Exporting and Importing Migration Plans

Modify target assets in bulk using a CSV file.

    1. Open the navigation menu  and select Migration & Disaster Recovery. Under Cloud Migrations, select Migrations.
    2. On the Migrations page, select the active migration project that includes the migration plan for which you want to change the target assets in bulk.
    3. On the Migration project details page, in the Migration plans section, select the active migration plan.
    4. On the Migration plan details page, click Export.

      The target assets in the plan are exported as a CSV file on the local system.

    5. Update the properties of the target assets and save the file.
    6. On the Migration plan details page, click Import.
    7. In the CSV Import File box, drag and drop or browse and select the CSV file.
    8. Click Import.

      On the Migration plan details page, in the Estimated cost per month section, you can verify the new cost estimates. Similarly, under Resources, click Target assets, and then click each asset to view the updated value of the estimated cost.

    Now, you can generate and deploy a Resource Manager stack for the migration plan.
  • To import a migration plan from a CSV file, use the import command.

    oci cloud-migrations migration-plan import --import-migration-plan-details filename.csv --migration-plan-id migration_plan_ID [OPTIONS]
    The required parameters for the import command are:
    • --import-migration-plan-details: Specifies the CSV file that you can upload.
    • --migration-id: Specifies the unique OCID of the migration plan.

    To get all the commands for migration-plan, run:

    oci cloud-migrations migration-plan -h

    To get help for the import command, run:

    oci cloud-migrations migration-plan import -h

    To export a migration plan to a CSV file, use the export command.

    oci cloud-migrations migration-plan export --file filename.csv --migration-plan-id migration_plan_ID [OPTIONS]
    The required parameters for the export command are:
    • --file: Specifies the name of the CSV file that should have information about the migration plan. Specify '-' to write to STDOUT.
    • --migration-id: Specifies the unique OCID of the migration plan.

    To get help for the export command, run:

    oci cloud-migrations migration-plan export -h

    For a complete list of flags and variable options for CLI commands, see the CLI Command Reference.

  • To import a migration plan, use the ImportMigrationPlan operation.

    To export a migration plan to a CSV file, use the ExportMigrationPlan operation.