Set Up Oracle Cloud Infrastructure for Management Gateway
The Management Gateway and Management Agent use the Management Agent
service from Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI). Before installing the Management
Gateway, you must complete the instructions to set up the Oracle Cloud
Infrastructure environment to use the Management Agent service. For details, see
Set Up Oracle Cloud Infrastructure for Management Agent Service.
Generic Prerequisites for
Deploying Management Gateway 🔗
Before deploying Management Gateway, ensure the following prerequisites are
Minimum disk requirement: 300 Mb of free disk space and an additional 100 Mb for the
Management Gateway software download.
It also requires disk space for writing buffered messages to
disk. This area should have at least 1 GB of free disk space.
A user with sudo privileges responsible of installing the Management
Gateway software on the host.
Java Development Kit (JDK) or Java Runtime Environment
(JRE) must be installed on your host prior to installing the
Management Gateway software.
Ensure you have downloaded and installed JDK or
JRE version 1.8u281 or higher before starting the
Management Gateway software installation process. See Java Downloads.
Management Gateway requires a dedicated host. If Management Agent is already
installed on the host, install the Management Gateway on another host,
dedicated to it.
Ensure /tmp doesn't have the noexec flag set if you are
mounting it.
Network Prerequisites
If your network setup has a firewall, ensure that HTTPS communication (port
443) is allowed from the host where the Management Gateway is deployed to
the appropriate Oracle Cloud Infrastructure domain(s). The relevant domain
will depend on the realm. For example, Management Agents using the Oracle
Cloud Infrastructure commercial realm OC1 will need to
connect to * domain.
Oracle Cloud Infrastructure is hosted in regions. Regions are grouped into realms.
Your tenancy exists in a single realm and can access all regions that belong
to that realm. You cannot access regions that are not in your realm.
Currently, Oracle Cloud Infrastructure has multiple realms. For more
information about regions and realms, see Regions and Availability
Each Gateway belongs to a specific OCI compartment. All Agents connecting
through a Gateway must be in the same compartment as that Gateway.
You can use any available network connectivity tool to verify connectivity with the data center.
For information about the IP address ranges for services that are deployed in Oracle Cloud Infrastructure, see IP Address Ranges.
The following example table lists the ports that need to be open for communication.
Management Gateway host to external
Communication with Oracle Cloud
Infrastructure services.
Configure Certificates for
Management Gateway 🔗
Starting with Management Agent version 221019.0021 and Management
Gateway version 221019.0021.1667404647, the communication between Agent, Gateway and
OCI requires certificates. The certificates and other required entities will be
automatically created, but certain OCI policies need to be set up for this to work.
This is the recommended method to create certificates.
If the parameter GatewayCertOcid is not set in the
response file, the Management Gateway attempts to create the required certificates
and other required entities automatically.
You must create dynamic groups in the default identity
domain, see Subjects for Identity Domains for more
Create Credential_Dynamic_Group with below
ALL {resource.type='certificateauthority','<>'}
Create Management_Gateway_Dynamic_Group with
below rule:
ALL {resource.type='managementagent','<>'}
The compartment ID is an OCID.
Required Policies:
Allow DYNAMIC-GROUP Credential_Dynamic_Group to USE certificate-authority-delegates in compartment <>
Allow DYNAMIC-GROUP Credential_Dynamic_Group to USE vaults in compartment <>
Allow DYNAMIC-GROUP Credential_Dynamic_Group to USE keys in compartment <>
Allow DYNAMIC-GROUP Management_Gateway_Dynamic_Group to READ certificate-authority-bundle in compartment <>
Allow DYNAMIC-GROUP Management_Gateway_Dynamic_Group to READ leaf-certificate-bundle in compartment <>
Allow DYNAMIC-GROUP Management_Gateway_Dynamic_Group to MANAGE certificate-authorities in compartment <> where any{request.permission='CERTIFICATE_AUTHORITY_CREATE', request.permission='CERTIFICATE_AUTHORITY_INSPECT', request.permission='CERTIFICATE_AUTHORITY_READ'}
Allow DYNAMIC-GROUP Management_Gateway_Dynamic_Group to MANAGE leaf-certificates in compartment <> where any{request.permission='CERTIFICATE_CREATE', request.permission='CERTIFICATE_INSPECT', request.permission ='CERTIFICATE_UPDATE', request.permission='CERTIFICATE_READ'}
Allow DYNAMIC-GROUP Management_Gateway_Dynamic_Group to MANAGE vaults in compartment <> where any{request.permission='VAULT_CREATE', request.permission='VAULT_INSPECT', request.permission='VAULT_READ', request.permission='VAULT_CREATE_KEY', request.permission='VAULT_IMPORT_KEY', request.permission='VAULT_CREATE_SECRET'}
Allow DYNAMIC-GROUP Management_Gateway_Dynamic_Group to MANAGE keys in compartment <> where any{request.permission='KEY_CREATE', request.permission='KEY_INSPECT', request.permission='KEY_READ'}
Allow DYNAMIC-GROUP Management_Gateway_Dynamic_Group to USE certificate-authority-delegates in compartment <>
Allow DYNAMIC-GROUP Management_Gateway_Dynamic_Group to USE key-delegate in compartment <>
Allow DYNAMIC-GROUP Management_Gateway_Dynamic_Group TO MANAGE leaf-certificates in compartment <> where all{request.permission='CERTIFICATE_DELETE',}
If the dynamic groups were previously created in the non-default domains,
then all the policies should change.
To change the policies to the non-default identity domain, modify all the
above policies using the syntax below.
Allow DYNAMIC-GROUP <Domain Name>/Credential_Dynamic_Group to USE certificate-authority-delegates in compartment <>
Allow DYNAMIC-GROUP <Domain Name>/Management_Gateway_Dynamic_Group to READ certificate-authority-bundle in compartment <>
It's possible to set up certificates manually. The administrator can
create a certificate using the OCI console. Afterwards, specify the OCID of that
certificate in the response file using the parameter
ALL {resource.type='certificateauthority','<>'}
Create Management_Gateway_Dynamic_Group with
below rule:
ALL {resource.type='managementagent','<>'}
The compartment ID is an OCID.
Required Policies:
Allow DYNAMIC-GROUP Management_Gateway_Dynamic_Group to READ certificate-authority-bundle in compartment <>
Allow DYNAMIC-GROUP Management_Gateway_Dynamic_Group to READ leaf-certificate-bundle in compartment <>
Policies are per compartment. The same compartment must be used for the Gateway
and all Agents connecting to it.
Enable Management Agents on
Compute Instances 🔗
When using a compute instance, you can use the Oracle Cloud Agent
capabilities to enable the Management Agent plug-in.
The Management Agent plugin on
compute instances runs on the Java virtual machine (JVM). Starting March 2023,
the Management Agent plugin is deployed with a Java runtime (JRE).
The Java runtime is always kept up-to-date as part of the
Management Agent upgrade process in order to address newly discovered
security vulnerabilities. After enabling the Management Agent plugin, it's
important to run the latest version of the Management Agent plugin software
by enabling automatic upgrades or manually invoking the upgrade operation
periodically. For details, see Upgrade Management Agents on Compute Instances.
Enable Management Agents Using
the Console
To confirm if the Management Agent plugin is enabled for an instance:
Open the navigation menu and click Compute. Under
Compute, click Instances.
Click the instance that you're interested in.
Click the Oracle Cloud Agent tab.
The list
of plugins displays.
Toggle the Enabled switch for the Management Agent
Use the following API operations to manage the Management Agent as an
Oracle Cloud Agent plugin:
LaunchInstance -
enables or disables plugins, or stops all plugins, when you create an
UpdateInstance -
enables or disables individual plugins, and stops or starts all plugins,
for an existing instance.
The following is an extract from the Java Sample found in the
LaunchInstance or UpdateInstance API
operations which allows the user to enable Management Agent during Launch or Update
of the compute instance respectively:
Where .name("Management Agent") indicates it's for
Management Agent plugin and
indicates to enable the Management Agent.
Next, if the Management Gateway is configured with a proxy user
name and password then you must seed the Management Gateway Credentials to
the Management Agent.
Use the following command to view the contents of
/tmp/cred.json file.