Amazon S3 Data Asset Properties

Amazon S3 (Simple Storage Service) is storage service that lets you store semi-structured and unstructured data as objects within resources called buckets. You only need to create one data asset in Data Integration for all the buckets your AWS credentials has access to.

To use a secret for the password, see OCI Vault Secrets and Oracle Wallets.

To create a data asset that connects to an Amazon Redshift source, complete the following properties and connection details.

Field Description
Name Enter a name for the data asset.
Identifier The identifier is a system-generated value based on the name. You can change the identifier value, but after you create and save, you cannot update the identifier.
Description (Optional) Add a description.
Type The field shows the data source type that you selected in the Select data asset type panel (as described in Creating a Data Asset). Data Integration displays the data asset property fields and default connection fields based on this type.

Select an AWS region from the list.

Account id

Enter the account ID.

Default connection information
Name Enter a name for the default connection.
Identifier The identifier is a system-generated value based on the name. You can change the identifier value, but after you create and save, you cannot update the identifier.
Description (Optional) Add a description.

If you want to enter the keys manually, select this option. Then enter access key and the secret key.

Use vault secret OCID

If you use a secret in Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Vault to store the password, select this option. The following fields appear:

  • Vault secret OCID for access key: Copy and paste the OCID key from the secret key details page of the vault that you want to connect to.
  • Vault secret OCID for secret key: Copy and paste the OCID key from the secret key details page of the vault that you want to connect to.
(Optional) Test connection
Test connection After you complete all the required fields, click Test connection to ensure that the data asset details have been entered correctly and the connection can be established. A success message appears if the test is successful. If the test fails with an error message, review the connection settings and try again.