On-premises Mac

This section describes the steps to set up the Oracle Management Agent and deploy JMS plug-ins on the host.

Prerequisites: Download the agent software and response file as described in Download Management Agent Software and Manual Install sections.


  1. Go to the folder where you saved the management agent software and the response file.
  2. Verify that the response file that you downloaded contains the following:
    • Defined Tags in the format:


      where <fleet_ocid> is the OCID value of the fleet to which you wish to add the instance.

    • JMS plug-ins parameters:

    Also, ensure that the response file has read permissions for mgmt_agent user.

  3. Log in to the host and edit the /etc/sudoers file and add the following to the end of the file:
    mgmt_agent ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD:/Library/Oracle/mgmt_agent/agent_inst/bin/chown_recursive_ep.sh
    mgmt_agent ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: ALL
  4. Install and start the management agent, as described in Install Management Agents.

    Verify the output from the setup.sh (macOS) script or the installer.sh (macOS) script. If the console output indicates that the plug-in has failed to deploy, then ensure that the clock on your host is synchronized with the clock on the OCI platform. For more information, see Maximum Allowed Client Clock Skew.
  5. Configure Java Usage Tracker using the JMS service plug-in setup script, as follows:

    Option 1: Generate usage tracker with standard functionality.

    Run the following commands:

    VERSION=$(sudo ls /Library/Oracle/mgmt_agent/agent_inst/config/destinations/OCI/services/jms/)
    sudo bash /Library/Oracle/mgmt_agent/agent_inst/config/destinations/OCI/services/jms/"${VERSION}"/scripts/setup_macos.sh --force
    This script creates the file /Library/Application Support/Oracle/Java/usagetracker.properties with appropriate permissions. By default, the file contains the following lines:
    com.oracle.usagetracker.additionalProperties = java.runtime.name
    If successful, you should see a message in the console similar to
    /Library/Oracle/java created
    /Library/Application Support/Oracle/Java/usagetracker.properties created

    Option 2: Generate usage tracker with additional functionality to collect the user.name property for better identification of applications running on Application Servers like WebLogic and Tomcat.

    Run the following commands:
    VERSION=$(sudo ls /Library/Oracle/mgmt_agent/agent_inst/config/destinations/OCI/services/jms/)
    sudo bash /Library/Oracle/mgmt_agent/agent_inst/config/destinations/OCI/services/jms/"${VERSION}"/scripts/setup_macos.sh --force --enable-user-name
    This script creates the file /Library/Application Support/Oracle/Java/usagetracker.properties with appropriate permissions. This script creates the file with appropriate permissions. By default, the file contains the following lines:
    com.oracle.usagetracker.additionalProperties = java.runtime.name,user.dir,user.name
The log files are located in the /Library/Oracle/mgmt_agent/plugins/jm/stateDir/log directory.