cycle. When your Fusion Applications environments are scheduled for the Oracle Cloud Console conversion, you will receive an email with all the relevant information 30 days in advance of the quarterly update cycle. Also, the Cloud Classic Console (My Services) will display a banner message with information about the Console conversion. If you haven't received a notification yet, you will receive one when your environments are scheduled for the Console conversion.

What Is Happening

During one of your upcoming quarterly updates, your Fusion Applications environment service management Console will be converted from the Cloud Classic Console (My Services) to the new Oracle Cloud Console.

The conversion for each of your environments will occur during its quarterly update downtime window as mentioned in the announcement email. The announcement email includes the start and end times of the quarterly update downtime, so please review that email and retain for your reference.

Console Conversion Cadence

Quarterly updates are applied to your non-production and production environments according to your selected quarterly maintenance schedule. The Console conversion occurs during an environment's corresponding quarterly scheduled downtime. As per the standard practice, quarterly updates are first applied to non-production cadence environments and then to production cadence environments.

Non-production cadence: Environments on non-production cadence will be converted to the new Console during the downtime stated in the announcement email. After the downtime completes, your converted environments are available only in the new Oracle Cloud Console. Your production cadence environments are still available in the Cloud Classic Console (My Services). You can switch between the Consoles to view converted and non-converted environments.

Production Cadence: Environments on the production cadence will be converted to the new Console during the downtime as stated in the announcement email. After the downtime completes, you will manage all your environments in the new Oracle Cloud Console

Pre-Conversion Tasks

You can also view a list of these tasks in a printable checklist.

Post-Conversion Tasks

After you receive the email notifying you that the scheduled downtime is complete, verify that you are able to access the new Oracle Cloud Console and that your environments have been converted. If you have a subscription to Oracle Breakglass and have configured bring your own key, you need to perform additional post-conversion steps to reconfigure your keys.

How to Get Help

To get help:

  • Open a support request (SR) through the Console or by visiting My Oracle Support (MOS).
  • Contact your Customer Success Manager (CSM), Account Manager, or Oracle point of contact, if you have one assigned for your account.


Get answers to common questions about the conversion to the new experience.

What to expect

Navigating the new Console
