- 次のスクリプトでコンパートメントOCIDを更新します。自動破棄ジョブおよびスタック削除用のスクリプト
#!/bin/bash echo "" echo "" echo "" echo "This script destroys all provisioned resources and deletes all associated stacks in a compartment. " echo "Update the compartment OCID before you run the script." echo " " echo "**************************************************" echo "STACK DELETIONS CANNOT BE UNDONE." echo "**************************************************" echo "" echo "Starting to delete stacks from compartment id " $1 echo "Are you sure you want to continue ?" select yn in "Yes" "No"; do case $yn in Yes ) break;; No ) echo "Exiting...";exit;; esac done stacks_to_be_deleted=$(oci resource-manager stack list --compartment-id $1 --lifecycle-state=ACTIVE | jq -r ".data[].id") #stacks_to_be_deleted=$(oci resource-manager stack list -c ocid1.tenancy.oc1..<unique_ID> --lifecycle-state=ACTIVE) echo "Destroying Stacks" echo failedStackArr=() for stack in $stacks_to_be_deleted do echo "Creating a job to destroy stack : $stack" #stack_destroyed=$(oci resource-manager job create-destroy-job --stack-id $stack --execution-plan-strategy AUTO_APPROVED) #echo "oci resource-manager stack delete --force --stack-id $stack.id" job_id_destroy_stack=$(oci resource-manager job create-destroy-job --stack-id $stack --execution-plan-strategy AUTO_APPROVED | jq -r ".data.id") #poll for the status echo "Destroy job OCID : $job_id_destroy_stack" echo "Destroying resources provisioned by stack : $stack" #poll for destroy job destroy_job_status="STARTED" while [ $destroy_job_status != "SUCCEEDED" -a $destroy_job_status != "FAILED" ] do sleep 5s destroy_job_status=$(oci resource-manager job get --job-id $job_id_destroy_stack | jq -r '.data."lifecycle-state"') done if [ $destroy_job_status == "SUCCEEDED" ]; then echo "Stack resources destroyed. Now deleting the stack $stack" echo stack_deleted=$(oci resource-manager stack delete --stack-id $stack --force | jq -r ".data.id") fi if [ $destroy_job_status == "FAILED" ]; then echo "Not able to destroy resources from stack $stack" failedStackArr+=($stack) fi done if [ ${#failedStackArr[@]} -gt 0 ]; then echo "Not able to destroy resources and delete these stacks. Please run destroy jobs and delete stacks manually." echo ${failedStackArr[@]} else echo "Success. All resources have been destroyed and associated stacks have been deleted." fi echo "done "
- 次のコマンドを使用してスクリプトを実行します。
./destroy_delete_stacks_bulk_cloud_shell.sh <compartment_id>